A Father’s Revelation

Devrim started in horror at the scene before him. Mairwen's dress was torn, exposing part of her leg. Her head covering was ripped and thrown to one side and a dark cloak was now draped across her shoulders. However, that was not the most disturbing part. She had her arms firmly wrapped around a handsome young man who Devrim did not not fully recognize. It was only when both Eira and Nurlan called the boy's name that recognition began to sink in.

"Wait, THAT is Renat?" Devrim yelled in astonishment. "B-b-but that is the servant boy who was supposed to serve the scientist," he stammered.

Nurlan shook his head. "That is the scientist himself, Your Majesty. He has endured much to be here."

"But the scientist is old. I am sure of it..." Those soldiers around him began to chuckle. Of course they had the courtesy to cover their grins behind coughs and yawns, but it was not enough. The Emperor turned red. "All of you knew?! Why did no one tell me?"

"Her Majesty was waiting for the right time." Junayd answered gently. "She knew you might react unfavorably."

"Even you, Junayd! My own most trusted general has turned against me. I may as well retire if no one will respect me." Devrim huffed at no one in particular. He narrowed his eyes on the boy on the dunes below. "Aurora and I are going to have a conversation...this...this boy is getting no where near my innocent daughter."

Orhan, who was standing next to Devrim on the opposite side from Junayd, laughed heartily. "Too late for that, Your Majesty. The fox has found his way into the hen's house, but I honestly think that she let him in..."

Devrim could not refute his words. It was clear that Mairwen was the one with a firm grip on the boy. The Emperor sighed. "Do you have any daughters, Orhan?"

"I do not, Your Majesty," the Chieftain admitted.

"Normally I would pity you, but just now I think you are most blessed among men..." Devrim crossed his arms and glared.

In the absence of Her Majesty, Nurlan felt he had to be the voice of reason. "At least talk to the boy before you pass judgement, Your Majesty..."

Devrim's eyes narrowed to a slit. "Oh, I will talk to him. I just hope talking is all I do..."


The growing crowd was causing Renat to panic. He tried to pull himself from the princess's grasp, but she was not willing to let him leave so easily. And every one of her touches sent the scientist in a tailspin of emotion.

"Please, Princess Mairwen. We need to go meet your father," Renat begged. He could see the scowling Emperor standing atop the dune with Junayd, Nurlan and others.

"I told you to call me Mairwen," the girl insisted.

"Please Mairwen!" he said more loudly than he intended. Those nearest them gasped audibly. 'I am in so much trouble,' the boy realized.

Having received what she required, the princess released the scientist, and together they made their way toward the welcome party.

Renat fell on his face at the Emperor's feet. "Forgive me, Your Majesty. It is not what it looks like."

"That's good," Devrim responded evenly. "Because it looks like you assaulted my daughter, ripping both her headscarf and dress only to bewitch her into holding onto you for dear life." Even without looking up, Renat could feel the Emperor's gaze bore into the back of his head.

"Father!" Mairwen was scandalized. "How could you be so cruel? This is Renat the Scientist." She pulled him from the ground, but the boy would not meet anyone's eye. He could hear their hurried whispers, and it made his ears burn.

"I thought that the scientist of yours was much older," Devrim countered.

"Then you were misinformed for I never said such a thing," Mairwen challenged. "And as for our appearance, Renat just saved me from a deadly assassin."

"That's not exactly how..." Renat was cut off by Nurlan.

"Hemel was here?!" the general asked. He looked around for the fiend. "What happened?"

"A great paw came up and dragged him beneath the surface," Renat shivered unconsciously as he spoke. He had been too focused in the moment to fully process it.

"That was after Renat blocked a blow from his poisoned blade and stabbed him to protect me." Mairwen would not let the desert wolf have all the credit.

"And Her Highness shot him with an arrow," Renat added.

"You two make quite the team," Junayd nodded his approval before Devrim silenced him with another glare.

"Thank you for your service, Renat the Scientist," Devrim said with authority. "You may go."

"Sire?" Renat lifted his head to try to understand the command.

"Father!" Mairwen's mouth dropped open in fresh concern.

Devrim held up his hands to stop her verbal onslaught. "I mean you may go and get changed and freshen up. We will continue talking soon..." It was clear that the Emperor was trying to make the boy uncomfortable. It worked. Renat stood and bowed repeatedly.

