Boros Arrives

After all of us had seated. Snitch explained everything that has happened. Though it mostly involves a piece of paper that was written by a deceased old woman who had a prophecy that the earth will be in great danger. I don't know how she even wrote that in the said paper that was present in Snitch's hand, given her old age. Though another strange occurrence happened throughout the meeting. I managed to catch Fubuki's eyes on me multiple times. This strikes me confused and weirded out. And from the looks of it, she wasn't interested in the meeting whatsoever, just like me. Almost all of her time was devoted to her getting a glimpse of me every second that she can

When the S-class heroes saw the writing on the paper, they were doubtful at first, but a sudden impact came towards the Hero Association HQ, making the building shake a little. The S-class didn't expect a sudden attack, leaving some surprised, but not me and strangely enough, Fubuki also wasn't bothered much. After I heard that, It was my cue as I immediately jumped to the roof of the building. As expected, the bird monsters were there attacking the Hero Association building Though they were quickly sliced up like in the show probably from Atomic Samurai. I turned my head to look in the direction in front of me 'There he is' I thought as a massive ship could be seen landing in City A, but then, I heard a Ding! sound in my head

[Ding! New Mission Obtained.]

[Mission: Defeat Boros and Save The Earth.]

[Reward: 10,000$.]

"..." When I saw the reward, I went silent for a second as I let out a devious chuckle

Camden: "Haha, Chiaki, I think you forgot to put the other reward" I asked her, thinking she might have messed up something while organizing the mission for me

[No User, I didn't forget it. I'm just hiding it from you so that it will be a surprise.]

Camden: "Why?"

[To make it more, let's just say fun.]

She said with a giggle at the end, making me sweat nervously 'Damn, I guess I have to finish the mission so I can get my 'Mysterious Reward' or something' I thought as my body glowed a silver aura and I began to fly towards Boros's ship.


Sitch: "City A has just been instantly wiped out!" He shouted as Sitch watched the big ship land on City A on the hologram screen that was in front of him

Child Emperor: "We should go take a look" Child Emperor stated

Metal Bat: "The old man and sword guy are already making their way there"

A/N: I think I'll just stick with "Metal Bat" instead.

Genos: "Then let's go Sensei-" Genos turned to look to where I was sitting just to see an empty chair. Genos was surprised that I was gone as he looked around the room and saw a hole that was above my seat 'Sensei's already gone'

Metal Bat: "Oy Cyborg, coming or not?" Metal Bat said to Genos as he faced him, tapping his foot on the ground as an impatient person would

Genos: "Let's go then" He said as Metal Bat and Genos made their way to the ship. Though Tank Top Master decided to come with them as they left together in a hurry

"Wait for me boys" Puri-Puri Prisoner said, catching up to the three. Leaving King, Child Emperor, Superalloy Darkshine, Tatsumaki and Fubuki. Drive Knight mysteriously vanished from the HQ. Watchdogman left without a word, and probably the same with Pig God and Flashy Flash as well

Child Emperor: "Hey King. You should take a look at the situation with the others on top. I'll be heading to City A to help" He said to King as he nodded and Child Emperor left. And just after Child Emperor left, King looked at the big hole that was made above the room as he started to make his way through the hole that will lead him to the roof of the Hero Association HQ

After some time, he arrived on top of the building as he saw Fubuki, Tatsumaki and Darkshine already there looking over the ship from here

Darkshine: "Oh King!" Darkshine said, making the two hand-made females by God look at him as King made his way towards them

King: "What's the situation?"

Darkshine: "The ship decimated City A by just landing. We saw monsters coming out from the presumed spaceship, Any thoughts on this King?" He said to King as he closed his eyes

King: "There's nothing I can do. It's too high up for me to launch an attack. This is a good time to call in Metal Knight, he has the best arsenal to make a hit on the ship" He said to them, making surprised faces out of Darkshine and Tatsumaki as they looked at him. Though Fubuki was minding her own business as she looked at the Spaceship in front of her 'Strange, I sense something very familiar there. Almost like Nee-san' She thought, thinking what was that she sensed that made her spidey sense- Oops. Sorry, I mean senses to tingle

Tatsumaki: "What?! That's just plain pathetic!" Tatsumaki shouted at King's response

Tatsumaki: "I thought you were supposed to be the strongest man?" She shouted at King. Darkshine seeing this was very worrying

Darkshine: "Hey Tatsumaki-san, If you make King angry he'll kill you without a single thought" He tried to stop Tatsumaki but she just kept releasing a lot of banter towards King. Fubuki notices her sister's rants, and she decided to stop the situation since there is more important things to do than what she's doing

Fubuki: "Enough sister. If King is unable to do much in this matter, then let's try to handle it" Fubuki said to the Petite woman. Not a loli. Tatsumaki hearing this faced her little sister

Tatsumaki: "Are you sure?" She said as Fubuki nodded

Tatsumaki: "Fine then. Let's go" She said as the others nodded as they made their way to the ship.

Back with Camden.


I heard an explosion from the ship. Almost like a gunshot but much more powerful. And just like that, the ship launched multiple big bullets towards me. I of course easily dealt with it by using my Psychic stuff to deflect them back to the ship, causing a little damage to the ship but not something to worry about since you have a huge ass spaceship that medium-sized explosions wouldn't be much of a hassle to deal with. A serious punch is probably enough to take this damn thing down to the ground, but that will be a bit controversial to some of the heroes if they ever found out that I did that

Camden: "Let's find a place to land first. I don't want the sisters catching me flying" I said to myself as I looked around the ship for any possible places where I could land. After looking around, I just landed at a random spot, and immediately began to rush inside the ship towards Boros 'I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my whole body and veins. And just for me to ruin it by easily winning against him. Ha! Self burn at its finest'.