Testing My New Ability Against Phoenix Man

Child Emperor quickly grab his shotgun from his backpack and aimed it right at Phoenix Man

Child Emperor: "Bird Lime Shotgun!" Child Emperor pulled the trigger as a few small but quite potent missiles came out from his shotgun towards Phoenix Man

Phoenix Man just smirked and flapped his wings to create a gust of wind, though the wind was very hot, hot enough to stop the missiles as the wind was making its way to Child Emperor and Waganma. Child Emperor immediately noticed it as he grab his umbrella from his backpack, but his umbrella isn't just a normal one, it can be used as a force field by anyone that is inside of it. Making it a great shield

Child Emperor: "Duck!" Child Emperor kneeled down with Waganma. The umbrella facing in front of them was blocking the hot wind that Phoenix Man created

Child Emperor: "Damn!" And as the wind subdued, Child Emperor quickly gave the umbrella to Waganma and left the protective forcefield as he ran towards Phoenix Man

Child Emperor: "That thing is made to protect you on something like that so you are safe as long as you are in there!"

Waganma: "What are you going to do?! Don't leave me behind!" Shouted Waganma to Child Emperor as he quickly grabbed his weapon and shield from his backpack, along with the robot arms that have different weapons equipped in his backpack

Child Emperor: "There is no choice but to fight. I just have to defeat it one more time" Phoenix Man launched another gust of hot wind towards Child Emperor, though he managed to create a 5 layers of transparent shield in front of him to block the wind. As the wind subdued, Child Emperor was sweating quite a bit after that '... This wasn't the same monster I killed before. He is much different than last time'

Phoenix Man: "... A layer of shield. Well, in that case, I'll use my beak attack once more" Phoenix Man's costume beak closed and now was hiding his face

Child Emperor: "Even though you just lost, you still have confidence. Bring it on" Child Emperor said back to Phoenix Man 'This irritating shield has 5 layers on top of each other. I'll fly through it with the help of my beak'

Phoenix Man: "Phoenix Explosion Beak Attack!"


An explosion was created when Phoenix Man started to fly his way towards the shield with speeds very fast. And with the aid of the explosion, it amplified his speed more

And just a few seconds later, Phoenix man broke through the barrier that Child Emperor created, making him shocked 'He broke through them all?!... This is bad' Child Emperor thought as suddenly, Phoenix Man came in and continued his momentum towards Child Emperor with his beak inching its way towards him, though Child Emperor managed to bring his shield in front of him to where Phoenix Man's beak was going, though that didn't quite help that much as Phoenix Man's beak managed to hit his stomach anyway, even with the help of his shield. Sending Child Emperor past Waganma and straight to a wall while Phoenix Man stopped in his tracks with his beak now opened to reveal his smirking face once more

But suddenly, to the surprise of the three. I appeared out of nowhere right next to Waganma, facing Phoenix Man with a not so friendly expression towards him

Child Emperor after hitting the wall and falling onto the ground, was surprised to see someone appear next to Waganma, though he felt that the person was familiar as he squint his eyes to observe the person. And Child Emperor's thoughts were proven to be quite true as he recognised me immediately when he saw the attire alone 'Him from the meeting! What is he doing here? I didn't see him with us'

Phoenix Man: "And what's this? Another one huh" Phoenix Man said, his expression not changing whatsoever

Saitama: "Get back with Child Emperor, Waganma. I'll take care of him"

Waganma: "W-who are you?"

Saitama: "Child Emperor will tell you, now go on. I'll deal with this bastard" Waganma complied as he stood up and ran towards Child Emperor who was a few feet behind me

Saitama: "Phoenix Man right?"

Phoenix Man: "Who is asking?"

Saitama: "Me, I'm asking. And it seems I got the answer. No need for you to live anymore"

Phoenix Man: "Tch, such impudence. I've heard just about enough. I'll kill all three of you" Phoenix Man wasted no time and rushed at me with a lust for blood, but before he had time to ready an attack against me, he immediately implanted into the ground hard. Though when he tried to move, he can't. He wasn't able to move whatsoever. He felt like some sort of force was keeping him to the ground

Saitama: "Heh. Can't move huh?"

Phoenix Man: "Grr, what did you do to me?" Phoenix Man managed to let out. It also appears that he was having a hard time talking

Saitama: "Oh nothing much, just manipulated the gravity around you, that's all" I said as Phoenix Man was surprised, to say the least

Phoenix Man: "W-what?!" He barely gritted out from his mouth

Saitama: "Yeah. I have set the gravity around you not too strong to crush you into paste but not too weak to be able for you to escape easily. I could set the gravity as strong as a black hole, and even stronger if I want to. But I am quite merciful. Well, sometimes at least. I choose carefully if someone deserves a killing, or not. Mostly monsters will get that treatment from me, and that includes you"

Phoenix Man: "Grr!" Phoenix Man greeted his teeth, angry that he was easily taken out in such a short amount of time

Meanwhile with Child Emperor and Waganma

Child Emperor: "H-he did what now!?" Child Emperor's expression was in a state of shock when he heard my statement

Waganma: "What is it?"

