The Holmes Twins

Evans High School, outskirts of the town.

"Thank God it's Friday!" A freshman girl yells, walking into the music room, pulling out a chair and sitting beside Bonnie who looks rather confused as she taps on the keys with absolute disorientation.

"Hey bitch" She nudges Bonnie, trying to get her attention.

Their music teacher and instructor strongly disapproves of the use of vulgar or profane language in his class. But since it's just she and Bonnie in the class, she's free to swear as much as she wants in his absence.

BONNIE: Hey Laura. (She replies without paying her a glance, still focused on the piano keys and talking to herself) How does that person play it?

She's trying to play the piano tune she heard the previous night and the night before that. Laura inquires to know what's getting her so worked up. Bonnie relates her fascination to the sweet piano sound.

BONNIE: Not sure, but I guess.

(When Laura asks if the sound was coming from their neighbor's place)

LAURA: You said you've got new neighbors, right? It's definitely them and I'm 80% sure it's a guy who's been playing it.

Bonnie teases her about her obsession for boys, she laughs and they make jokes, talking about girl stuff for a moment while students in few numbers gradually walk into the music room till it starts to get crowdy and rowdy. All side talks cease when 'The Saint' walks in. He's a man of endomorphic appearance, neatly appareled in a blue checkered shirt tucked in jeans and a matte black footwear to compliment. He's a bit tall, a little above average, slightly bald, clean shaven but leaving a moustache, the little grey in the hair shows that he's an early quinquagenarian. He's Mr Brock.

Students of EHS nicknamed him 'The Saint' not only because of his way of life but also the long and boring preaching he'd dish out whenever you 'sin'. According to him, all wrong doings are regarded as sin, including sleeping in class.

It's the last period on the timetable and it's free for most students in Evans High. Physics class just ended for the freshman grade. Laura and Bonnie are walking out of the lab, heading to their home room while laughing, making jest of Mr Gibb, their Physics teacher.

DOOM!!! Next thing they hear. They both turn around, startled, catching the sight of a basketball bouncing towards them. From the way the ball is bouncing, it seems like it had just been thrown down so they look up at the same time and who do they see? A guy smiling at them, standing by the railing of one of the staircases leading to the second floor.

BONNIE: Tyler! What if this ball had hit me in the head?

He's an athlete of 5'9 with dark brown spiky hair, dark eyes and slight cheekbones. He's Bonnie's twin, non identical.

TYLER: That would have been great.

BONNIE: And why are you in your jersey?

TYLER: I dunno. Perhaps just getting ready to launch into space.

LAURA: What are you? Neil Armstrong? (Replying his sarcasm)

TYLER: Now that I have your attention, kindly inform Vivian Holmes that I'd be home late today.

BONNIE: That's our mom, you dickhead.

TYLER: I know! Hey... one more favour. Kindly throw my ball back to me.

BONNIE: You had hands to throw it down, I'm sure you've got legs to find your way here and get it yourself.

TYLER: You ain't gonna pass me the ball, yeah? Get ready to smell my socks tonight.