
Paper Cards

Elena has been in her bed since she got home a while ago after the whole Ashland city aventure and sightseeing she and Zoey embarked on earlier. She's looking at the four paper cards, rearranging them and trying to figure out the meaning behind them and why she's been getting them lately.

[A][M][V][E] [V][E][A][M]

[V][A][M][E] [A][V][E][M]

[E][M][V][A] [M][E][A][V]

ELENA: Uggrhhh! Knock it off, Elena! None of these words make any sense. I shouldn't get myself worked up over nothing, this could be a prank like Zoey said.

"Is she talking to herself?"

"Nothing's impossible"

Hearing familiar voices, she turns around and sees her brothers in her room.

ELENA: When did you two come in? And can't you knock?! (Keeping the paper cards in her diary and putting it aside)

ELVIS: We just got in and...

ERIC: ...and the door was open.

ELVIS: Why are we even explaining? You barge into our rooms like some psycho girl trying to catch her cheating boyfriend.

ELENA: Do I do that?


ELENA: Okay! Got it... no denial.

ELVIS: Anyway, are you the only one home? Had anything to eat? I'm starving. (Leaving her room)

ERIC: Same here, but I need a shower first, I'm sweaty. None of the ACs in the music room were working today, can you imagine that? (He complains, forgetting his school bag in her room and going to the kitchen)

"Boys..." Elena rolls her eyes and exhales, returning to her diary.

A couple hours later.

Elvis kicks his brother's room door wide open and he flashes a grin as it makes a loud bang.

ELVIS: Hope that wasn't so loud.

ERIC: What? Nope, not at all, I almost didn't hear you come in. (Elvis chuckles)

ELVIS: Dude, I need your help.

(Falling on the bed)

ERIC: Hey! Those are new sheets I just laid, don't get too comfortable.

"Oh, my bad" Elvis stands on the bed, turning it into a momentary trampoline and then lays back on it, breathing a little faster. He grins at Eric who looks like he's about to shoot lasers through his eyes.

ERIC: I wish your ankle still hurts, you wouldn't be here jumping.

ELVIS: That's mean, man.

ERIC: What do you want? Why are you here?

(Shutting down his computer)

ELVIS: Are you mad about the bed? I'll lay the sheets properly, I promise.

ERIC: Why are you here, man? I've got an essay to complete.

ELVIS: Okay, I'll be brief. This may sound crazy but uhm... I want you to stand in for me in my Chemistry practical on Friday.

ERIC: 'This may sound crazy' you say? This IS crazy! You want me to replace you in the lab? Are you out of your god damn mind?

ELVIS: Hey, calm down, okay. I've been studying, trust me. But it's just so difficult, so difficult to grasp. I can't afford to get a C in Chemistry.

ERIC: Chemistry starts with a 'C'.

ELVIS: Very funny. Chemistry is one of my core subjects and if I screw it up, dad's gonna have me football banned for life.

ERIC: We both know dad wouldn't do that.

ELVIS: I know, but he could make me miss this season, and I don't want that.

ERIC: So it's not even your future you're worried about if you flunk Chemistry, all you care about is dad lifting the ban.

ELVIS: Yeah. That's what matters now. My future is still... in the future.

ERIC: And what makes you think I've got any knowledge about Chemistry?

ELVIS: Who are you fooling? You're brainy, you read everything and anything.

ERIC: That's correct, but reading about something is totally different from taking it as a field of study.

ELVIS: You can study my books if you want.

ERIC: And what if I don't want?

ELVIS: Come on, man... please. You've got a big brain, you have more than enough time to cover all my Chemistry textbooks.

ERIC: Elvis... this is risky, if I get caught, you get caught too and dad's definitely gonna find out, and then you'd be in bigger shit.

ELVIS: Dude, I'm not asking you to move weight or something, you're just helping me with my practical. (Stretching his hands and fiddling with the strings on Eric's guitar)

ERIC: Students in the lab would see me, they know I don't take Chemistry class, won't they snitch?

ELVIS: They won't, I have that problem taken care of.

ERIC: Look at you... (He smirks) You've been in Cleave Hills High barely five minutes and you're already taking care of problems.

ELVIS: What can I say? (He scoffs and makes a face) I'm a natural.

ERIC: Aren't you supposed to be assigned a lab partner? Why doesn't he or she assist you? Why do you need my help?

ELVIS: That's the point. If my lab partner could offer any academic assistance, I wouldn't be here kissing your ass.

(He and Eric share a laugh)

ERIC: You need to study more and ignore those girls you text at night. That's a good way to help yourself.

ELVIS: Gimme a break, man. I came her for assistance, not advice. Late night texting ROCKS while reading is BORING.

ERIC: You don't say? And you want me to read your Chemistry textbooks... so I'm the boring guy, huh?

ELVIS: What? No, what I meant was... I read round the CLOCK and I'm always at the library EXPLORING! Feel me?

ERIC: Dress my bed and get your ass out of my room, man. (He chuckles)

ELVIS: Bold of you to assume I'd dress your stupid bed. (He runs out of the room, laughing)