First Day Working Out With An Unexpected Reward

After yesterday's incident. I had accepted my new life here in the One Punch Man world. And this is my first day here as the main character himself,

but there are still 3 years when the start of the canon comes into play so I have to start training in order to get my limiter broken

When I woke up, I cleaned my now new apartment because I don't want to deal with this after a long hard day working out. Maybe even a broken bone considering I haven't done this kind of intense training regimen before

As I finished cleaning, I put on my blue tracker suit. Don't go training when you just had a shower, I've learned from experience that it is much better to shower after your workout. Says someone from the internet

I left my apartment as I just took my time standing still and looking around. From the memories I have as Saitama, I know basically all the places in City Z 'Good thing, otherwise, I'd be lost like a stray dog' I thought as I went to the nearest park. Yes, I know that working out in a park seems very weird, and I would agree, though it's one of the best places to start. Then eventually, you're going to move from working out in the park to working out in the gym. But I don't care about going to the gym, this is much easier if I just work out in the park

And as I arrived, I was surprised to see a decent amount of people here 'Well, considering I'm Saitama with hair. City Z used to be filled with people, but then monsters started coming out of nowhere and people decided that it's best to leave to go to the other cities' I thought as I went to one of the empty playgrounds

Camden: "Alright, I'll do push-ups first since squats and sit-ups require mostly the legs, while push-ups only require your hands" I said as I positioned myself into like a plank formation. I spread my arms next to my shoulder tips. After I finished preparing myself, I slowly let myself down. Once I was imminent of hitting the ground, I pushed myself up using my two hands near my shoulders as I went back up in the same position as I was the first time

Camden: "1..." I said as I continued doing push-ups. My limit with push-ups was around 30-40, which sounds very average for a dude who just wants to be fit. Even military troops I think can do 50-100 on averagely. When I was hitting the 30 mark, my legs were starting to act up. My hands were still fine, though there were a few scratches here and then. When I hit 50, my legs started to cramp and my arms were starting to twitch, but I pulled through and kept going

Camden: "One... Hundred!" I said hoarsely as I immediately dropped to the ground. My breathing was non stop and I had to hold my breath together. After what seemed like forever, I managed to control my breathing at a consistent pace

Camden: "I-i should have brought water" I said as I stood up and situated next to one of the benches near the playground

Camden: "Barely survived, and I still have to do sit-ups and squats. I just know my legs will be dead when I'm done with this" I said as I went back to my apartment to grab some water bottles. I grabbed like 3 of them and started to go back with the water

As soon as I arrived back, I departed the water near me so that I can access it much easier as I continued to do the next exercise. Sit-ups

I lay on the ground except for my legs. And after I was satisfied with my positioning, I grabbed the tip of my knee with both of my hands and started to let myself climb up. I was really contemplating on not doing this anymore, but typical storyline, I couldn't

It felt like I was about to die from exhaustion, shit. And I have no experience in this type of things, but one thing I did have was perseverance. When I hit the 50 mark, my back started to be sore. Surprisingly, my hands were becoming tired. I suppose that pulling myself up from the ground with just the help of my legs and hands is pretty harsh. And when I hit the 100 mark, I felt the same as when I did 100 push-ups. I felt my breathing becoming fast and also my life flash before my eyes. I quickly gabbed one of the water bottles and chugged some in my mouth

Camden: "I have to get used to this soon, or else I'm just abusing myself" I said as I rested a bit on the bench as I had to do 100 squats

And just like I said, even though I feel my legs become normal again. When I did my first squat, It was becoming the leg that U had just done 100 sit-ups in. This exercise is really a leg killer. When I hit 50, my two legs started to shake and twitch, It almost feels like when your legs start to cramp, it feels like a tiny bolt of lightning has been sent into my body, but I persevered and made 100 squats as I fell butt first on the ground as I immediately chugged the rest of the water that was left. Two bottles of water were remaining

Camden: "A-ah, Fuck that hurts" I said in a tired voice as I managed to get up and went to the bench with my shaky legs

Camden: "Next is the run, but let's rest first. No way in hell I'm going for a run without some rest" I said and I rested for a good 15 minutes. It feels like not quite enough since I'm running a 10km run, but I'm a big boy today, and big boys should act like big boys

[User! If you want I can tell you when you have run your 10km for today.]

The robotic voice said to my in my mind as I was shocked

Camden: "You can do that?"

[Yes User!]

Camden: "God thank you, I don't think I can keep my focus on counting how many left do I need to run" I said as I grabbed the two remaining water bottles and put them in my pockets and I started to run around the city. Hoping not to encounter a monster

[1 Hour later.]

[User! I would like to inform you that you have finished your run today.]

The voice echoed back in my head as I stopped dead in my tracks, breathing in and out, feeling my legs are about to explode as I chugged the last water bottle that I have on me

Camden: "That wasn't bad like the other ones I did, though considering I took some breaks here and there" I said as I made my way back to my apartment with the three empty water bottles since these will be helpful on the upcoming days

When I arrived, I immediately took a shower since I was covered in sweat. I smelled like shit. I decided to take a nice cold shower after a hard day of working out, oh and of course, I didn't forget to take my Anti-hair loss shampoo

Once I was finished with my bathroom activities, I put on my sleeping pajamas like the one Saitama uses in the show and laid down on my sleeping mat as suddenly. Intending to spend the rest of my day inside of my apartment as suddenly, I heard my system talk

[Congrats User for completing your first day of the mission! Here's something that will help you along the way.]



It said in my head as a holographic screen popped out in front of me as I was surprised

Camden: "I can get money as well?"

[Yes User!]

Camden: "So if I do complete another workout session, I'll get 100 dollars again?"

[No. You can only get the money reward 1 time per day, and since you are in a Japan-inspired place, I'll convert it into their currency of 100 dollars.]

It said as I was a little sad since I checked while I was cleaning my apartment, I only had about 1,000$ I think, and since this is Japan I am living in, I don't know how much it is in their currency, After a while, I pressed accept since of course, I want the money, I was actually pretty worried that my money was not enough to live with for 3 years

[Ding! Congrats on getting 10,000$ in yen!]

And suddenly, a pile of Japanese paper money appeared next to me

Camden: "Wait, so if 100$ is 10,000 yen, and I have about 1000$ dollars at least just after I transmigrated as Saitama. That means I have about 100,000 yen plus the recent 10,000 yen that I received" I said as I put all of my money in one of the empty drawers as I laid back down on my sleeping mat

Camden: "I think that's enough money to last me for at least some time, plus I have income now. Well if I manage to finish my training that is. But overall, this is going to be an interesting journey" I said as I turned on my tv and I was surprised that an anime show is on air right now

Camden: "I'm in an anime world with anime shows. Nice" I said as I just remembered something

Camden: "Oh yeah, I have to pay rent here. And since there are still people living in City Z, the payment is gonna be more pricey, but after 3 years where everyone leaves. It will significantly lower down until I don't have to pay anymore" I reminded myself as I continued to watch some more anime until I fell asleep.