Renat chuckled softly. "Funny you should ask, because..." He was unable to finish his sentence.
Like some devilish imp, the music reached its climax, causing the group to spin at a dizzying speed. Out of nowhere, Metehan's two daughters appeared with their partners and the four surrounded the princess and scientist.
The quartet held their scarves over Renat and Mairwen, making a cross that lowered between the couple. They spun counter to the pair wrapping their long scarves around the two until they were entwined together. It all happened so fast, that Renat did not understand what was occurring until he was pressed firmly up against the girl of his dreams. She smiled sweetly at him, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The song ended and those who had gatherer watched expectantly.
"It is customary that those caught in the web at the end of the line kiss to set themselves free," the younger sister offered. A ripple of laughter from those nearby brought the entangled pair back to their senses. Mairwen blushed heavily.
"It can be a small peck on the cheek," the other sister said when she saw their hesitance.
"Princess Mairwen, I am so sorry. I had no idea of this custom, I swear!" Renat began to panic.
The princess took his fear for disgust and graciously removed the scarves that bound them. "I believe you meant no harm, Renat. We both got caught up in the moment. Excuse me." Renat saw the tears that filled her eyes as she turned and ran from the fire's light.
"I am such an idiot..." Renat scolded himself.
"I'll say," one of the men who had been dancing agreed.
"Thank you, random gentleman..." Renat rolled his eyes.
"Go after her!" the crowd turned on the scientist.
"But she does not want to see me..." Renat argued as he hung his head.
The same gentleman wrapped his arm firmly around the girl next to him, causing her to giggle. "Then you know nothing of love. Go!" He motioned toward the desert where Mairwen had last been seen.
Renat decided to believe him and hurried off in the direction that he saw the maiden leave. If nothing else, he needed to make sure she was safe. When he finally found her, she was sitting on a dune, looking up at the sky. Her dress made her blend into the skyline, and Renat had to bllink many times to make sure she was actually there.
"Aren't you afraid of that paw that came out of the ground earlier?" Renat said as he approached.
Mairwen quickly wiped her eyes and refused to look his way. "The sand wolves seek out blood in the desert, and usually not so close to the oasis. We should be fine."
"May I sit?" Renat tried to stay casual. His thumping heart hoped that she would not refuse.
"Of course. No one should enjoy the stars alone," the princess gave him a small grin, but nothing like the dazzling smile that had nearly made him faint when they were dancing.
The scientist sat and regarded the sky. "Beautiful." Then he looked at the girl next to him. Her arms were crossed and her knees drawn into her chest. His heart clenched as he realized that he had made her cry. "I am sorry..."
Mairwen laughed quietly. "You are always sorry."
"I mean about the dance. As I was saying when you left, I had no idea about the tradition of the couple at the end of the line..." Renat stumbled his way through an explanation.
Mairwen's face became hard. "I know. I know. You did not want to kiss me. Can we change the subject?"
"What? No! I want to kiss you very much," the scientist blurted. Realizing what he said, he tried to backtrack. "I mean who wouldn't want to kiss you. Not that everyone wants to take advantage of you. I don't want to... I mean. I practiced my speech all afternoon just to end up like this." Renat covered his face with his palm. 'What a mess!'
The princess flushed and her shoulders relaxed. "Don't take it back! If you meant it, tell me. Do you want to kiss me?"
"More than anything," the boy answered honestly.
"Then I would very much like to hear your speech." The girl leaned slightly sideways and bumped the scientist gently with her shoulder. The action was enough to clear all the thoughts from Renat's head, leaving him empty.
He stared into Mairwen's eyes: those beautiful blue eyes that held his hopes and dreams. "Turn around," he croaked, his throat drier than the desert that surrounded them.
"Excuse me?" The princess pursed her lips.
"Turn around. I cannot give my speech with you looking at me." Renat nodded with conviction.
Mairwen turned her back to the boy and hugged her knees. She closed her eyes to listen more intently.
Renat took a deep breath. "Mairwen," he began, making sure to leave her title behind as she had asked. That one simple word sent a wave of pleasure over the girl. The scientist continued, "I know I am not worthy. I come from commoners and have only my rudimentary cooking skills and my scientific pursuits that give me any credit. Neither of those has any business hoping to have the love of someone as amazing as you. Even if you were not a princess, there is not a jewel in the entire world that could rival your worth. You are kind, clever, honest and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. No one deserves you, least of all me. Yet, I know without a doubt that I love you. If you do not feel the same way, only say the word. I will never speak of this again. But please do not banish me from your sight. I have seen days without you in them, and they very dark indeed."
"You love me?" the girl asked quietly.
"I love you," Renat left no room for guessing in his words.
"And a moment ago when you did not kiss me?" Mairwen kept her back to the boy. He could not tell by her words if she were happy or angry.
"I did not try to kiss you because I did not want to force it. You had no idea of my intentions and that would have been unfair." Renat paused but the girl did not move.
"Can I turn around now?" she asked quietly.
"What? Oh! Yes, sorry," he had nearly forgotten that he asked her to look away.
The princess turned slowly, her eyes again wet, but this time with joy. She searched the man's face for a long time wanting to etch it into her memory. She silently ran her fingers through the man's sandy hair. His head relaxed against her hand. It felt like heaven had descended in her gentle touch.
"I have heard your intentions," Mairwen answered him with a gentle smile, "Now hear mine. I love you too. Even from the moment I received your first letter, there was something stirring inside of me. I pushed it away, but when I met you, it only got stronger. At first I thought it was just close friendship I wanted, but the more time I spent with you, the more I realized that was not enough. It would never be enough. When I thought you died, my heart shattered into a million pieces. I am still not positive that you are back. It seems like a lovely dream I invented just to cope. But as long as you are here, I never want to spend another day without your voice, your love, and from this day onward, your kiss."
"Really?" Renat could not believe his ears.
"Really," Mairwen confirmed.
Renat came to his knees and placed his hands tenderly around the woman's head. Her dark hair felt like satin against his fingers. She put up no resistance and their lips met in a passionate kiss. Wrapping his hands around her waist, Renat felt all the joy of realized dreams. He loved and was loved. The world around the lovers faded, and they missed the cluster of shooting stars pass overhead. Finally they broke their kiss and pressed their foreheads together.
The princess had heard of butterflies in her stomach, but these felt more like the scientist's burst balls exploding inside her. "That...that was perfect," Mairwen said, starry eyed.
"You're perfect," Renat responded, pulling the woman in for another kiss. The princess obliged happily before separating from him once more.
"You know we are being watched, right?" Mairwen asked as she looked over one shoulder.
"I had a decent idea," Renat sighed. He had hoped it was not true.
"Junayd and Eira! Care to join us in our stargazing?"
The two soldiers stumbled into view exchanging dirty looks and muttering who was at fault for the discovery. They viewed the couple, who had sat back on the sand and cuddled together. "Your Highness, we were just out taking a walk," Junayd tried.
"Don't lie," Mairwen laughed. "I respect my father sending chaperones to protect me. Fortunately, this man is not someone that will hurt me."
Renat pulled the woman close and she laid her head on his shoulder. The pleasure on his face outshone the stars overhead. Junayd could not help but smile. "Yes, Your Highness."
"I hope you soldiers are not tired," the princess whispered, "because I fully intend to watch the sunrise from this very spot."
Renat kissed the top of her head, happy to oblige. With that, all four settled down to regard the stars. The stars seemed to regard them as well, for many more passed across the sky, eager to get a glimpse of the young love burning brightly below.