
Senior Crush

Recess, Evans High School.

Bonnie is standing in front of her locker with Laura when a fellow classmate walks up to meet them.

"Uhm... Hi girls"

He's 5'7 with a regular body, no muscular build. He has an almost oval face with thick eyebrows and black curly hair. He has a pair of glasses on which he keeps adjusting with the tip of his finger.

BONNIE: Hi Octavio.

(Laura ignores his greeting)

OCTAVIO: Can I have a minute with Bonnie?

(Looking at Laura)

LAURA: You're kidding, right? I'm not moving an inch. Say whatever the fuck you wanna say in my presence.

Bonnie nudges Laura to slow down with her rudeness. Octavio feels uncomfortable but he's left with limited options.

OCTAVIO: Okay. Uhm... Bonnie, i just wanna... ermm... I dunno if you'd be busy at second to the last period today, we could just hang out somewhere and uhm...

BONNIE: And what?

OCTAVIO: And... talk.

LAURA: We don't roll with nerds.

Bonnie nudges her again.

LAURA: Alright, I've got nothing against you.

(Leaving them) Meet me at the cafeteria, bitch. (To Bonnie as she walks away)

BONNIE: Sorry about that. So what do you wanna talk about, Octavio? Can't we just do it here and now?

OCTAVIO: I'm not really ready for it now. And I wouldn't wanna waste your time and cut into your lunch break.

BONNIE: Well, you're already doing that. So you can as well just... talk. I'm not gonna have any free time after now.

OCTAVIO: Uhm, I... you... you look great and I love your jeans.

(He walks away, almost shitting his pants)

BONNIE: Err... thanks. (Watching him go, wondering what she said to scare him away)

And what's so special about my jeans?

"I'd have a pie, please. Add a bagel to it"

"I guess I'd have the same"

Bonnie and Laura respectively buy snacks from the chef at the cafeteria before heading to the vending machine to get drinks.

LAURA: That boy's got a huge crush on you.

(Holding their snacks, going to find a table)

BONNIE: I know. I feel bad for him. He said he has something to tell me. I hope he's not planning on asking me out because I can't give him what he's looking for.

LAURA: Like I said, we don't roll with nerds.

BONNIE: Shut up. It's not because he's a nerd, I really don't care about some dumb high school social classifications. He's just not my type, that's all.

LAURA: And what's your type? (Finally finding a table and settling down to eat)

BONNIE: Anderson. That's my type.

LAURA: Oh shit, that dude is hot!

BONNIE: You can say that again. (Laughing)

I like his hair, and his attitude of making jokes and taking pictures every time with his camera.

LAURA: Handsome and goofy, what more could a bitch ask for?

(Talking with good in her mouth)

BONNIE: Ew! You just spat a crumb at me.

(Wiping her cheek with a handkerchief)

LAURA: Another complain and I'm stuffing my bagel down your bra.

BONNIE: Shut the fuck up. (Laughing)

"Hi Kerry, What's up Alice? You both look amazing today. Hey chill... just one shot... and boom! There you go. Oh my! Girls, you gotta see this". A guy at the entrance of the cafeteria taking pics of two girls coming in.

Anderson Blackwell, senior year, Afro American, height 6 ft 3, full nappy hair, slight broad shoulders, ectomorph body build, strong cheek bones and a chiseled jawline.

LAURA: Speak of the Devil. (Teasing Bonnie)

Look, he's coming this way.

Bonnie immediately adjusts her brown hair to the side, crosses her legs and pretends to be busy with her phone. Laura chuckles.

"Hi girls" (Joining them on their table and taking a spot beside Bonnie) "I'm Anderson"

LAURA: We know you. We've met before. At the gym, remember? (She smirks)

ANDERSON: Yeahhh, you the girl who found and brought me my wristwatch that I misplaced. Lauren, yeah?

LAURA: Laura. (she smiles)

ANDERSON: Right. And you are? (Looking at Bonnie) Sorry, remind me.

BONNIE: It's Bonnie. Can't believe you forgot my name, that hurts.

ANDERSON: My bad, won't happen again. I guess I'm here to make it up to you.

BONNIE: What do you mean?

ANDERSON: I actually came here just to talk to you.


ANDERSON: Yeah. You seem cool. It would be fun hangin' out with you.

BONNIE: Uhm... Okay... Th-Thanks.

(She shares a look with Laura, struggling to hold back her exploding smile)

ANDERSON: Pardon me, brunette. Can I steal your friend for a second?

LAURA: Of course! She loves to be stolen, especially by handsome thieves.

He laughs while Bonnie gives her a deadly stare, making her laugh as well.

At another end of the cafeteria. Octavio is talking with his friend, taking their food from the chef and heading to find a sitting spot.

OCTAVIO: So any info about the quiz, Carl?

CARL: Dude... (Totally ignoring his question)

I told you she likes that guy... Look!

(Pointing to the door as Bonnie and Anderson leave the cafeteria)