[Draw Ticket 1 is now being revealed....]
You have received SCP-1127!
[Draw Ticket 2 is now being revealed...]
You have received SCP-722!
SCP-1127 is a series of short films ranging between 23 and 42 minutes in length. Each film is composed primarily of scenes clipped from other movies and shorts, with additional video from various other sources. Sound and dialog have been added or modified. Anomalous properties present after a cumulative 20 minutes of exposure to the contents of any single film in the SCP-1127 series. Effects do not present when audio and video are perceived separately. Each film in the series produces a different effect on the viewer, but in each case the effect is a permanent disruption in normal behavior patterns, altering emotional reactions to various stimuli. There are four known films, designated SCP-1127-1, SCP-1127-2, SCP-1127-3, SCP-1127-4.
SCP-1127-1 Effects from Exposure: After exposure to SCP-1127-1, subjects will generally consider it the most humorous thing they've ever seen. Afterward, subjects will express disturbance and disgust at any communication normally intended to be humorous. Most jokes will be seen as offensive, and videos of comedians or comedies will cause distress or revulsion.
SCP-1127-2 Effects from Exposure: After exposure, subjects will generally express no strong emotional response to SCP-1127-2 at all. Subjects also lose interest and emotional connections to things, activities, and people they had prior to exposure. Subjects will also react to dangerous and hostile environments with disinterest to the point they will ignore immediate threats to their personal safety. Subjects also express a marked decrease in empathy and may injure or harm others out of "curiosity."
SCP-1127-3 Effects from Exposure: After exposure, subjects express extreme discomfort with technological artifacts. They dislike any object that has been machined, processed, or otherwise manufactured. This applies not only to things generally considered "technological," but to almost anything that is the result of human intervention in the environment.
Scp-1127-4 Effects from Exposure: After exposure, subjects will no longer be able to attain sexual arousal as they would have prior to exposure. Anything they would have found erotic or stimulating prior to exposure will become, at best, an object of disinterest, and occasionally it will become a source of revulsion. Instead, the subject will have acquired new, and apparently random, subjects and/or actions they consider erotic and/or stimulating. All subjects lose the ability to be stimulated by fantasizing or use of pornography, and must actively engage in their acquired fixations in order to become aroused. New sexual interests may be relatively benign (Sadomasochism, Coprophagia, Acrotomophilia, Partialism, Klismaphilia, Mysophilia, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism), potentially harmful or criminal (Asphyxiophilia, Zoosadism), or actively dangerous and likely to cause harm to the subject or others (Biastophilia, Pedophilia, Necrophilia, Apotemnophilia, Vorarephilia.)
SCP-722 is by all accounts a terrestrial serpent, of incredible size, length, and girth, coiled through a series of tunnels of unknown origin. Most of the tunnels in SCP-722's enclosure are completely smooth. SCP-722 is clearly in a state of prolonged slumber, and many parts of the creature's body have become embedded in the glacier, possibly due to cave-ins or parts of the ice re-forming over many years. While this would normally warrant a Euclid ranking, SCP-722's immense size (currently estimated at between 8 and 12km) could pose a threat to nearby cities or the world at large in the event of its awakening. Additionally, the artifact possesses formidable defensive abilities. SCP-722's skin seems to secrete a potent toxin that has currently eluded all attempts at identification. Symptoms seem largely random on a case-by-case basis, but the end result is invariably death. SCP-722's poison is not defensive in nature but intended to be used as a weapon. It would appear that SCP-722 breathes the poison in a slightly less potent but still invariably fatal form.
[SCP-722 is now being modified to suit the host's mission...]
SCP-722 will now be awakened when summoned, summon cooldown has now been implemented to SCP-722. Summon cooldown is now 30 years {Modified to be shorter in future worlds}
Masaru still sitting on his bed took approximately 10 minutes to read the data in front of him and took 2-3 hours to think of ideas to use these anomalies.
"God damn that was a lot to take in, but so many ideas to use these two, or more specifically four SCPs. Okay, I have to pack up, leave this village I'm in and find a place to get away from anyone coming after me when I killed the hundreds of guards..."
[Main Quest has now been added]
-Defeat and dispose of any and all assassin(s) after you in 10 years.
5 Draw Tickets (50% chance to fail)
[Optional Mission has now been added]
-Find or create a weapon with anomalous properties