The Show Must Go On

Out in the Spring Garden, much of the ground was cleared and a stage erected. Many of the guests were gathered around ready for the performers to begin. Led by a servant, Aurora and Devrim took their seats.

The first act was an acrobat. His strange patchwork costume, made his tumbles interesting to watch as he moved round the stage. He was joined by a woman and the two bent their bodies in ways that were equally fascinating and horrifying.

Then a group of women took the stage and showed off a variety of exotic animals. Birds flew through the air to retrieve thrown grapes, and beautiful large cats of many colors pranced around with their tamers. Aurora wondered if the cats and birds ever got accidentally mixed. That would end very poorly indeed.

A fire breather with a large tattoo across his bare chest took the stage. Although the platform on which he stood was wood, he assured his audience that they were perfectly safe. Taking a swig of a clear liquid, he blew into the sky and lit the spray on fire. Like a dragon's breath, the fire licked at the sky before dissipating into the blue-grey sky. As the sky darkened into night, the fire was blown in every direction before the flame itself was eaten by the performer, and the light extinguished.

"Nothing could possibly top that!" Aurora whispered excitedly. Just then a troupe of actors took over, feverishly setting up for their play. A man with a tall hat with hair that looked like snakes wrapped around it cleared his throat to speak.


"Glad you could finally tear yourself away," Cafer, disguised as a general, said smugly.

"I never get to party like this on my ship or when we take over a town. I figured I should be able to live a little," Lord Picaroon, better known as Xander, responded with a laugh. Despite Aurora's safeguards, the men had found a blind turn with only two guards watching doors, and they had removed the soldiers from their posts. The men lay unconscious and bound behind the schemers in a small store room.

"This party is about to get far more exciting. The main event will begin any moment." Cafer removed the Semblance Stone from his wrist, and his true form was revealed.

"That is a terribly useful toy you have there," the pirate admired the one-of-kind piece.

"A tool is only as good as the hands that wield it. Speaking of which, are your men in position?" The gnome looked like a child who was about to play his favorite game. The expression caused the pirate a bit of unease.

Xander twisted his mustache between his fingers. "The men are where we need them to be. My men will play your part. It is quite an elaborate scheme you have made here. You have a flair for the dramatic." The pirate waved his jewelry-covered hand in the air. "It is something we have in common," he added with a wicked grin.

"Alaron made a wise decision to include you," Cafer praised the boy.

"The prince is coming along well." Xander patted the gnome on the back once. Normally people touching him made Cafer angry, but just now he was in too good a mood. "I only hope the boy will keep his end of the bargain."

"I will make sure that he does," the gnome promised. He leaned down to put something in one of bags at his feet. "For safe keeping," he said. Gently, Cafer replaced the Semblance Stone on his wrist. Satisfied with his disguise, he nodded. "Shall we catch the show, Lord Picaroon?"

"With pleasure, General." The two men left the room heading towards the Spring Garden, very pleased with themselves.


The stage was set and the players took their places. In the center of the stage, a man in a blue gown with heavy make-up and a dark wig sat on a large chair with a bland smile on his face.

In his tall hat, the man with the snakelike hair began to speak off to one side. "Once there was a young queen," the tale began.

"Oh I am so young!" The man dressed like a queen said in a high voice.

From the audience Devrim leaned over to Aurora. "His female voice is about as good as your male one," he joked.

"Hush!" the Empress responded indignantly. "I cannot hear."

The actor on stage continued as he twirled the hair of his wig. "My parents are dead and only my siblings are left. Whatever will I do?!" There was a dramatic pause.

The narrator took over the story, "The very young queen was worried about her siblings claim to the throne. She was very jealous that that might usurp her. So she came to a decision."

The queen on stage gave a conspiratorial grin. "I will lie!" The line was so ridiculous that there was a ripple of laughter through the audience. Two actors appeared on stage with dolls wrapped in blankets. "Hello brother and sister… I mean son and daughter!" The queen covered her mouth in fake surprise.

"What about your age?" The narrator asked. "You are so very young!"

"I will lie about that too! Eighteen seems like a more fitting age for me, I think!"

The crowd started mumbling to each other. Again the narrator questioned the queen, "But you have no husband? What will your subjects think?"

The actor gave a girlish laugh. "I will invent a husband. How hard can that be?" An actor resembling Devrim appeared with his face painted to look like a puppet. "See? There he is!" The queen put her hands around the puppet king and danced him around the stage. "Now my entire kingdom will worship me, and I can laugh at what fools they all are!"

Aurora was too stunned to speak. She watched in horror as the narrator continued. "Years passed and the wicked queen laughed because of her own cleverness. Eventually the wise prince grew in stature and brilliance." The narrator pointed to a new actor, one with shining armor and blond hair. "When he was out slaying yet another dragon for his queen, a strange visitor came to him."

A figure dressed in white with wings appeared on stage. "The queen has lied to you. She is your sister and your parents named no heir. Your throne has been stolen from you! The queen has made you a fool!"

The actor prince held his hand on his heart as he took in this information. "This cannot stand!" He yelled.

A battle ensued on stage with the prince being the ultimate victor. The narrator clapped, "At last the righteous prince claimed his rightful place as king, and the kingdom was more prosperous than it ever had been. The land rejoiced that the lying queen was at last dethroned!" Trumpets sounded from the sides of the stage to punctuate the point.

Instead of applause, the nobility began to whisper to one another. They looked toward the Empress and Emperor, unsure what to think. Aurora was white as a sheet, mortified from what she had just witnessed.

"Cafer!" Devrim whispered with a fury that made his face crimson.

"Yes," the dark-haired woman agreed at last.

"What do you want to do?" Devrim was angry about his portrayal, but far more upset by the unjust treatment of his wife.

Aurora breathed deeply. "I do not know. The gnome has far too cleverly opened the box so that we cannot shut it. I fear not even the truth will quench the fire he has lit…"