am a man too

[mature content? yes! so prepare some holy water]]

They slept peacefully,but Kim started moving in the middle of the night. Kim shook her body to find a comfortable way to sleep but when she moved her butt kept rubbing Austin in the wrong places and his eyes shot open when he felt his little friend misbehaving as Kim never stopped moving.

Kim turned to face Austin and wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her body to his and Austin closed eyes "oh lord...*gasp*" he whispered as he started sweating and tried to remove Kim from him but the girl didn't budge so he tried to remove her legs from his waist and he was successful but she turned and was now on top of him,straddling him.

"k-kim?*gasp* p-please"he said in a low voice unable to think straight but what the girl on top of her did next made the last of his self control to completely evaporate into thin air. She started moving her hips " is not..movin...." she said while sleeping but she didn't stop and Austin's eyes were closed and he started breathing heavily and he was sweating and he couldn't think straight due to the pleasure.

"ahh...mmh..Kim...p-please...mmmh..s-stop" he said unable to hold his moans and groans and held her hips firmly but the girl didn't stop her torture and bent down started licking his neck and sucking it and living love bites/ Hickeys (love bites is cuter) "my" she uttered. Austin couldn't bear the sweet torture any longer and let go of her hips and turned she was now under him.

He tried to move from her but she hugged his waist with her legs and pulled him close "f*ck..k-kim am mind here" he said and tried to shake her awake "k-kim please wake up or else I will do something I'll regret" he said the girl pressed her legs tighter than before and her eyes opened to see the bunny on her looking at her and sweating and and breathing heavily "something is...poking me" she said and Austin's eyes widened and freed himself from her legs before running to the bathroom.

Kim just looked at him and shrugged. Austin got in the bathroom and helped himself and after that he got a cold shower and dressed in his bunny onesie and went out to the bedroom after a long time. When he got out, Kim looked at him "what is it? is something wrong?" she asked and he shook his head."austin? why were you sweating so much? are you sick?" she asked again and he sat next to her.

"am a man too you know? What you did to me today was dangerous" he said running his fingers through his hair and the confused Kim looked at him "what did I do?" she asked "horse? you were...riding me like a horse Kim and you thought I was a sweet? do you know how much self control it took me not just devour you whole and punish you for being a bad girl? huh?" he said leaning in towards Kim "you do innocent things but they...come out very very dirty." he said before retreating and getting into bed and slept and Kim followed.

meanwhile in the Filmore mansion...

"you arrived early! we were expecting you tomorrow" Austin's grandmother said as she led him to the living room where everyone was."grandfather!!" the twins hurried to their grandfather and and hugged him and he smiled warmly at the two "harry! Garry! you guys have grown so much!" he said Patting their heads and Austin's father and stepmother stood up and greeted him. "where is he?" he asked and the family looked at her each other. "" he asked again

"he went away for the weekend...with his...girlfriend" Austin's father said hesitantly "girlfriend? he has a girlfriend? who?!" he said as he sat down on the huge black sofa "she is so beautiful" Austin's grandmother said smiling "who is it? is she wealthy?" he asked and Austin's father cleared his throat "well..she lives next door and no they are not... wealthy and we tried to find out about her but she always hides her face with or she wears a mask." he said looking at his father's face which immediately turned dark.

"where did he go?" he asked "we don't know. he took everyone who knows where he is and..we can't track him or the cars...he also didn't tell his friends,dylan and Cole anything." Austin's father said seriously. Austin's grandfather hit the table because he was so angry. His grandson would inherit everything but he dares to date a girl who is not from a rich family who could benefit him and the family name!!!! Does he want to die just like his disgusting mother?!!!