episode 3

(The opening shows Kamina walking in front of the camera with a red curtain behind her)

Kamina: Hello everybody, what do you get when you mix with geeks and singing, well you're about to see (walks behind the curtain)

(The curtain shows the school)

(The school has a flag which has a symbol of a bunch of people holding hands on top of the school)

(Will drives to the school in a flying car)

(Inside the school is shown cheerleaders in the gym)

(Football players outside with Coach Beiste)

(The glee members in the choir room watching Will talking)

(The glee members getting slushied by Football players)

(Coach Beiste is talking to Will)

(Sue is yelling at the cheerleaders with a megaphone)

(Quinn is crying as she looks at herself in the mirror)

(Lauren is walking with Kamina)

(Joe is playing a guitar)

(Brad is playing a piano)

(Vocal adrenaline is shown with Jessie and Shelby)

(The Warblers dancing)

(The promises are dancing with signs of atoms)

(The Sacred Silvertones is dancing and looking crazy)

(The opening ends with the glee members singing don't stop believin' on the stage in the gym)

(The episode opens with Kamina singing ah, while on a stage)

(Tina, Rachel, Finn, Mercedes, Kurt, Kathy, and Artie appears behind her)

Kamina (sang): There are times where I wait for your smiles

Tina, Rachel, Fnn, Mercedes, Kurt, Kathy, and Artie (sang): Doo Doo

Kamina (sang) (looking at her friends): I feel joy thinking of the good times

Rachel (sang) (while looking at Kamina): I look in your eyes and see what emotions flow through you

Mercedes (sang): Yeah! I feel happy thoughts around you

Kamina (sang): Yeah, I feel happy thoughts around you

Kurt (sang): My feelings for you is the best part to express my happiness

Kathy (sang): Happiness!

Mercedes (sang): Happiness!

Kamina (Sang): I feel joy thinking of the good times

Everybody (sang): Thinking of the good times

Artie (rap): You know all the times I spend is magical as I gaze at your amazing smile, yeah that smile brings joy to everybody that is around you, yeah

Kamina (Sang): All I want to feel this is that lovely aura around you through thick and think

Mercedes (sang): Yeah, through thick and thin

Rachel (sang); All I want to feel this is that lovely aura around you

Everybody (sang): Yeah all we want to feel is your lovely aura

Kamina (Sang): Yeah, your lovely aaaaaaura!

(Song ends)

(Everybody cheered)

Kamina: That was fun

Rachel: Are you kidding that was amazing

Mercedes: Where did you get that song from?

Kamina: Uh, I made it up

(Everybody looked shocked)

Tina: No way!

Artie: Are you serious?

(Kamina nodded)

Kathy: All the songs Kamina sing is her own original songs

Kurt: Can I see your sheet music?

Kamina: So, you guys actually like it?

Everybody: Of course

Will: I am too, you have a talent, Kamina, a talent you should share with the world; perhaps we could one of your songs against the competitions

Kamina (blushes): I don't know about that, but if all of you like it, I can show all of my sheet music, it's in my locker (runs off) I'll be back

(Sue is looking at them from a height with Becky)

Kathy (runs after): Wait, Kamina.

(The screen shows Kamina headed to her locker and sees smoke)

Kamina (looking worried): NO! No! (opens her locker)

(Out of Kamina's locker is burned paper)

Kathy: Kamina, I wanted (seeing flying burned paper) Uh Oh!

(Kamina is crying)

(Kathy is holding Kamina)

(The other glee members come)

Rachel: Oh my gosh

Mercedes: Tell me those aren't what I think they are

Kamina (with teary eyes): They are

Kurt: Come on (gets Kamina up)

(They all head to the choir room)

(The screen switches to Kurt wiping Kamina's massacre)

Kurt: Are you okay?

Kamina: I wish I could say yes, but I didn't save any of my songs on my computer

Kathy: Wait, but I did

Kamina (grabs Kathy's shirt): Why didn't you tell me?

Kathy: I just remembered, sheesh

Kamina (let's go of Kathy's shirt): Sorry, thanks for being beside me

Kathy: No problem, I love you

Kamina: Same

(Kathy and Kamina hug)

Mercedes: Who do you think did this?

Kamina: Yes, but I don't care anymore

(A chair exploded)

(Everybody looks at Kamina)

Kamina: Maybe I way lying

Kathy: You have to fix that

Kamina: I will

(Kamina snaps her fingers)

(The chair is repaired)

Kathy: That was fast

Kamina: My emotions are set

Kurt: Great, so can I do that make over to fix this?

Kamina: Fine, but I don't want to hear any comments

Rachel: Of course not

(The screen switches to Kamina looking in the mirror)

Kamina: You are good, whenever I need an emergency makeover I will call you over

Mercedes: So, are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?

Kathy: You mean what happened yesterday?

Mercedes: Yes, my back still hurts a bit.

Kamina: Those hockey players will pay

(A fire appears)

Tina: Seriously Kamina

Kamina: Sorry about that (Fire disappears)

Kurt: Maybe you should use a punching bag

Kamina: That could help, thanks Kurt

Kurt: No problem

(The screen switches to Artie scrolling to Kamina)

Artie: Kamina, I was wondering if I could help ask you about something.

Kamina: What would that be?

Artie: Well, could I direct one of your music videos?

Kamina: You like filming.

Artie: I am

Kamina: Well, How can I refuse a request from a friend, meet me at the dance room

Artie: I didn't think you would accept this that fast.

Kamina: Well, I don't exactly have a cameraman, so if you want the position you get it

Artie: Really?!

