
(The opening shows Kamina walking in front of the camera with a red curtain behind her)

Kamina: Hello everybody, what do you get when you mix with heroes and singing, well you're about to see (walks behind the curtain)

(The curtain shows the school)

(The school has a flag which has a symbol of a bunch of people holding hands on top of the school)

(Will drives to the school in a flying school)

(Inside the school is shown cheerleaders in the gym)

(Football players outside with Coach Beiste)

(The glee members in the choir room watching Will talking)

(The glee members getting slushied by Football players)

(Coach Beiste is talking to Will)

(Sue is yelling at the cheerleaders with a megaphone)

(Quinn is crying as she looks at herself in the mirror)

(Lauren is walking with Kamina)

(Joe is playing a guitar)

(Brad is playing a piano)

(Vocal adrenaline is shown with Jessie and Shelby)

(The Warblers dancing)

(The promises are dancing with signs of atoms)

(The Sacred Silvertones is dancing and looking crazy)

(The opening ends with the glee members singing don't stop believin' on the stage in the gym)

(The episode opens in the Football Field. The cheerleading squad, the Cheerios, are practicing routines. They are being watched and timed by Sue Sylvster, their coach. One of the cheerleaders falls from the top of the formation)

Sue: You think this is hard? Try being waterboarded. That's hard.

(The screen shows Will driving to the school in a flying car)

Will (Narrating) (still in the car): My name is Will Shuester, and I am a spanish teacher, but I heard news of Glee club about to be taken down, so I am going to try to make a new Glee club.

(The screen switches to Will in the Principal's office)

(The principal is shown to be a 40-year-old woman who has short blonde hair with hints of black, white skin, wearing a green suit and black shoes)

(Her name is May)

May: Let me get this right, you want to bring the Glee club back

Will: Yes, I think I can make it great again

May: Will listen as much as I loved Glee, that club hasn't won Nationals in a while, heck not a single kid has tried to join the club

Will: Let me try and get the kids interested in it again, a week, just give me a week.

May: Fine, but if you don't get enough members by the end of the week, you won't get a second choice; good luck, I can't wait to see how it goes.

Will: Thank you (shakes May's hand) (gets up) thank you

May: (sighs) That poor fool (reads some newspaper and puts glasses on)

Will (walking) (narrating): Now, if I am going to get these kids motivated, I'm going to need a new name.

(The screen shows a sign up sheet saying 'Sign up to the New Directions')

(The screen shows in the hallway, Mercedes Jones walks up to the New Directions sign-up sheet and writes down her name)

(In the auditorium, Mercedes is on stage)

Mercedes: My name is Mercedes Jones and I'm singing…

(Mercedes sings Aretha Franklin's "Respect".)

(Kurt walks up to the sign-up sheet and writes down his name.]

(In the Auditorium, Kurt is on stage.)

Kurt: Hello, I'm Kurt Hummel, and I'll be singing "Mr. Cellophane".

(Kurt sings "Mr. Cellophane" from Chicago.)

(Tina Cohen-Chang writes down her name on the sign-up sheet with Artie Abrahams beside her.)

(Tina is on stage.)

Tina: (stuttering) Tina C. "I Kissed A Girl."

(Tina sings Katy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl".)

(Rachel approaches the sign-up sheet and writes down her name.]

(Rachel is on stage.)

Rachel: Hi, my name is Rachel Berry, and I'll be singing "On My Own" from the seminal Broadway classic Les Mis.

Will: Fantastic, let's hear it.

[Rachel starts singing "On My Own" from Les Miserables.]

(Rachel applies a gold star sticker to the end of her name on the sign-up sheet.]

Rachel (voice over) You might laugh because every time I sign my name, I put a gold star after it. But it's a metaphor and metaphors are important. My gold stars are a metaphor for me being a star.

(Puck throws a slushie in Rachel's face.)

(Rachel is walking down the hallway in a rush.)

Rachel: (voice over) And just so we're clear, I want to clear up that hateful rumor that I was the one who turned that closet case Sandy Ryerson in because he gave Hank Saunders the solo I deserved. That's cockpoopie.

(The screen shows Will watching the new glee members singing 'Rockin the boat')

(Kamina is laughing)

(Kamina is a girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a black shirt with a red skull, red pants, and white shoes)

Kamina: That was ridiculously lame, sorry

Will: Did you want to join?

Kamina: I wanted to at first, but after seeing this

Kamina (sang): No thank you

(The glee club members looked shocked)

(Kamina walks away)

Tina: I'm not the only one who heard her voice

Mercedes: Yeah, but do we need another female voice

Will: We need as many voices as we can get

Rachel: I agree, but I feel like we need a singer that can match with my voice, no offense none of you matched it.

Will: I will help find that person, but until then can all of you convince Kamina to come.

