Good Day Turned Bad

Getting to the pitch, they spot coach Dominic and beside him, a tall hefty broad shouldered rough haired guy wearing a number 10 jersey. They're trying to reduce the crowd of students frolicking around an injured teammate who at the moment is being administered medicine to by the Cleave Hills High School Red Cross.

COACH DOMINIC: Marcello, watch the injured kid, he's just been put on a stretcher. I'll meet you at the clinic, wanna make a stop at the gym. (Addressing his team captain)


COACH: Hey you. (He turns to a girl who's been following the boy on the stretcher)

You've been sticking around. You his sister?

"Yeah. I just wanna know if he'll be okay"

Eric scans through all the disorganized looking teammates, some sitting on the grass, others are moving about or just standing, waiting for their coach to return. He doesn't seem to find his brother among them.

ZOEY: Isn't that Elena over there talking with the coach?

ERIC: I hope it's not what I'm thinking. (He and Zoey share a look) Shit! Elvis is hurt! (Running to the direction of the stretcher)

ZOEY: Hey! Wait up! (Running after him)

"Sorry, I can only let one of you in and no other person again. I don't want the patient to be crowded" (The school nurse stops Eric and Zoey at the entrance of the clinic on getting there after a long run)

ERIC: I'm his... (panting) I'm his brother.

NURSE: Come in then.

ERIC: Sorry for leaving you alone like this.

(He stops and turns to Zoey as he's holding the door, about entering)

ZOEY: Hey, it's okay. I understand. I'd have loved to be in there too. Take care of him.

ERIC: Yeah sure. And you're kinda fun to be with (He smiles) Bye.

07:03pm, the Mance's place.

Emily is worried that her kids aren't back from school yet. She tries calling the boys but their phones are either switched off or not connecting. She dials Elena's number and she immediately starts hearing a vibration coming from the dining table.

EMILY: She forgot her phone? That's unusual. She must have hurried out after breakfast. Do I call the cops? Nah, that's too dramatic. I'd call Ethan instead.

Going to fetch her phone, she hears a car drive into the garage. She rushes to the rear window and pulls the window blind, seeing her husband and kids.

EMILY: Ethan picked up the kids from school today? Thought he said he was gonna be busy. And why's Elvis limping.

(She walks to the door to welcome her family)

ETHAN: Henceforth, no more football! (He parks his SUV, gets out and slams the door angrily just as Emily comes out of the house)

Until I see improvements in your grades, you're not allowed to play football, not even in your dreams!

EMILY: What's going? Why are you yelling?

ETHAN: Go against me and I'll have you grounded during weekends. (Still mad at Elvis, he ignores his wife's question, storming into the house)

Elvis is quiet. His siblings do the talking, explaining to their mom what happened. He was about to make a run when he had a muscle cramp so he fell and sprained his ankle. The nurse wouldn't let him out of the clinic without the presence of a parent so she called their dad. Ethan is mad because it's the fourth time Elvis is getting injured this summer. Emily tries to cheer her son up.