Go Get 'em Mike!

I've always had "some" control in my life, or well lives. Although... My bosses and this... Entity or "god," really does feel like a thorn in my side. But, I guess... It's just part of the job. Working with SCPs sometimes was a pleasure. Although I felt a little bad about the subjects used. However, seeing as they are criminals, their deaths shouldn't matter that much in any world. However, just because I say that I would also include myself in this list of... 'amazing people'... Nevertheless, I follow orders.


"We will begin with all of you versus me! Use your Teigu with no hesitation, except for you Masaru-Kun, your weapon will be kept for safekeeping. However, you can use any weapons of your choosing on the rack next to the Teigu." Ordered general Esdeath.

One by one, the Jaegers readied their Teigu while Masaru looked over the rack. Battle axes that looked like they were recently used in battle, bloodied short and long swords being held. Several spears, varying in length, were also covered in blood at the sharp edge. Masaru looked back over towards the other members and then stared at Esdeath.

Masaru gave a sigh, walked back to his original spot, and took a boxer's stance, one that resembled the man whose fists used to take down opponents in one devastating swing.

Everyone gave him a confused look with Wave giving a look that said, *Are you really fighting like that?*. But they turn back to their targets.

Wave was soon covered in a marine full-body armor with his sword in front, glowing light-blue accents from the holes in the face and any crevice that isn't covered by armor.

A little girl with black hair with pigtails wearing a sailor uniform raised her sword. Dark energy sprayed across the ground, similar to electricity dancing. The ground rumbled and people wearing various clothes and multiple beasts crawled out.

Run seemed to grow wings out from his back that gave off an angelic feel to Masaru.

The muscled, tall masked man wields some sort of container on his back and a flamethrower-like weapon. The surrounding temperature flared up, with Masaru and those around the masked man uncomfortable.

Another man with a white streak on the left side of his hair with black glasses. He looked at his hands, putting on several canisters with wires attached to his sharp glove fingers. He wore a pair of blue gloves with a red serum on one hand and a green serum on the other. Small needles were attached to the hooked tips.

A fairly short young woman with auburn hair with a ponytail reaching her shoulders wore a military uniform with it leaning towards a dress a girl would wear. She had her mechanical arms attach themselves to her back and boots. Inside her upper arms revealed a submachine gun and a giant flail roughly the size of her body. A white little dog-like creature standing on its hind legs nearby the woman suddenly grew into a hulking size, with visibly defined muscles in every corner of its body.

Esdeath unsheathed her rapier and everything within 1 kilometer in diameter suddenly grew frigid. The cold snuffed the masked man's surrounding temperature out.

"Come at me with all you've got."