privet jet

Austin opened the door for Kim and she entered and he got in after her. They waved to Lizzy and she waved back as the car started to move. "you look so beautiful today, am kinda jealous" Austin whispered in her ear and looked at him "thank you" she said and smiled at him and he fell in a daze and quickly Snapped back to reality.

"now, where are we going? are you gonna tell me now. We better not be leaving the country." Kim's said and Austin chuckled softly "we not leaving the country. we just leaving the city...I actually don't know where we are going but I know where we going to right now–the airport where the jet is waiting for us" he said leaned closer to her face and smiled and sat back in his seat "w-what?! you don't know?! what do you mean?!" Kim's asked irritated and Austin suddenly froze as he heard her scold "a-am sorry I just don't know the name yet! but I know how to go there. It's a place where I go when I wanna be alone. please trust me. Am sorry~ forgive me please~" he begged and the driver in front chocked.

His young master was begging young miss for forgiveness? This was just not ordinary at all!! ' please young master don't do this to me T^T I still need to get you to the airport ' the driver with no tears

"its okay~ I forgive you~" Kim said and patted his head . They soon arrived at the airport and when they got out of the car a huge jet was in their view but Kim wasn't surprised at all, she expected it. Two men came and took their bags and got them in the jet and the two got in after them.

The moment they entered the jet, white leather seats and mini tables welcomed them and 3 waitresses were inside waiting in a line and a waiter next to the door. They bowed their heads and they greeted each other and they sat down next to each other.

"what can I get you?" the waitress with a black knee length dress which showed her cleavage with black leather heels and a white blazer with the Filmore badge on the left. The woman had brown hair with blue eyes and pale thin lips. The woman was so damn attractive, Kim started feeling jealous.

"kim what do you want?" Austin said and Kim looked at the woman who was smirking seductively at Austin "i-i want...juice" she said still looking at the woman "i'll have water" Austin said and the woman leaned closer to Austin to show of her cleavage to him "pardon?" she said in seductive voice and Austin looked at her face "he Said he will have water" Kim said now looking angry and the woman's lips twitched in annoyance "okay I will be back" she said and faked a smile and left

Austin looked at her and Kim averted her gaze from him and looked at the window with crossed arms and a cute pout. "whats wrong?" Austin finally asked and Kim ignored him and the waitress came back with a bottle of water and a glass of juice. "juice...and water" the waitress said leaning in to Kim and gave her the juice and then gave the bottle of water to Austin. ''thank you" Austin said and the waitress smiled "anything for you" she said seductively and left.

Kim suddenly gulped down the juice in the glass and looked at Austin "anything for you huh? wow" she said in sarcastic tone "what is it? is it wrong?" he asked "didnt you see how she liked at you and how showed her cleavage?...*sigh* don't talk to me" she said and took out phone and took out her headphones and plugged them in her phone and scrolled through her music app and played some music and closed her eyes