Forming a Plan

The others waited as Nurlan and Junayd were the last to arrive. To be fair, they had the least idea what they were doing and the furthest to go. Aurora smiled graciously as they joined the small circle. "Sorry Your Majesty," they bowed humbly.

She waved off their apology, and they began the exchange of information. "The children are safe," Devrim said gently. "But Cafer has convinced the boy to dissolve the Council. Mairwen was as plucky as ever, but Cafer mostly ignored her."

"Just as well," Aurora said. "If he considered her a real threat, he would have tried to kill her too."

Zan told of Anna, Ezer and Birger. The Guardian had gone to the other Councilmen's rooms as well, but all of them were conveniently missing. When the Guardian told them of the Blue Guard, Nurlan confirmed that he had seen them. "Nasty looking buggers, and I would not doubt for a second that some of them are gnomes. They are led by some bully human lowlife named Ledford."

Devrim and Aurora exchanged a glance. "You think it is the same Ledford from your school?" Aurora asked.

Devrim shivered, "Ugh, I hope not."

All together, they pieced the information until a fuller picture was revealed. Unfortunately this took time, and they did not have much of it left.

"I have to get past the Blue Guard and onto the balcony. It will hard for him to announce my death when everyone can see me in the flesh." Aurora gave a wry smile.

"I am coming with you. You are good with a bow and arrow, but your swordsmanship needs work, dear wife." Devrim winked at her, and she could not refuse.

"I did see Captain Caleb, Your Majesty. He was less than pleased with the Blue Guard. Perhaps we can make contact with him and rally your loyal troops against Cafer's men," Junayd suggested.

"Excellent idea. Create a diversion, and then get whomever you can and meet us on the platform. I suspect Cafer won't go down without a fight."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the soldiers bowed their heads.

"Brinn and Alvar, I will entrust my children to you. Do you think that you can get them off the balcony and to safety?" Aurora looked to the elves, who both nodded. She knew that with their powers, they would be best able to protect the children.

"Will they trust us?" Brinn asked with a knitted brow.

"Hopefully they will see you are with me and know that you are safe. Mairwen has a way about these things. If she trusts you, so will Alaron. You will have to make yourselves look human, of course." Aurora indicated the elves' pointy ears and golden skin. Instantly, both the elves changed their appearance. "Much better," Aurora said approvingly.

"Speaking of keeping people safe, Zan said there is usually a crowd below the balcony. I would not put it past Cafer to use them when things start to go poorly for him." Gandr was realistic. He knew Cafer would do anything to protect himself.

"Zan, can you handle clearing out the courtyard? I do not want any innocent people getting hurt."

"Shouldn't I come with you, Your Majesty?" Zan was slightly hurt. He hoped to be in on the action.

"If Cafer told everyone you are a traitor, which I suspect he has let leak, then anyone who sees you with me may be inclined to attack before they know the truth. You would stand out in your black cape in the palace, but on the grounds, you can blend in." Aurora was more afraid for the Guardian's life than her own. Zan reluctantly agreed.

"What about me?" Gandr still had no job. He did not want to sit around on his hands while everyone else risked life and limb.

"You should probably change your appearance too, Gandr. Your face is rather recognizable around here," Zan responded.

Gandr was hesitant to shape-shift in front of the elves. He still had not told them that he was part elf. "I will," he said.

Aurora could see he was upset. "Don't worry. I have probably the most important job for you. The only exits are from the Emperor's and Empress's room, which is inconvenient. I need you to free Birger and bring him to me, let out Nurlan and Junayd somewhere near my soldiers, and release Zan to the outside."

"What about you?" Gandr asked.

"The rest of us will use the natural exit and with a little luck, we should be able to reach the balcony without help. If you have time after everything else, help Zan clear the crowd. That way you can be close at hand if we need you. You are the only one with ground magic among us." Aurora clapped her hands. "Can anyone think of anything else?"

No one responded and the plans were concluded. It was decided that Nurlan and Junayd should be dropped off first. Gandr followed them and helped them look for Caleb or one of the other truly loyal palace guards. It took some time, but finally they found Caleb standing at his duty post outside the dungeon without a spear. "This is our stop," Nurlan said. Gandr nodded. The tensions between them had lessened, but they still could not be said to be friends.

"I wish you both well." As quietly as he could, Gandr opened a doorway in a hidden alcove to release the two men.

"Thank you," Junayd whispered as the crevice closed. The two men rounded the corner and Caleb drew his sword reflexively. "Hold it, Captain," Junayd said. "It is only me and Nurlan."

Caleb hesitated, not believing his own eyes. "Junayd? You have been gone for months! Some thought you died."

"We were on special assignment, which is what has brought us to you now. Can you assemble your men?" Nurlan tried to speed things along.

"Precious few of them are left. The Chief has dismissed many of them on trumped up charges and replaced them with his Blue Guard. He gave me this duty hoping I would resign."

Junayd shook his head sadly, "I am sorry to hear that, but we will take anyone you can find."

Caleb nodded, "What do you have in mind?"

The two soldiers exchanged a glance and Junayd motioned for his senior to continue. "I do not know what you have heard, but the Empress is alive."

Caleb interrupted, "Fates be praised, that's good news! The rumors have been circulating for weeks of her death. Then the Empress's entourage arrived last night, and Chief Cafer confirmed my worst fears."

"Chief Cafer tried to have her murdered, but he failed. We need her loyal men to defend her as she confronts him at the proclaimation."

The captain nodded excitedly. "I will gather everyone I can find…"

Just then a Blue guard rounded the corner toward the dungeon. "What's going on…" the man got no further before Nurlan knocked him across the jaw. The guard crumpled to the floor, unconscious.

"Get him into a cell." Caleb helped them get the limp form into the dungeon and lock him up.

"It's not a bad idea," Nurlan mused, "to lock up as many of these guys as we can before they are onto us."

Junayd smiled, "The Empress said to create a diversion. I would say missing soldiers qualifies."

Caleb caught on quickly, "While I rally my men, I will send any of the Blue Guard down here towards you that I see. Is there anything else I can do?"

The two men looked down at their white robes that the Fates had provided, "I don't suppose you get a hold of some uniforms for us?"