Using the Trillion Points

If Daniel had his physical body at that moment, his hands would undoubtedly tremble uncontrollably.

His eyes would be wide with disbelief, and his jaw would hang open, nearly touching the ground.

If the mere revelation of an Omni Trait had already shaken him to his core, then the sight of the seemingly endless list of options that had manifested before him was nothing short of mind-boggling.

The sheer magnitude of possibilities laid out before him was enough to leave anyone awestruck.

It was as if he had stumbled upon a treasure trove of unimaginable riches, each option more enticing and enigmatic than the last.

'What should I choose?'

Daniel's consciousness quivered with uncertainty as he felt the weight of the decision ahead.

Nervousness coursed through him, and he couldn't help but sense the pressure building.

'Even though I'm not keen on becoming like those...what...they were called again?'

His memory faltered, distorted by the lingering effects of corruption that clouded his thoughts.

He struggled to remember a critical piece of information, but the true memory had been replaced entirely with something else.

'Right... they were called the 10 Overlords...'

The words finally surfaced, though Daniel's recollection of them was tinged with confusion.

The 10 Overlords were the antithesis of the 10 Godly Saints, a group he had once revered.

Among them was the Demon Empress, who had once held his loyalty.

However, his loyalty had shifted, his devotion now falsely directed towards 'Lily,' a replacement for a friend whose memory had been twisted and manipulated.

'Even though I had close to no desire to be like them, I can't lie to myself that I want to be like them so much that I could protect and serve Lily in any way that I can,'

Daniel admitted with a deep sense of obligation.

His devotion to being of use to 'Lily' outweighed any personal desires he might have had.

It was a commendable resolve, albeit one rooted in false emotions and manipulated memories.

Having acknowledged this, Daniel continued to contemplate his options within the shop.

'With that in mind, as I look at this shop, which options would be the best?'

He mused, his thoughts deepening as he pondered the myriad possibilities before him.

As Daniel gazed at the shop, he noticed the columns of options neatly arranged by price, with the highest-priced items at the top and the lowest at the bottom.

The spectrum ranged from the most affordable, starting at 1000 Points, to the most extravagant, costing a staggering 1 Trillion Points.

'If it's the highest, then, that means it's the most powerful out of all, right?'

Daniel's reasoning was straightforward and uncomplicated, mirroring his youthful perspective.

'Right now, if I wish to serve Lily, then having the power to do so would be the basic choice.'

His logic was sound, emphasizing the immediate need to bolster his abilities in service of his devotion to 'Lily.'

The allure of acquiring the most powerful option in the shop was undeniable, and it seemed to align perfectly with his current priorities.

To protect Lily, Daniel recognized the paramount importance of possessing strength that could adapt to any situation.

As he gazed at the most expensive column, he found an option that seemed tailor-made for his purpose.

[: Fist of Obliteration :]

- Destroys anything on your path with just a fist, able to control the severe damage from slight damage to obliteration -

This description resonated with his desire for power.

'This is perfect...' 


The notion of being able to obliterate anything in his path with a single punch was undeniably appealing.

It made him excited just thinking about it. 

Moreover, the ability to control the intensity of the damage, ranging from slight to complete obliteration, provided a versatile tool that could adapt to various situations.

Without any hesitation, Daniel decided to purchase the Fist of Obliteration using the power of his consciousness.

[: Do you wish to buy the Fist of Obliteration? :]

'Yes,' he replied without a moment's doubt.

[: Congratulations, you have bought and received the Fist of Obliteration :]

Before he could even bask in the joy of his acquisition, the once-stable darkness and space around him began to fracture and distort.

'What's going on? What's happening?'

Panic tinged his consciousness as he observed the abrupt and disconcerting changes unfolding in his surroundings.

The sense of uncertainty and unease grew with each passing moment.

As time passed, the once-stable space around him began to crack and distort, sending shivers of unease through his consciousness.

It felt as if his very consciousness was slipping away, dissipating into the void.

Or was it dissipating, or was he waking up?

Gradually, the suffocating darkness faded, replaced by the faintest hint of light.

Along with the light, a gentle and familiar voice called out to him, softly uttering his name, 'Daniel...'

The voice grew clearer with each repetition, 'Daniel...'

It was familiar to him, but he couldn't remember who it belonged to. 

'Daniel! Wake Up!' 

And then, like a clap of thunder, Daniel was jolted awake in a panic.

His heart raced, his surroundings foreign and unfamiliar.

The voice that had called his name lingered in his ears, but his memory struggled to place it. 

''Where am I?''

Daniel questioned in a state of panic as his eyes darted around the unfamiliar surroundings.

The room he found himself in appeared to be a place where slaves slept, a place that was far from inviting.

It was a shabby space, constructed from rough-hewn wood, and the sense of fragility hung in the air as if the room could collapse at any moment.

"You finally wake up, human," a voice called out to him, cutting through the disorienting haze of his confusion.

The voice held a tone that hinted at both authority and impatience.

Gazing at the source of the voice, Daniel's eyes fell upon a figure that, while humanoid in shape, was unmistakably not human.

The being before him possessed dark red skin, prominent white curved horns sprouting from its head, and piercing scarlet slit eyes that held an otherworldly intensity.

There was no doubt about it – he was in the presence of a demon, a creature that was often despised and feared by humans.

For a brief moment, a surge of fear and confusion threatened to overtake Daniel's thoughts.

He was on the verge of questioning, 'Why is a demon here!?' in a trembling, frightened voice.

However, his new memories intervened, offering an unsettling sense of normalcy to the situation, and reminding him that this encounter was not as foreign as it might have once seemed.