On the outskirts of a town laid a laboratory with a man on the ground dead due to a deadly gaseous chemical being accidentally made. This man is Felix and he will soon be known as [REDACTED] and be the one to end it all. Although for now he lays dead, his soul lingers, but with no conscious to even think. Let's revive him now shall we?
Wails and screams of pain could be heard from a small house in this small village.
"Please push, push harder and we can have our first child!"
"I'm trying honey but imagine how painfu- AHHHH!! Hah.. hah.."
A man leaning towards his wife walks towards the baby that was just delivered, but was curious to not hear any crying from a baby when usually they cry. The father finds scissors to cut off the umbilical cord and does so.
"Where's the baby?" Said the wife.
"He's here or at least I think it's a boy."
"Well hurry up and give him to me!"
'Where am I? Who are these giant people? Wasn't I dead a few moments ago??' The man scooped up Felix and proceeds to give Felix to a woman.
'Wait why are my limbs tiny? Hold on... am I a baby? So these people are my parents? Reincarnation is real? I can't believe...' Thoughts are continued until he looks into eyes of jade. 'Well hi ma. Alright I've been given a second chance at life so I won't waste this!'
"Aww look at my little baby."
"You mean our baby?"
"Same thing!"
"Come on let's put him in the crib"
"Can't I hold him for any longer? Won't you let me hold him for a few more minutes?"
"No and you'll have more time to hold him later, let's just let him sleep."