Chapter 319 - Ready For The Quest?

"Don't worry. I already called a friend!" Ryan said, walking to the living room. He glanced at Vicky.

"Dad?" Vicky asked, looking at Connor.

"Get some ice!" Connor replied.

"What about Sarah?" Vicky asked. She looked at Connor in confusion.

"GET THE ICE!" Connor shouted at Vicky, looking at her. 

Vicky nodded, and walked to the kitchen. She got ice and placed it in a cloth, and brought it to Connor.

"Dad!" Vicky said, holding the ice. 

Connor looked at Vicky, and took the ice from her.

"Can't you be any quicker?" Connor asked. He kept the ice on the captain's wound.

Vicky stepped back, and looked at the captain, and her father.

"You don't have to be so hard on her," the captain said, looking at Connor.

"Don't talk!" Connor said. He kept pressure on his wound, and turned to Vicky. "Did you call Sarah?"

"No!" Vicky replied. Her eyes were widened. She looked shocked, and confused.