WebNovelFIGHT ME39.13%

A trip with university

witnessing a girl getting in an accident

Sofia let out a cold breathe as she shakes her head

"I didn't expect that! that's a pity"

talking to herself self a chuckle left her mouth,(sounds evil right!) she opened her car door, getting inside she drove out


"girl you are evil! I saw you there why did you do that?"ヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ seeing Sofia seated in the cafeteria Jeanie ran towards her and utter while taking a seat in front of her

"what!"( • _・) not sure about what she's talking about Sofia utter tilting her head

"that girl who got in an accident!"

\(〇_o)/ with her wide eyes Jeanie extended again

"what do I do I didn't pay anyone to do that, it was just a coincidence!"

(^_-)pointing her shoulders up Sofia said casually sipping her coffee

"really! *sigh* well I thought you did!"

[(--)]zzz signing Jeanie said

"do you think your friend is that evil!"

(⌒.−)=★ leaning back while raising her eyebrows Sofia utter with a smirk on her face

"you think I forgot about the last time, what you did, WITH ME?!"ヽ(°◇° )ノ putting her hands on her waist Jeanie said with a sulking face, making Sofia laugh

"haha.. don't make me remember that. haha"(╯3╰) Sofia extended between her laugh

"you know we have our last exams next month!"\(;´□`)/ Jeanie utter being serious probably for the first time

"so!" (-_-) zzz. while Sofia said casually looking at her phone

"This is our last year, and we have to go back after that!"ಠ_ಠ making a sad pout on her face Jeanie proceed

"don't be sad! that would be another adventure!"~(^◇^)/ looking forward to what is about to come to Sofia said

"what adventure?"ヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノ Jean asked taking a seat

"We are going on a trip before exams!"ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ Sofia utter making the twins shocked

"WHAT!"└(★o★)┐ Jeanie and Jean shouted at the same time not believing Sofia

"Sometimes you guys make me think of you as actual twins!"(^_-) Sofia utter chuckling

"what trip? how do you know? who told you? why no one told me?" |°з°| Jeanie started asking her unstoppable questions

"yah yah stop! I just overheard a teacher!" (⌒.−)=★Sofia proceed to reply to her questions

"But when?"\(^o^)/ jean also stepped in

"don't know!"(^_-) Sofia said as she again looked back at her phone


"HIKING?!" stepping out of a bus Jeanie shouted with her wide eyes

"UGH! why are you shouting?" Sofia Said putting her hands on her ears

"that's how she was born!" Jean utter walking past them

"ahh" getting scared at the sudden voice Sofia screamed putting her hand on her chest

"I can't believe these are twins!" shaking her head Sofia also made her way towards the rest of the students

"why God?"Jeanie looked up at the sky and said not wanting to hike on this sunny day

"OK students we are going up to the mountain, don't worry you will find amazing views after your hard work!"

the teacher said to all the students

after long hiking they were finally on the top, everything was beautiful looking like a piece of heaven.

"I didn't expect it to be that green and beautiful!" Jeanie utter looking around

"neither me!" Sofia also extended

"now students you can start placing your camps but don't go too far from here," a teacher said warning the students

"let go to the other side!" Sofia utter with a smirk on her face

"but the teacher said don't go far!" Jean utter worry was written on his face

"I'm on Sofia's side" Jeanie utter clinging to Sofia's hand

"two votes are here! now you can decide your own!" Sofia said raising her eyebrows, knowing that he doesn't have any other option, either he can agree or go on his own

"Ugh! fine" shaking his head Jean utter agreeing to their not so innocent plan

"OK let's go!" Jeanie utter looking at Sofia with her excited face


after setting a camp for three people, Sofia and Jeanie were sitting outside while jean was trying his best to make a bonfire,

around 6:30 in the evening a black jeep came and stopped not too far from their camp

"Sofia look!" Jeanie utter sitting on a chair beside their camp along with Sofia

"looks like some people are also here to enjoy! *chuckle* why does your face looks horrified? " a chuckle left her mouth before she pressed her lips together trying to control her laugh as she saw Jeanie's horrified face, Sofia utter

"I think we should go back this place is not for students!" still in horror Jeanie utter

"This place is for humans and we are humans now shut up!" not being able to keep up with her temper Sofia utter as her laughing self turned into an annoyed one Sofia utter shutting up her friend's mouth

while Jean was still trying with his heart and soul out to light up that bonfire~

chapter 9