
Hanna took a sip of water. "So I walked. I faced or hid from all the wild creatures without using magic until I could find a unicorn willing to take me to the elves. The golden-skinned ones gave me what information they had: that the battle was won and that you had gone back to Valiant.

"As you can imagine, I was both relieved and frustrated by this news. I was glad that good had prevailed, but it meant an even longer journey for me. My unicorn companion took me all the way to the ice barrier before we parted ways. I could not stomach having something terrible happen to him. With what little magic he had left, his horn would not remain hidden for long, and he would be unable to defend himself in the mundane world, so I continued on alone.

"Did you know," Hanna sighed, "Just how cold snow really is? I must admit I had no idea until my feet nearly froze. I finally happened upon the wood nymphs, who are stuck in creature form currently, and rode one of the stags all the way to the port city of Obsequence. I likely would have died in the woods if he had not helped me forage for food."

Aurora had experienced a similar mercy from the nymphs on their return from the Great Lake. When the troops had run low on their food store, Wai had spoken for the humans. As a result, the Empress had been spared from making a nearly impossible choice.

"From there, I bartered my way down the coast and across the plains. The elves gave me a little money so I could buy food and necessities. Still, most people are wary of my appearance, so I stayed out of sight when I could. I was nearly set upon by bandits at one point, but they found a better target than a frail blue-skinned beggar and moved on. Otherwise I might be dead on the side of the road. Fortunately the castle guards recognized me and let me in without question. I was so tired that I wasn't sure what I would do if they turned me away."

Hanna closed her eyes once more, and Aurora wiped the perspiration on Fate's brow with the hem of her royal banquet gown. "You have been through quite an ordeal to get here. But I am curious, if the elves gave you money, why didn't King Ithel also send an elven escort to help you on your way. They might not be magical, but those fighters are still fearsome."

Hanna sighed, her eyes opening a slit. "The elven king offered me an escort, but my preferred traveling companions had already left, so I graciously declined. I do hope they are still here."

"Do you mean Brinn and Alvar? They are still in Valiant." Aurora blinked, realizing that Hanna had favorites. Was the Empress one of them as well?

Oblivious to Aurora's thoughts, the blue skinned lady continued, "Yes, very good. Is that old curmudgeon here as well?"

"Reyan? I think he might never leave again," Aurora smiled as she thought about her friend.

The fairy had announced his retirement and had been lazing about the palace. Though now that the Empress knew about the magic, perhaps he was just exhausted. Her smile faded.

"Gandr is here as well," Devrim added. "He would also be affected by the magic problem."

Hanna nodded. "All magical beings are affected. The Guardians might be as well, if my hunch is correct. Did Zan survive the battle?" Hanna's colorless irises seemed to pause their endless churning in anticipation of the answer.

"He did. Alaron is with us as well." Aurora patted the Fate's hand gently.

The responding squeeze was both weak and uncoordinated. Having told her story, Hanna was beginning to give into her weariness. "I am glad they are safe."

The doctor returned at last, having taken much longer than planned. In his hand he had a mix of herbs and some food that he had scrounged up from the kitchen. Hanna eagerly reached for the cup, drinking it all in a single gulp.

"I'll eat in a bit," she pushed the bowl aside. "I do not think my system can handle food just now."

"We will speak when you wake," the Empress said when she saw the doctor tilt his head toward the door. While he could not formally dismiss the ruler, Phileas knew he could suggest that she exit without offending her.

Both Their Majesties bowed to Hanna before exiting the room. The Fate barely seemed to register them as she closed her eyes once again and breathed deeply.

"We should rest too, you know," Devrim took his wife's hand and brought it to his lips. She leaned into his chest as they walked along, her feet growing heavier with each step.

"I suppose you are right." Aurora lamented her exhaustion, but she wouldn't have traded the sweet time with her husband for anything. The small momentary respite from the world had done more for her weary soul than sleep ever could. But sleep did sound very nice right about now.

The couple headed to bed in the Empress's chambers. They had barely an hour's sleep before Anna, Bella and Candela could be heard bustling around in the main area. Aurora yawned and rolled over to lay on her husband's chest.

Devrim wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top her her head. There was nothing he enjoyed more than feeling his wife near.

"Please tell me the end of last night was just a dream." The Empress snuggled even closer as if the man beside her could somehow ward off the nightmares.

"I cannot," Devrim sighed. "I do wish we could have taken the good part of that 'dream' to its natural conclusion though."

Aurora smiled at him and his heart leapt. That is, until another voice broke through the silence.

"I would say get a room, but I don't suppose I have a leg to stand on, do I?" The spymaster appeared from the balcony.

"If it were anyone else I would have them executed for trespassing." Aurora furrowed her brow.

"No, you wouldn't," Brinn gave a lopsided grin. "And you act like this is the first time this has happened. I made myself known before any hanky-panky happened, didn't I?"

"Just how long have you been waiting there?" Devrim rubbed his eyes. "And how exactly did you get on the balcony?"

"Long enough," the golden-skinned elf evaded the question, "and it wasn't easy. I had to actually climb from above. My legs are not as springy as usual and..." Brinn paused. "I was too tired to use my wind magic." The elf shrugged as if it were nothing.

Aurora sat up. "You have been 'tired' a lot lately. I guess Hanna was right."

Since the Great Lake, the elven princess had been leaving her skin the beautiful golden, non-human color. Aurora had thought maybe it was some kind of statement, but now she realized it was due to inability not desire.

"Fate Hanna is here?" Brinn's pointed ears perked up.

"She came not long ago." Devrim reached for his robe and slipped it over his body as he stood. It didn't matter how many times Brinn invaded their room, he always felt the need to cover up.

Aurora followed suit and the trio went into the main room for breakfast. Candela had just finished setting it out when she saw the three come out of the bed room. The curious lady-in-waiting tried to hide her surprise.

"I did not let her in, Your Majesty," she said quickly.

"I know, Brinn came in from the outside," Devrim shot a judgmental glare at the elf. "After breakfast, can you make sure an extra guard is placed by the window above the Empress's balcony?"

Candela curtsied. "It shall be done."

"Killjoy," Brinn muttered. Part of her was slightly relieved. Having to use her natural strength to climb down had caused her to break a sweat. It was an unpleasant feeling.

"Where have the Fates been?" Brinn, like the others, did not appreciate their extended absence.

"Currently they seem to be stuck in the Mystic Spires. Hanna more or less walked here seeking our help," Devrim said the words casually, but he still couldn't process them properly.

"WHAT?!" Brinn choked on the tea she had just sipped. She sputtered for a moment. "How is that even possible?"

"The magic is either dying or dead...Hanna was a bit confusing on that part, and so the Fates have no way to get down from their Ivory Tower." Part of the Empress wanted to say it serves them right for hiding, but deep down she did feel sorry for the ethereal creatures. They had been afraid, and now they were stuck. "Hanna was able to escape just in time and has spent weeks making her way here."

"The magic is dying?" Brinn's face fell. "But that means...I'm dying as well..."