Kurt: How will we convince her to come, she doesn't go with anything unless it's the best of the best?

Artie: I have a way, follow me (rides off)

Tina: I don't know if that's a good idea.

Rachel (takes Tina's hand): Come on.

Mercedes: So, we are really going to go with this (shrugs her shoulder)

(Mercedes, Kurt, Rachel, and Tina follow Artie to a room)

(A sign that says 'the dance room' on the door in sparkles)

(The screen shows Kamina talking to a bunch of people wearing like hip hop dancers)

Kamina: So, what do you think of the song

One of the hip hop dancers: It's great as usual

Kamina (holding sheet music): Great, who wants to sing it?

Another dancer: Please, you know that you are the only one that can carry a note.

Kamina: One day, I will get one of you singing, and I mean you (points to a girl who has curly black hair, brown skin, wearing a sparkling green jumpsuit) Kathy.

Kathy: Me? Heck to no, I mean I can sing obviously, but I can't…

Kamina: We sing all the time, so you will, how about like a duet?

Kathy: It better not be a romantic duet, I'm not that.

Kamina: It won't be, now get up we are about to start

(Kathy turns on a boombox)

(Kamina is dancing with hip hop dancers)

Kamina (sang): I want to be famous

(The dancers circle around Kamina)

Kamina (sang): Yes, I want to be famous

Hip hop dancers (sang): Famous! Famous! Famous!

Kamina (sang): I go out into the world to see who I truly am

Hip hop dancers (sang): See who you truly are

Kamina (sang): Becoming famous is not how you think it will become

Hip hop dancers (sang): It's not what you think it is

Kamina (sang): I am! I am! I am famous, yes

Hip Hop dancers (sang): Yes! Yes! Yes!

(The glee club members look through the dance room from the door)

Kamina (sang): Yes, I will become famous and show everybody who I truly aaaaaaaam

Hip Hop dancers (sang): Yes, she is famous, yes this is girl is famous

Kamina (sang): I am famous!

Hip hop dancers (sang): Famous! Famous! Famous!

Kamina (sang): Yes, I finally am famous


(Hip Hop dancers back flips and break dancers)

Kamina (sang): Yeaaaaaaaah! What am I?

Hip hop dancers (sang): Famous

Kamina (sang): What am I?

Hip hop dancers (sang): Famous

Kamina (sang): And this is all I;ll ever beeeeee!

Hip hop dancers (sang): Famous! Famous!

(Two dancers lifts Kamina)

Kamina (sang) (the dancers spin around): I am famous!

(The music stops)

(Kamina sees the glee club)

Mercedes: Girl, you got some pipes.

Tina: Why don't you want to join glee?

Rachel: You could be a perfect voice to match with me, though I was expecting a male voice.

Kamina: You want a male voice, I can help

Rachel (surprised): You can.

Kamina (shrugs her shoulder): Sure, oh and I will be joining you as well.

(The glee club members cheer)

(The screen shows Kamina walking to Finn who is by Quinn)

Kamina: Quinn can I borrow your boyfriend?

Quinn: Sure, I have cheerleader practice (super speeds off)

Finn: How can I help you?

Kamina: Need your voice

(Finn looked shocked and grabs Kamina's hand; then leads it to an empty room)

Finn: Who told you?

Kamina: I heard you, I'm a little birdy that gets attracted by voices.

Finn: Please don't tell anybody

Kamina: I wouldn't tell a soul if you do as I say.

Finn: I can't

Kamina: Please, not that you aren't cute, I'm not interested in you. I want you to join Glee.

Finn: You're kidding right, people will find out if they see me singing and dancing.

Kamina: And you are pathetically worried about that, why? We are in a superhero school, so you don't have to worry about bullies.

Finn: You think so, then what about your friends in Glee. Are they popular? Are they bullied?

Kamina: (coughs) you are truly pathetic, fine how about this (whistles) Kathy

(Kamina pulls Finn into a kiss and a picture is taken)

Finn: I thought you didn't like me

Kamina: Oh sweetie, this is blackmail, you want your girlfriend to find out.

Finn: You wouldn't

Kamina: (laughs) you don't know me, so do we have a deal or not?

Finn: You will destroy the picture after I join.

Kamina: Of course, I'm a girl of my word (takes Kathy's hand) see ya, Finn.

(Finn sighs)

(The screen shows Finn starts singing "You're the One that I Want" from Grease. Rachel perks up and joins in, excited. After a moment, Mercedes breaks them up)

Mercedes: Oh, hell to the no. Look, I'm not down with this background singing nonsense. I'm Beyonce. I ain't no Kelly Rowland.

Will: Okay, look, Mercedes, it's just one song.

Kurt: And it's the first time we've been kind of good.