"Sire? May I have just a moment?" the boy ran back to the sand below and returned with the princess's pack. "I would like to return Her Highness's pack," Renat avoided calling Mairwen by her first name. "The Empress is quite anxious to talk to both of you."

"You mean?" Devrim's heart leapt in his chest.

"Look!" Mairwen pulled the magical mirror from the pack.


"That's it. We are out!" Reyan blurted at King Zoltan.

"I hardly think the color of banner we are waving is a reason to pull out of a war," Aurora rolled her eyes at the old fairy. "Everyone can have their own banner. It is not like the gnomes will care, and I certainly do not."

"But the banner is our badge of honor! Why would we settle for that ugly green of the elves when their are far better shades to incite fear in our enemy? Might as well be orange, bleh! I would much rather fight under a noble shade of blue," Reyan held his fist on his heart nobly.

"Remind me again why this old geezer is here?" Zoltan asked.

"I am beginning to wonder that myself," Bolemir agreed. The other fairy had already scooted his chair away from the problem maker.

"I don't like you," Reyan hissed across the table at the king.

"That's enough nectar for you," Aurora leaned forward and took the fairy's cup. "Be nice," she whispered.

Reyan crossed his arms and mumbled to himself. "Be nice…they should be nice to me too!"

The group, which consisted of the elven king, queen and prince, Aurora and her traveling companions, and Bolemir and Reyan, sat in the elven palace around the war room table.

After leaving the mystic spires, the Empress and her crew were able to take the most direct path back to the fairies. It seemed not even the wyverns wanted to mess with the fiery-haired woman, and they traveled in complete peace.

Upon reaching the fairies, the trio was joined Bolemir and Reyan. The larger group portaled, with permission, to the palace of the elves. After leaving their unicorns in the stables, the group was welcomed warmly. Lanassa had taken special care to make sure that her nephew had everything he desired.

Now all of them were gathered in the war room, hoping to discuss how best to approach the coming battle. But things had quickly devolved into chaos under Reyan's less than gentle hand.

"Can we get back to how we will get Bukuri home?" Lanassa brought them back to a topic that was less likely to cause an argument. It was also the only reason she had not left the room when all the shenanigans started.

"We are waiting on word that the group has reached the Emperor so we can decide our next steps." Aurora reminded them, happy for the reprieve. "Any news on that front, Agent Gandr?"

Gandr had been munching quietly on the provided snacks. He looked up guiltily from his plate, and held up the glowing mirror. "I had been waiting for the right moment to interrupt."

"That moment was quite sometime ago when certain people began to argue about which color would make the enemy wet themselves on sight…" Zan threw a glare toward Reyan, who simply shrugged.

"Color choice is very important," the fairy asserted even as everyone else groaned.

"Please pass the mirror here, Gandr." Aurora held out her hand politely and took the looking glass.

She held up the mirror and to her delight Devrim's face filled the glass. Her heart swelled until she heard her husband's words.

"My love, the most curious thing has happened. Renat has brought me the magical mirror. He has grown twenty years younger and at least twice as handsome as I expected. How do you suppose this happened?" Devrim's firm jaw was clenched even as his face faded from view.

Inside the war room, Zan and Gandr looked on with wide eyes while the rest seemed confused by the cryptic message.

"Who is Renat?" Reyan asked with a smirk. He enjoyed the uncomfortable shifting of the Empress more than he would admit.

"Renat was supposed to deliver the mirror to my husband. He is a scientist and will be very valuable to our cause. But I suspect Devrim is upset because he has discovered that Renat is also quite taken with the princess. He mistakenly assumed the scientist was much older than he is." Aurora pretended not to notice the exchanged glances and hidden amusement of those listening.

"You let your husband go on in blissful ignorance while someone courted his daughter?" Reyan could barely believe his ears.

"Nothing happened, and 'court' is a very strong word." Aurora defended herself. She was glad that her hair was covering her ears just now, though her politician's mask was surely failing her under the table's gaze.

"You do not have to explain to us," Reyan chuckled, "unless you are practicing what you will tell your dear husband."

Aurora stood, "If all of you will excuse me, I would like to adjourn this meeting until later. I have a pressing matter with my husband before we continue our plans." The Empress walked with dignity from the room with the mirror in hand.

Reyan rose and went to follow Aurora before his path was blocked by Zan and Gandr.

Reyan raised his eyebrows up and down. "Come on! Anyone else want to eavesdrop? No? You guys are no fun…"