Kamina: Absolutely, I can see you are a good person like everybody in glee

Artie: So, you are a multi?

Kamina: I am, but it isn't my power that is telling me that you are kind, likable, and I like that in a person.

Artie: Can't wait to hear your song

Kamina: Thank you (kisses Artie on the cheek and walks off)

(The screen switches to Quinn crying in the bathroom, then walks out of the bathroom)

(Finn is walking by and sees Quinn, then walks to her)

Finn (holding Quinn's hand): What happened?

(Quinn looked worried and still had tears in her eyes)

Finn: Is something I did?

Quinn: I'm pregnant

(Finn looked horrified)

Quinn: I didn't know how to tell you, it was crazy when I figured out.

Finn: Mine's?

Quinn: Of course, who else's.

(Finn holds Quinn)

(The screen switches to Artie with a camera scrolling into the dance room)

(Kamina is talking with the dancers and Kathy)

Kamina: Artie, you're here!

Artie: Yup

Kamina: Great, be in the middle right here, you'll get perfect view

Kathy: Everybody ready?

(The dancers nodded)

Kamina: Hope you enjoy Artie

(The dancers and Kamina line in a row and part ways)

(Kathy walks up)

Kathy (sang): A magic trick, a magic glance (Kathy winks)

How I like them better!

(A painting of a palace appears)

I just found a mystic place

(A magic carpet appears around Kathy)

On this magic carpet ride

Kamina (Sang): Finding my way to your (points to the door) back door

Wishing that the magic

Kamina and the dancers (sang) (a clock is flying over there): Magic hour of the night

The magic hour of the night

The magic hour of the night

The magic hour of the night

(The dancers and Kamina has top hats and magic wands)

Kathy (sang): I saw you in the dream I had

(Kamina comes out of a magic box and tap dances)

You held a magic box

(Kathy is holding a queen card, while another girl is holding a king)

You were playing queen to the king

(Fruit is falling down)

All good fruits they come too late

Kamina (Sang): And I know, love knows how

But a song to sing tonight

Kamina and the dancers (sang) (A clock is flying over them):

Magic hour of the night

The magic hour of the night

The magic hour of the night

The magic hour of the night

Kathy (sang): You gave me to understand the magic of life

You always myself underneath

Kamina, Kathy, and the dancers (sang) (They are on flying clocks): Magic hour of the night

The magic hour of the night

The magic hour of the night

The magic hour of the night

(Kamina, Kathy, and the dancers releases doves from their top hats, once the song ends)

(Artie stops the camera from filming more)

Kamina: So, what did you think?

Kathy: I hope I didn't sound off key

Another dancer: Or if those things wasn't too much\

Kamina: Tereza, I didn't even consider that

(Tereza - a girl who has straight black/brown hair, brown skin, wearing a red jumpsuit)

Artie: Okay calm down, the number was great, really amazing

Kamina: Really?

Kathy: That goodness

Tereza: I'm so glad, I hope everybody on our website likes it. We haven't tried stuff like that often.

Artie (looking surprised): You have a website?

Kamina: Oh, I didn't tell you it makes sense we haven't gotten a chance to talk like best friends (looking at Kathy) Kathy can I borrow your computer?

Kathy: Of course

(Kathy takes out her computer from her bag and gives to Kamina)

Kamina: Thank you (opens the computer and types) here it is

(On the computer is a pink background with music notes, the group is shown with the name 'Street Love Inside Flame')

Artie: Who made this web design?

(Kathy pointed to Tereza)

Tereza: I'm working on web design

Artie: Impressive

Tereza (blushes): Oh, it was nothing

Another dancer: Artie, I have a request

Artie: Sure, what is it?

(This dancer has two brown bushy ponytails, brown skin, wearing a purple jumpsuit)

(The dancer's name is Mavise)

Mavise: We would like to see you sing with Kamina

Artie: Kamina?

Kamina: I have the perfect song for us, Artie I sense you like rap

Artie: I dab a bit

Kamina: Then, let's sing

(music starts)

Artie (rap): I like goin hard

Wheels spin like a flywheel

If we rockin the show will you put us in the bin

Ooh, I get a little sad when the sun goes down

Kamina (sang): Icy neck full of water

I come to do you right

The dancers (sang) (Kamina spins with Artie):

Riding at the wheels of a fire

Riding and you believe

Riding and you believe

The wheels of time they are turning

Artie (rap): You drivin in your hot car

Take the wheel, baby, never come back

Sitting in that old hood looking at the blue

Pretty girl in the video and we all wanna holla

Kamina (sang): He is what goes around

That the wheels are turned

The dancers (sang):

Riding at the wheels of a fire

Riding and you believe

Riding and you believe

The wheels of time they are turning

Kamina (sang):

I got the ride, yeah, ride

You know you like the wheels in the ride

The dancers (sang):

Riding at the wheels of a fire

Riding and you believe

Riding and you believe

The wheels of time they are turning

(The song ends)

Artie: Do you have a song for everything?

Kamina: I haven't made many gospels, so no.

Artie: Really?

Kamina: I know you would think somebody would be able to handle gospel, but those are some hard shoes to fill in.

Artie: Understandable

(The screen switches to Finn with the football players running around the track)

(Finn's best friend Puck walks to Finn)

Puck: Dude, what's going on? You seem really out of it

Finn: Uh, it's nothing

Puck: It's that glee club I knew that make weak

Finn: It's not that

Puck: Then what? You can tell me I'm your best friend

Finn (whispers): Quinn is pregnant

(Puck looked shocked)

Finn (whispers): She just told me today

(Finn walks off)

(The episode ends)