The funeral for Elias was held three days after his death. The morning was rainy, matching the gloom that the princess felt. Watching her father be entombed in the Valley of Kings, Aurora felt hot tears mix with cold rain on her cheeks. She was the only mourner. The Empress had forbidden anyone from attending the burial, but the dark-haired girl ignored the decree.
Zephyra had managed to keep her daughter from the ceremony, saying that it was not an appropriate place for children. Hiding in the wings as the final eulogy was spoken, the princess had followed the pall bearers to the edge of the city and to the sacred cemetery. The pall bearers did not want to disregard the Empress's orders, but in the end they could not bear to keep a child from saying goodbye to her father.
Crying along with the dreary sky, Aurora felt utterly alone. What would become of her now? Her mother already hated her, and now there was no one to speak on the girl's behalf. If Zephyra knew that it was her daughter she had attempted to poison, there was the possibility that she would try it again. The princess knew she would have to be vigilant if she was going to survive. It was no way to live, but Aurora didn't know any different.
She needn't have worried, though. Upon her return to the palace, she discovered that her mother had locked herself in her chambers. For two months, no one outside of Zephyra's closest servants and an occasional brave Council member dared face the Empress's erratic mood swings. From the hall, those who passed could hear her screams, and the constant crashes were always followed by the removal of broken furniture or knick-knacks. Finally the head physician convinced Her Majesty to take a sleeping draught. Zephyra slept for over twelve hours, and the whole palace took a collective sigh of relief.
When the Empress awoke, she emerged from her chambers calm and regal, but something was different. Her dresses, usually flowing gracefully on her thin frame, were snug and fit awkwardly. At first the Council and court assumed the beautiful woman had been eating her feelings. It was only natural for her waist to widen as she had confined herself to her room with no exercise and many sweets. As time wore on, though, dressmakers were called to loosen the waist of Zephyra's favorite gowns and new high-waisted clothing was commissioned. Finally after three more months passed, the truth was undeniable; Zephyra was pregnant.
Aurora sat at her writing desk with a book on the history of Valiant before her. At the insistence of one of her tutors, she was memorizing her family line. The princess descended from a long line of mighty warrior kings, but only under her mother's reign had the world been united under one rule. Going back nearly a hundred generations, each emperor (and an occasional empress), had expanded Valiant's reach. The city of Valiant became the Kingdom of Valiant, with each conquered land pledging its loyalty to the conqueror.
Under Zephyra, the last Mighty Battle had been fought and won. Now the world was at peace at last. While not everyone was satisfied with their empress, the people were wary to face her in battle again. Aurora scanned pages and pages as the words began to jumble. Her eyes were tired. Just as she was about to shut the book, something caught her eye.
"Nanny, how long does it take for a baby to be born?" Aurora queried. Nanny looked up from her knitting by the fire. The cold day was seeping through the walls, and the warmth felt good against her old bones.
"About nine months, give or take." The large woman went back to her craft, her large blanket nearly complete.
"When is the Empress's baby due to come?" The princess asked directly.
"Where did you hear about that?!" Nanny wanted to know.
"The kitchen staff were talking about it. Of course they didn't know I was there," Aurora added innocently. Nanny nodded. She knew the child snuck food from the kitchen instead of eating the meals sent to her room. After the emperor had been murdered, Nanny didn't blame the girl for being cautious.
"Her Majesty's baby will arrive in a little over four months." Nanny eyed her curiously, unsure of where this might be going.
"But father has been dead five months! And five plus 'over four' is MORE than nine months. How can that be?"
"I said give or take nine months, child," but Nanny's face had blanched.
"The kitchen staff said my father isn't the baby's father."
"The kitchen staff better hold their tongues if they hope to live," the woman answered sharply.
"Is it true?" The girl wanted to know.
Nanny sighed, "It's not my place to say what's true, but I'm sure the Empress will take care of everything in due course. Why do you ask?" Nanny could sense there was more to her questions.
Aurora stood from her desk and brought the book to her caretaker. "Look here! Did you know emperors used to have more than one wife? It's strange, don't you think?" Nanny nodded slowly and the girl took this as a cue to continue. "Under the law, the emperor's first born from each woman had a claim to the throne. The heir was usually recognized on the child's twelfth birthday, and could be changed as a younger 'first born' came of age."
"That's nice, child, but what does that have to do with you?"
Aurora shrugged, "If this child is also a 'first born' of the Empress, then it's possible they could rule the world."
"Do not worry too much about that, princess." Nanny comforted her charge.
"Worry? I'm excited! My brother or sister can rule, and I can finally be free of this place!"
Nanny smiled, but her eyes were sad. 'Poor child…She thinks she can be free,' the woman thought bitterly.
Aurora did not notice her caretaker's sorrow as she continued on her line of thought. "I wonder who the Empress will choose?" The girl's eyes sparkled. "I hope it is not me."
"Take life one day at a time, Princess Aurora. The child is not even born yet," Nanny scolded, ending the conversation.
Aurora nodded and went back to her desk, scribbling something on a spare piece of paper. When the child wasn't looking, Nanny slipped the history book into the large pocket of her apron. She needed to arrange a meeting with the Council. If what Aurora suspected was true, the world could have a big problem.