
Friend Zone

Recess, Evans High.

The cafeteria.

"So what would you have, miss?"

LAURA: Same as yesterday (turning to Bonnie) What flavor of smoothie are you buying?

BONNIE: What makes you think I want a smoothie?

LAURA: Bitch, you can sell your soul for just a cup of smoothie.

BONNIE: I hate to admit but you're not wrong. (She chuckles, glancing at the chef) Just add a sandwich please.

"Here you go" The chef hands them their food and they leave to find a sitting spot.

OCTAVIO: Hi girls. (He walks up to their table, drops his food tray gently and sits with them)

LAURA: Oh... great. (Looking pissed)

OCTAVIO: Uhm... I came to talk to Bonnie. I didn't have the balls to do so earlier but I'm here now. (He smiles at Laura) I know you won't leave even if I asked you to excuse us.

LAURA: You're darn right.

BONNIE: What do you wanna tell me?

OCTAVIO: Bonnie Holmes (he clears his throat) Ever since I got transferred to Evans High this semester, I've had my eyes on you. You're the solution to my equation, without you I'm a fraction but with you I'm whole. Your place value in my life is nothing to be compared to. I promise to stand by you and back you up like a coefficient. I believe we're gonna make a perfect square. (He holds in his laugh, looking down on the table to avoid eye contact)

Bonnie and Laura share a look before bursting out laughing.

LAURA: Coefficient, place value... seriously, dude? Did you rehearse your speech before coming here or was this shit all spontaneous?

OCTAVIO: I uhm...

BONNIE: I'm sorry Octavio but I...

LAURA: Bitch... (Holding Bonnie's arm) I got this. (She faces Octavio) Dude, I don't mean to hurt your feelings but since you decided to speak math lingo, you should have noticed the equilateral love triangle between you, Bonnie and Anderson. You're quite different from other nerds though, you made me laugh and that's something. I just want you to understand that she likes Anderson and he likes her too.

OCTAVIO: Yeah, I kinda figured. When I saw her walking out of the cafeteria with him the other day.

LAURA: Glad you could read the signs. So... I'm afraid you two can't have a thing, not even in your dreams.

OCTAVIO: Hey, you have no say over what I dream of. (Laura and Bonnie laugh) But I understand. I just wanted to get this off my chest and let Bonnie know how I felt. (He takes off his glasses, cleans it with a soft piece of clothing then puts it back on) I'd like us to be friends at least, it would be an honor.

BONNIE: Really?

OCTAVIO: Yeah. (He chuckles) Only a dumb ass would approach a girl in such manner.

BONNIE: So why bother trying if you already knew you'd be turned down?

OCTAVIO: I just seized an opportunity to talk to you. I'm not much of a conversationalist, to be honest. I needed something to talk about.

LAURA: Hmm... you're not so bad after all.

OCTAVIO: Thanks. I uhm... I guess that's my cue to leave. Sorry for interrupting your lunch. (He gets up, about to grab his food tray)

BONNIE: Wait. (Standing up) You can stay if you wanna. Let's talk more.

OCTAVIO: Really?

BONNIE: Of course. You're very polite... and kinda funny. Come here. (She pecks his cheek) Thanks for understanding.

[Click! Click!!]

A girl takes pictures of Bonnie and Octavio from a corner in the cafeteria.

OCTAVIO: Wh-why'd you do that? (His cheeks turn red immediately)

LAURA: Yeah, bitch, what was that for?

BONNIE: Honestly... I dunno.

"Damn that girl. It's a good thing I've been watching. Now I've got some proof to convince Anderson and make him believe that she doesn't deserve him. This freshman, this brat! Trying to steal my boyfriend... my Anderson! Not on my watch". She smiles sinisterly, walking out of the cafeteria.