I Never Thought Having Esper Powers Would Be Confusing

[Reward: Esper Power's/1,000$ in yen.]

[Accept] ? [Refuse]

The hologram appeared in front of me after I made it back to my apartment. With just a press, I could get Esper powers. It's so tempting to accept it now, If anyone was in my position, they'd probably accept this right away. But for me, I'll hold on to it after I have done everything else that I have to do so that I have time to really immerse myself in this newfound power

Camden: "But first, I gotta go change" And indeed I did as I changed my hero suit with a sleeveless shirt and baggy pants. I lay down on my sleeping mattress. It seems my bad taste in fashion has carried its way to my second life as Saitama

Camden: "Genos won't come back anytime soon since he literally can't move. Maybe tomorrow he'll arrive back" I said, having my apartment all by myself for the rest of the day. This is good since I really want to test my Esper powers without anyone seeing me. At least not yet as I pressed accept and the hologram picture disappeared. Suddenly, a ton of Japanese money appeared next to me out of nowhere. I stood up and put my earned money in my piggy bank, or a.k.a my closet, which I'm surprised all of my money was able to fit in there with my clothes. After I stored the money away, I went back to lay on my mattress

Camden: "Huh, I didn't feel anything. Hey System, or Chiaki sorry. I'm still used to calling you system. Do I have Esper magic or some shit already?"

[Yes User, you have your Esper Abilities. Though yours is a tad different than the two individuals, Tatsumaki and Fubuki.]

Chiaki said as I nodded... I just realized I don't know how to use my Psychic thing. Shit, I'm not a hardcore Mob Pyscho fan or something to know this sort of stuff

Camden: "Um. How do I use my Esper psychic powers?"

[You can use your powers by using your mind.]

Camden: "Oh, well it seems simple enough for a stupid guy like me" I said as I looked around my apartment to find an object to test out my psychokinesis with. After a while, my eyes landed on the Tv remote

Camden: "Let's test it with that first. I don't know how this will go but I sure hope I don't accidentally break something" I said as I close my eyes for some reason, hoping to get more concentration doing it... Probably doesn't do much as I thought of the remote floating in the air. After I gave it a few seconds, I opened my eyes and saw a silver aura of light around the remote. Seeing this made me have a satisfying grin appear on my face

Camden: "Now let's try to move with my hands If it even works" I said as I pulled my arm up towards the floating remote and opened my hand up. I used my fingers to make the remote go a little higher. It responded to my hand signs smoothly as I stopped it by holding it in place using my hands as a guide 'Using my hands was somehow easier to manoeuvre the object. I was still controlling it with my mind but I used my hands to move it around' I thought, using my brain for once in my life

Camden: "And even I know this is not the laws of physics. But I'm in an anime world so it's fine. Damn, I can't wait to practice my newfound powers" I said as I laid the remote back to where it was. The white glow around it disappeared 'So it glows white, not Green like those two' I thought, wondering why it's white. Though I'm not complaining since it looks badass and cool

Camden: "Hey Chiaki. What other abilities do I have?"

[You have Psychokinesis, Electrokinesis, Electronic control, Healing, Matter Reconstitution, Pyrokinesis, Shockwave Generation, Telepathy, Flight, Teleportation and Extrasensory perception.]

Chiaki said, making a derp face out of me 'I don't even know half of these abilities. Being an Esper is really confusing right now, especially when you have so many abilities to work with'

Camden: "I already know some things about Psychokinesis, At least I think, but the others I don't know a single thing. So please Chiaki, can you tell me what those the others do?"

[Of course User. With Electrokinesis, the user can psychically generate and manipulate electricity

For Electronic control, It enables the user to manipulate electronic devices and technology

For Healing, You can heal others by using your Psychic powers

For Matter Reconstruction, Enables the user to disassemble and reassemble objects

For Pyrokinesis, Enables the user to generate and manipulate fire

For Shockwave Generation, Enables the user to release damaging shockwaves

For Telepathy, Enables the user to read others' minds

For Flight, You can fly

For Teleportation, you can teleport to different locations at will

And lastly for Extrasensory Perception also called sixth sense, includes claimed reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses, but sensed by the mind.]

Chiaki said as I couldn't understand a single thing. Good thing she gave me a hologram to see her explanation of my Esper Abilities. And I gotta say, this is quite broken... Like my past life

Camden: "I can control Electricity and Fire. I can heal people with my Psychic powers. Disassemble and reassemble an object. Can make my own world-destroying Shockwaves. Reads someone's naughty thoughts, heh, well that would be interesting. I can fly though I already can so whatever. But the last one... Teleportation?! Damn, I can't think of any word that describes how broken I am right now. Pretty insane" I said as I decided to practice my abilities one at a time because there are too many things to do 'And I have to be wary of Tatsumaki and Fubuki, If not then I'll just consider myself their slaves if that happens' I thought as I opened my tv for my games on my PlayCo. Grabbing one of the controllers by using my Psychic powers. I'm starting to get used to it now. After I got the controller, I booted up the higher budget Playstation

Camden: "I don't know what right rank am I now. Can't wait for the news. I could just search my rank from the Hero Association's website but I'll let Genos handle it since I don't really have an interest in scouting the internet".