Meeting Two S-class Heroes

After a while. The three of us arrived at the Hero Association Building where the meeting is being held at

Camden: "Woah. This is the first time I've been here" I said as I looked around the inside of the Hero Association's main lobby? I supposed that's what I would call it from the things I am seeing right now in front of me

Bang: "Oh really?"

Camden: "Yah. Ever since I got promoted to B-class, I have never once been here"

Bang: "Well now we're here. Though we got to hurry. We don't want us to be late for an important matter" He said as we made our way deeper into the Headquarters

After some time, we made it to the hallways leading to the meeting room. Though we weren't the only people who were present in these halls

Atomic: "Ahh, Silverfang" The voice of Atomic Samurai can be heard in front of us

Bang: "Nice to see you, Atomic Samurai"

Atomic: "Likewise. I'm glad you came"

Bang: "Of course, If the Hero Association calls everyone, then I will certainly show up"

Atomic: "I know you would. Oh? And this is the newcomer Demon Cyborg. And... Who is this?" He said as Atomic Samurai looked at me straight in the eyes

Bang: "This is B-class... What's your name?"

Camden: "It's Saitama" I responded as Bang nodded

Bang: "*Cough* This is B-class hero, Saitama" He said as Atomic Samurai raised an eyebrow. His eyes inspected me everywhere until his eyes landed on my sword or katana, whatever you want to call it. Atomic Samurai had a surprised expression present on his face when he saw my weapon

Atomic: "Oh, an interesting fellow you brought with you, Silverfang" He said with a quite surprising expression

Bang: "Yes, though I might add. He has a lot of 'Surprises' up his sleeves than the first time you look at him" He said as Atomic Samurai brought his hand towards me. I think he wants a handshake, which I did

Atomic: "Nice to meet you, Saitama"

Camden: "Same to you as well, Atomic Samurai" He said as we broke our man to man handshake

Atomic: "I'm looking forward to you" He said mysteriously, leaving towards the meeting area 'There is no way he's not middle-aged' I thought

"What is this? What are you doing here?" A girl's voice could be heard as I sighed 'Well, wish me luck with this encounter' I thought as I tilted my head to my left side of the hallway and was greeted by Tatsumaki standing their

Tatsumaki: "Hey! Who do you think you are coming here?! This is only for those who are in S-class. Not some B-class nobody like you. Leave now or else" She pointed her finger towards me. Thank god not the middle one as Genos and Bang decided to ignore her and went forward

Camden: "S-class hero number 2, Tatsumaki. You know, picking on B-class heroes is quite unusual for such a labelled professional hero by the Hero Association. Why don't you look at someone from a different view instead of seeing their rankings as a hero? Even I know more than to go far as to pick on B-class heroes just because we are under superior compared to you and the others in your class. I would've called you immature because of how you acted towards me, and because of how you look. But I didn't. And since you started this first, it's fair to say that I do the same to you. You are the type to not expect someone to come and save you. Now, how about we continue and start this meeting" I said to her. When she heard what I said, she was shocked, so shocked in fact that she was frozen in place. My words echoed back and forth in her mind

Camden: "Um, hey Genos. Is she alright?" I asked him as he turned around to look at the situation that was in front of him

Genos: "Yes. She is the number 2 S-class hero after all so she'll be fine. And from the looks of it, everyone has been gathered. Let us go now Sensei" He said as I nodded and we continued our way towards the meeting place. Leaving a still frozen shocked Tatsumaki on the side of the hallways 'Huh, I guess she hasn't yet noticed that I'm an Esper. She'll find out about it sooner or later' I thought. Not telling anyone publicly about me being an Esper, unless they know of it already since it's pointless to hide it now. But since they don't know it yet, I'll keep it that way until they find out themselves.


With Fubuki

"Fubuki-san? What do you need?" Said one of the Staff members in the Hero Association to Fubuki

Fubuki: "I'm going to attend the S-class meeting" She said, making the person surprised

"But this one is an exception. Only S-class heroes will be there and no one else"

Fubuki: "I was called by my Sister, Tatsumaki" She tried to lie her way out of here so that she could get there already

"Oh. Well if that's the case then I'll let you continue" The person said as Fubuki nodded and continued her journey.

After some time, she arrived at the hallways that led to the said meeting spot. Though what shocked her was that she saw Tatsumaki right in front of the entrance of the hallway. From the looks of it, she was not moving at all. Fubuki also noticed her sister's expression

Fubuki: "So they have met already" She said as she went near Tatsumaki and brought her hands to her tiny shoulders

Fubuki: "Hey Nee-san" She said to her as she shook Tatsumaki back and forth. Moments later she came back to her senses as Fubuki stopped shaking her

Tatsumaki: "F-Fubuki? What happened?" She asked as she looked at Fubuki

Fubuki: "When I arrived here you were standing in place motionless. What happened to you?"

Tatsumaki: "I... Remember talking to someone that was with the other S-class heroes"

Fubuki: "And who are the S-class heroes that were with him?"

Tatsumaki: "One of them had a sword. Wait no two of them have a sword around their waist" She said, making Fubuki raise an eyebrow 'Strange, two have swords but Atomic Samurai is the only one who has a sword. And I know Bang doesn't carry any swords around him. So it's either Genos or Saitama. If it's Genos then that's unlikely since he prefers to use his Cyborg traits. Besides, he can add weapons in one of his cyborg hands anytime he wants. So the only thing left is him...'

Tatsumaki: "The other had some machinery with him and the last one was Silverfang" She finished as Fubuki nodded

Fubuki: "I see. Though you should hurry to the S-class meeting. I think it's about to start"

Tatsumaki: "Fine, but why are you here?"

Fubuki: "I also want to attend this meeting"

Tatsumaki: "Why?"

Fubuki: "If the Hero Association calls all of the S-class then the threat is gonna be very dangerous"

Tatsumaki: "Hmph! I could finish the job all by myself" She said as both baddies made their way to the meeting area.