Chapter 330 - Drawing The Blueprints

"Take a nap. I'll collect all the mercenaries, and tell Matt to bring the team. I'll explain everything once everyone arrives," Ryan said. He nodded to Vicky, and stood up.

Without looking back, Ryan walked out of the room. He did not lock the door. 

Vicky looked at the door, and sighed, falling back on the ground. She did not bother to get back up. 

Vicky closed her eyes, while laying on the ground. She tried to sleep, but the floor was cold, and her thoughts kept disturbing her. But eventually, she dozed off.

A loud sound woke Vicky up. She had a nap filled with dreams that tormented her. She was trapped in her dreams, and could not wake up. She was glad when she was awoken by the sound.

Looking up, Vicky saw Miles standing at the door. He hit the door to wake her up.