Child Emperor: "He can manipulate gravity at will! And it seems the ability has no limits for him whatsoever... "

Waganma: "Um, what do you mean by that? And who even is he? There is some much going on!" Waganma was quite confused since he doesn't really know what Gravity Manipulation is and who is the person anyways

Child Emperor: "He's a hero too, he is a newcomer. He has been a hero for a few months now. And he has a strong ability, but why is he in A-class then if this is his power?... Is he intentionally hiding his powers?"

Back with Saitama

Phoenix Man: "Let me go! Gyoro-Gyoro will hear about this!"

Saitama: "That ugly pink monster? I hate to break it to you but someone is controlling 'Gyoro-Gyoro'."

Phoenix Man: "Why would I believe you?"

Saitama: "You don't have to, because your time is almost up" I brought my hand to my waist and grabbed the handle of my katana, unsheathing it and revealing the blade in all of its glory to Phoenix Man, who was starting to get nervous when I started to walk towards him

Once I was a few feet away from Phoenix Man, I was now also inside of the gravity field that I have set for him, though I was not affected by it in the slightest. The expressions of Phoenix Man and Child Emperor says it all

And a few seconds later, I was now standing over the implanted Phoenix Man on the ground, gripping my weapon tightly while Phoenix Man squirmed and squirmed. I brought my sword above him and was about to stab him, though my mind reflected a little bit. But I ultimately thrust my sword into him, piercing Phoenix Man's back as at the same time, I deactivated the gravity field around us. I took the blade out of his body as his blood was covering the tip of my blade. Though for some reason, the blood of Phoenix Man was suddenly absorbed by the sword, along with the rest of his blood as I was surprised to see that 'What? I didn't remember my sword doing this when I was killing monsters early on... Weird'

Child Emperor: "Um..." I heard Child Emperor as he broke out of my thoughts

I turned around and saw their expressions. I just scratched my back with a nervous grin, putting away my sword back to my waist

Saitama: "Sorry for the random intrusion"

Child Emperor: "It's fine" Child Emperor said as he stood up, along with Waganma

Child Emperor: "You're A-class hero Skywalker right?"

Saitama: "Yeah"

Child Emperor: "Well I don't know if you noticed it but you just killed a dragon level threat monster according to my scans on him, and you are an A-class hero. I am not saying that you are not capable of defeating high-level threat monsters, not at all. It's just that dragon level threats are usually taken care of by S-class heroes... So is there something else happening if I may ask?"

Saitama: "Let's just say I am intentionally slowing down my rank ups"

Child Emperor: "But you became an A-class hero in a few months! C-class heroes would take longer than usual to be able to get to A-class. Assuming that you started in C-class that is"

Saitama: "Actually I started in B-class after I applied at the hero test application or whatever it's called"

Child Emperor: "Oh, well that would explain your quick growth in the ranks, but it is still quick"

Saitama: "Well, I just recently got moved up into A-class. Like recently RECENTLY so maybe"

Child Emperor: "I saw... And you're display of abilities just now"

Saitama: "Oh that, well. I have some powers of my own up my sleeve, including what you just saw-

Waganma: "Are you two going to talk all day? Let's get out of here already!" Waganma suddenly said behind Child Emperor

Child Emperor: "Oh right, um. Well, we've to get out of here and back to the surface. Thank you, Skywalker"

Saitama: "Just Saitama will be fine. And to make things a lot easier for you two, I'll take you guys there in less than a second"

Child Emperor: "What? How are you going to do that"

Saitama: "Come here and hold my hand, and you'll see for yourself" I said. Child Emperor decided to trust me as he and Waganma made their way to me

I offered my open hand forward towards them. Child Emperor and Waganma were now holding my hand, curious about how will I get them away from here and back up to the surface in less than a blink of an eye

Saitama: "Just close your eyes when you're ready" I said to them and they immediately shut their eyes. And just like that, the two of them were out of my sight 'At least that's taken care of now. Where to next?'.


[With Child Emperor and Waganma.]

Child Emperor: "I... Don't feel his hand anymore" Child Emperor decided to open his eyes and was greeted by the open air and sky, along with the abandoned buildings that were mostly seen in City Z

Child Emperor: "What?! How did he do that?"

Waganma: "Wait what? Are we there yet?" Waganma was next in opening his eyes. And was surprised too when he found out that they were back, finally back at the surface and away from the smelly and disgusting base of the Monster Association

Waganma: "... Oh yeah, Tareo..."

Child Emperor: "Tareo?"

Waganma: "He was my friend when they locked me up in a cell. Then he was taken away by some monster. I think he's still down there"

Child Emperor: "Hmm... I guess I'll have to go down there again"

Waganma: "And you'll save him! He has a bowl haircut. That should be enough of a description for you to find him"

Child Emperor: "Ehehe... I am not sure yet if I can even find him there, but if I do, then I'll do my best to rescue your friend, Waganma-kun. And that's not all. There are still plenty of strong monsters left. Come on, Waganma-kun. Let's go back Sekingar and the others" Child Emperor said as they both started to walk their way towards the place where the other heroes are staying, along with Sekingar '... Saitama'.