
Mairwen changed into her best riding outfit. She wanted to look nice, but realistically she also needed to be able to ride and hunt.

The dark green fitted bodice and special wide legged pants that resembled a skirt were made specially for the princess based on a design of Orhan's wife. The cloth was very thick to ward off the winter chill, but still quite flattering. Mairwen examined herself in the mirror as a lady-in-waiting tied up her hair tightly and put some blush on the woman's cheeks.

Finally, the princess was ready for what she assumed would be a very big event. Her mind drifted back to the conversation she had overheard the night before, and Mairwen rushed to the stables to meet her love. A visiting countess saw the woman's hasty movement and shook her head at the unladylike behavior. If only she had remembered her own thoughts of love, she would have understood.

Having only waited an extra half-hour, Renat was surprised when the princess appeared. She flitted along the ground toward him more gracefully than a fairy. "You look divine," the man said, which brought the lady quite a bit of pleasure, and even more color to her cheeks.

"You look very handsome yourself," Mairwen complimented him. She tilted her head at his grimace. "What?"

"That remark would be more flattering if I had not heard you call your baby brother that just yesterday." Renat forced a small smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.

The princess nodded. "Hm, fair point. What shall I call you then? Dapper? Suave? Smooth?"

"Any of those will do," Renat agreed easily. "As long as they come from you."

Looking at him, Mairwen did think he looked dapper. His dark wool cap covered his slightly curled locks and his forest green cape had an extra fringe of fabric that accentuated his wide shoulders. While not bulky, Renat was still fit, and the outfit he wore accentuated his muscular build.

"Yes, well," the princess stammered, realizing she had not responded for some time. "I suppose we should head out. Do we need to order the food?"

With a flick of his wrist, Renat pulled a picnic basket from beneath his cloak. Steamy breath billowed from his mouth as he chuckled. "Of course there isn't any piping hot food," he gave the princess a meaningful look for her tardiness, "but there is an insulated area container of warm milk that should keep us cozy."

From the palace, Eira appeared in armor with a thick coat over it. She marched through the frozen courtyard, having been delayed as she received final instructions for the day. Captain Caleb had many orders that he wanted her to keep in mind. That was in addition to what both the Empress and Emperor had told her. The personal guard felt like her head might explode from all the information.

"Ah! Here is our faithful chaperone. Of course we could not leave without you." Renat was glad to see Eira. Without her, their trip would be considered inappropriate. A lady-in-waiting would have been more proper, but the Royal family had at least a few quirks, and not feeling very close to her ladies-in-waiting was one of Mairwen's eccentricities. So Eira would attend them as their guard and for propriety's sake.

"Your Highness. Sir. The Royal Guard has cleared a section of the forest to make sure it is clear of intruders. It should be safe for your picnic and hunting trip," Eria told them after she bowed.

"It is probably clear of animals too," Renat commented. He wanted the princess to be safe, but in this case, the preparations may have ruined their hunt.

Mairwen echoed his thoughts, "It will be hard to track anything in the snow if there are human footprints everywhere." She exhaled a short breath, and white steam puffed into the air. "But we will make the best of it." Her genuine smile made Renat feel warm all the way to his toes.

"Any time with you is the best time," he countered. "Now, let's go get the horses before the sun has the chance to get any further overhead." Renat kissed her, wrapping his arms around her waist and postponing them further.

Pressing her lips together as she pulled away, Mairwen gave a knowing grin. "Blaming the sun for your own delays? How predictable!"

Renant laughed heartily and pulled her close again. "If doing things like this makes me predictable, then I shall be as predictable as the day is long." He gave her a gentle peck.

"Stick with that." The princess enjoyed feeling his strong arms around her.

Renat nodded, his chin coming to rest on the top of the woman's head. "Yes, my love. I shall be quite predictable for a time." He leaned down and whispered softly in her ear. "For how can I surprise you if you are expecting it?" Then he disengaged and ran for the stable.

Glad to see the man in such a playful mood, the princess chased after him to where the horses awaited them.


The snow covered most of the ground, but there were occasional pockets of dry earth where the trees grew too thickly overhead for the white blanket to reach the ground. One of these places was where Renat placed the thick quilt that had been rolled up on the back of his horse.

Licking his finger and holding it to the air, the scientist guided the princess to what he deemed the perfect spot on the cloth. From the horse he grabbed the basket and opened it for the lady's perusal. Mairwen selected what she wanted, and Renat sat down happily beside her to enjoy the meal.

"What a romantic spot," Mairwen said as she leaned against him. "It is a winter wonderland!"

"I know how much you enjoy the snow," Renat reminded her. "I was very glad when I saw the new layer as I arrived."

"Snow is one of my favorite things. The little flakes are so fascinating! They look like little shimmering gems." The Princess shivered in delight as her eyes glittered like the snow. To Renat, they were an icy blue color, and he could easily get lost within their depths.

"I know what you mean." Renat chuckled before looking away. "Speaking of things that sparkle…"

The scientist reached into the pack he carried at his side and pulled out a small box. Mairwen's heart leapt within her chest. It did not seem real!

Renat turned slowly with a gentle smile on his face. He opened the box. "I have something very special for you," he told her.

Mairwen furrowed her brow. It was not a ring inside. Renat tilted the box and let the bauble fall into her hand. "What is it?"

"The scholar who made it calls it a tiny world. He used the ball technology I made and added a miniature village inside. It is his hobby. I asked him if he could make one of Castle Valiant with little flakes like snow inside. He happily obliged, especially when he found out who it was for. I give you the very first SnowBall!" he announced triumphantly, only realizing after the fact how silly his name sounded.

"It looks like a little globe," the princess said, working her hardest to hide her disappointment.

"Now, it can be always snowing on your home," Renat put his hand around hers and shook the ball. The little flakes went flying like a flurry. The Princess's weak smile grew into a real one as she watched the shimmery flakes settle.

"It is beautiful and very sweet. You are so thoughtful!" Mairwen kissed the man on the cheek before shaking the ball again. The fake snow was mesmerizing to watch. "I love it. Thank you!"

Pushing aside her initial sadness that it had not been jewelry, the blue-eyed woman knew what a truly thoughtful gift it had been. She was very blessed. Mairwen kissed the boy again, this time on the mouth.

"What was that for?" Renat asked. "Not that I'm complaining. It just felt like it had meaning behind it."

Mairwen blushed slightly. "It was just for being you. You are wonderful."

"As are you. Now if you are finished. I think it is time for you to enjoy your other gift."

"Other gift?" Mairwen raised her eyebrows as her lips parted slightly, only to understand his meaning too late. "Oh, you mean the bow."

"What did you think I meant?" Renat asked with an innocent look. It was a little too innocent, Mairwen thought, but she dared not accuse him of anything

"I was simply confused," she answered, lifting her nose slightly in the air.

The scientist let the matter go. He held out the box for her to put back the ball, and she gently laid it in the protective cover. After stowing away the bauble, he returned and offered his hand to the princess. "Shall we go? I think this will be a hunt to remember."

Mairwen smiled coyly, her hope renewed. "Oh! Then yes, let us go!"