Mercedes: Okay, you're good, white boy. I'll give you that. But you better bring it. Let's run it again.

Will: All right, let's do it. From the top.

(The screen shows Will entering the house)

(Emma is shown setting up the table and putting food on the table)

Will: Hmm… what's that lovely smell

Emma: I made a casserole

Will (sits down): Great

(Emma puts forks down, then sits down)

(They start eating)

Emma: So, how is it going with Glee?

Will: Well, so far so good, their voices are okay, they just don't seem to trust each other yet.

Emma: Well, maybe give them a little trusting exercise

(The screen switches to Kamina and Finn in a empty room)

Kamina: I am a girl of my word

(Kathy gives her a picture)

(Kamina rips the picture)

Kamina: And you better keep your word

Finn: And if I don't..

(Kamina snaps her fingers)

(Finn is shrunk)

Kamina (looks at Finn): Blackmailing you was me being nice, I can (black eyes) crush you physically and emotionally, pick your poison.

Finn: You are evil

Kamina: Thank you

Finn (looking annoyed): Fine, I will stay, now can you change me back to normal?

Kamina: Okay (snaps her fingers)

(Finn is back to normal)

Finn: Thank you and I won't back away from my promise

Kamina: I know you won't (puts out her hand) hand

(Finn gives his hand to Kanisha)

(Kanisha's body glows along with Finn's hand)

(Kathy cuts Finn's hand)

(Finn's blood glows and the cut disappears)

Finn: What did you do?

Kamina: Blood promise, so I hope

(A mysterious aura drags Kamina and Finn out)

(The screen shows Kamina, Finn, Tina, Mercedes, Kurt, and Rachel being hold by black smoky tentacles)

Artie: Okay, can somebody tell me what is going on?

Will (walking angrily in the room): Sue, let go of my students

Sue: Becky, you can put them down

(The tentacles let go of them)

Kamina: Everybody good?

Kurt: Yeah

(Kamina gets Kurt up)

(Finn helps Rachel up)

(Tina helps Mercedes up)

Mercedes: What the heck?

(Sue turns her chair around revealing her face)

Sue: Will? Students? I will make this brief and quick, this is a school for superheroes, not for musicians, dancers, or singers; so I need to take down your pathetic glee club and for you Kamina your dance room

Kamina: Excuse me

Sue: You heard me

Will: Sue, this place has always had a glee club, I'm just bringing more life to it.

Sue: Will, the glee club is useless, no superhero in their right mind would want to watch a singing and dance performance.

Rachel: Coach Sue as much as I can understand your argument, we are all teenagers, and as teenagers we enjoy a good song.

Kurt: Besides it's not like we are causing too much trouble, it's just singing and dancing, it's good entertainment.

Mercedes: And us teenagers need to dance

Tina: Aaaaand if you see we can prove we are right

Sue: How?

Kamina: With an assembly that has a whole audience to watch us

(The glee members moved Kamina back)

Tina: Hold on.

Sue: Five minutes, there is an empty room over there.

(The screen switches to Them in a empty room)

Tina: Are you crazy?

Kurt: Nobody will come watch us

Rachel: We'll be laughed at

Mercedes: We aren't that high in social status

Kamina: Where is all of your confidence? I mean the fact that you wanted to join at all with this little confidence is ridiculous; how can you handle invitionals, regionals, nationals?

Artie: Guys, she is right, I mean we can't be apart of glee, if we are this unconfident

Kurt: But, we don't have a song prepared

Kamina: Hmm… I think Rachel has an idea

(Everybody looks at Rachel who is thinking)

Rachel: How about 'don't stop believin'?

Kamina: Oh!

Mercedes: That is a difficult song

Tina: That's what would make it more interesting

(Everybody smile)

(The screen switches to the glee club members behind the curtain)

(They all have red shirt, white pants, and regular shoes)

Rachel: Is everybody okay?

Kurt: I am nervous

Mercedes: Please don't say that, it will make me more nervous

Kamina: Please don't tell me you are really that nervous after practicing so wonderfully

Finn: I agree with Kamina, we got this

Will: You guys ready

Tina: As ready as we'll ever be

Will: Great, put your hands in and say 'Amazing'.

Everybody (put their hands in): Amazing

Will: Everybody, I would like to introduce the new directions

(The curtains are pulled revealing The glee club members)

(The glee club members turn around)

(Kamina, Tina, Mercedes, and Artie sing in background)

(Finn starts singing 'don't stop believin')

(Rachel joins in)

(Finn and Rachel spin around, while singing)

(All of them sing side by side)

(Artie is playing the guitar and Tina turns Artie around)

(The crowd starts cheering)

(All of them walk up, while singing)

(The episode ends with Sue looking angry as everybody cheer for glee club and the glee club smiles)