Chapter 7 Workout

((A/n): In general, some people wrote to me that I cheated in the first chapter. Like, instead of three wishes, there were six. In general, I took this into account and changed it like this.


My first wish is to become a unique werewolf. And that's what makes it unique:

First, he can become stronger than the original werewolf.

Secondly, it has no limit to become a hybrid or a tribrid.

And third, its regenerative ability is taken from En Sabah Nur.

My second wish is to get an eidetic memory. But for my third wish I would like to be able to go to other worlds.


I had to remove the super soldier serum, but I don't think it will affect the story very much.

Also, in addition to this, I fixed many errors, most of which were not translated correctly.

That's all, have fun reading.


The next morning started the same way as always. First a shower, then breakfast and after school. And so I packed up all my things and drove in the direction of the school.

Today, if I'm not mistaken, Alison was supposed to come with her father, and Scott was supposed to see her along with her father.

When I arrived at school, I immediately went to class.

|In a couple of hours|

I was supposed to have lacrosse practice right now, so I'm heading to the locker room now. When I went inside, the first thing I saw was Stiles, and Scott was sitting next to him. Besides them, I saw Danny, Jackson and others. But the fact is that I'm not interested in them at all yet.

I went to my locker and sat down on an empty seat. When I started to change, Scott and Stiles came up to me and sat down next to me.

"Hey, Jack, you were right yesterday," Scott said with a rapid heartbeat.

"What do you mean?" I asked, putting on the top.

"About Alison's father. I saw them this morning. Yes, it was her father who shot me with an arrow yesterday, Scott said, recalling last night.

- I told you, I smiled looking at Scott.

"Oh, you're still smiling," Stiles interjected — " but what are you going to do? Do you have a plan?" He asked after fully putting on his uniform.

At this moment, I also finished everything, took the club and went in the direction of the field. Scott and Stiles were still following me.

- Well, to be honest, nothing. I said, still walking.

"So you really don't care?" Scott asked.

- I can't say that I don't care about that. But I can say with confidence that her father is a good person. But I'll think of something with the others, I said, thereby ending our conversation.

|In a few minutes - in training|

- Today we will train the attack and defense — - said the coach, blowing the whistle.

Seeing Jackson approaching from the side, the coach turns to him and says: "Jackson, take a long stick today."

Jackson, following the coach's order, takes a long stick and takes a defensive position.

After defeating several players who came out against him, Jackson becomes proud.

But to his regret, it was my turn to attack.

We looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds, until the coach's whistle sounded. I quickly ran in the direction of Jackson, and when he wanted to block me, I jumped over him by doing a somersault. And when I was almost landing, I turned on all my senses to the maximum, and at that moment everything around me slowed down. In this state, I looked at the goal and the goalkeeper, who was standing still, and threw the ball with good force. When I landed, the ball hit the net with a bang, passing by the incomprehensible goalkeeper.

Everyone around stood quietly, unable to say anything.

- Next, Coach Finstock shouted, - And you, Anderson, come to me, he continued in the same spirit.

- What's the problem, Coach? I asked as I approached him.

- What was that just now? Are you an acrobat? Coach Bobby asked me in disbelief.

- No, coach, I just scored a goal in a convenient way for me, I replied with a grin on my face.

- Well done, keep it up, you'll make a good captain! He shouted excitedly.

After that, I went to the side and continued to watch the training.

And now it was Scott's turn, who was not mentally present at the moment. Seeing that Scott did not start the attack, the coach shouted: 

- McCall. What are you waiting for?

Hearing his name, Scott abruptly returns to reality.

Having refocused on lacrosse, Scott waits for the coach to blow the whistle again and runs against Jackson, who then throws him back, using his stick from a lower position to get more leverage. After Scott is lying on his back, Jackson tries to get a reaction from Scott by saying:

"Are you sure you still want to be the first McCall?"The coach comes up and says:

- McCall. Hey, McCall, my grandma can move faster, and she's dead. Can't you run faster than the lifeless corpse of my late grandmother?"

"Yes, coach." Scott replies, hunched over, with burning eyes showing that his animal side is gaining strength in an internal struggle for control.

"I can't hear you," the coach says, trying to annoy Scott to make him play more aggressively.

- Yes, Coach! Scott says with more conviction.

"Then do it again!" The coach speaks, approaching Scott's face, but can't see him because his face is covered with a helmet.

"McCall is going to do it again!" McCall will do it again! Coach Finstock shouts.

And at that moment, Jack could clearly feel a flash of smell and anger, and golden eyes on Scott's face.

Then Scott returns to the starting position, looking as if he is going to attack someone.

When he hears the coach's whistle, he does so. Attacking Jackson shoulder first, Scott throws him down, where he now lies, moaning in pain, while Scott grabs his helmet and retreats back to the locker room with Stiles, as he feels that he is losing control. Unbeknownst to Scott, Derek is watching everything that is happening with a gloomy expression on his face. And when he quickly shifted his gaze quickly, he noticed that Jack was watching him. Jack, smiling, went in the direction of the locker room.

The rest of the players and the coach are fussing around Jackson to see what happened, as he fell quite hard and was still lying on the ground.

/ Locker Room|

When I went into the locker room, I saw a scene where Scott was walking in the direction of Stiles, who was huddled in a corner.

Deciding not to wait any longer, I ran towards Scott and forcibly threw him back. Seeing that Scott was going to attack again, I turned into a werewolf and growled. After my growl, Scott quickly came to his senses.

"Thank you, Jack," Stiles said, coming up to me.

"You're welcome," I said, and turned to Scott.

"It's much better now," he said, and apologized to Stiles.

After that, I said goodbye to them and went to look for Alison.

I turned on all my senses and found her in the hallway next to my locker.

|School corridor|

While I was walking in her direction, I noticed that she was moving in my direction. After passing through the turn, I met her.

- Hi, Alison, I said and kissed her on the forehead.

"Hi, Jack," she replied with a beautiful smile on her face.

- By the way, are you busy? She asked me.

"No, I was just walking in the direction of the classroom," I said with a smile.

- Oh, I also have to run to French class, but I wanted to warn you that I will come to cheer for you, Alison said, smiling.

- Oh, then I will score one beautiful goal for you, I said with a grin.

"I'm definitely waiting," she said to me and kissed me on the lips.

"Well, I'd better hurry, I have to go," Alison said and left in the previous direction.

After school, when I came home, I noticed Leon's car.

So she's at home now, I thought, and went inside.

"Jack, dinner's almost ready, take a quick bath and come down," Leona said loudly.

"Fine, I'll be right there," I said, and headed for the bathroom.

|At dinner|

We were sitting at the table and eating dinner. We didn't just sit there, but talked about different topics. One of them was my first match.

- Leona, I will have my first match the day after tomorrow, will you come? I asked her.

- Oh, really? Of course I will come to cheer for you, she said, drinking wine.

After dinner, we had a movie night, remembering the time when we lived in New York. We watched a movie there almost every night.

And after a good movie, we went to bed.