
The Holmes Twins 2

03:37pm. The buildings in the street are bathed in the warm light of the afternoon sun and the temperature in the Holmes home is a little higher than normal. The twins are engaging in their usual bantering while fixing something to eat in the kitchen after a long day at school.

BONNIE: You've been in a good mood since we got back, what's up?

TYLER: Nothing really, just getting ready to ace my History test tomorrow.

BONNIE: For real? Last time I checked, History was your toughest subject.

TYLER: Like you said... last time you checked.

BONNIE: To what do we owe the sudden academic improvement? (Tyler deliberately ignores) Well, seems like I'm the only one left with a tough subject to handle. Ugh! Physics test next week. I guess extra studies will do the magic.

TYLER: Studies? (He scoffs) Lame! That's so past tense. (Spreading jam on his bread)

BONNIE: What do you mean?

TYLER: You won't understand, never mind. (Closing the jar of jam and putting it back in the fridge)

BONNIE: Are you thinking of cheating?

TYLER: What?! Never said anything like that. You want some? (Offering her bread and jam in a saucer)

BONNIE: Pass. I'll just make do with this. (She settles down on a dining chair to eat some left over ice cream)

TYLER: Today you noticed my happy mood and I told you the reason. Why don't you tell me the reason behind yours?

BONNIE: Behind what?

TYLER: You suck at hiding feelings. I know you're in love, who's the chap?

BONNIE: What chap? There's none.

TYLER: Come on... tell me. Is he a freshman like us? Sophomore? Junior?... or a senior? Hold on... is it a girl?

BONNIE: No! I'm straight. And alright! Yeah. I like a guy, but I'm not telling you who. Not yet.

TYLER: Why? And when?

BONNIE: When he and I start going out.

TYLER: And you're so certain that you two are gonna date?

BONNIE: Oh please, he's into me. (Smiling)

TYLER: How come I've never seen you both together?

BONNIE: What do you expect? You're always busy with basketball. You're the only freshman on the team yet you take the game so seriously like your life depends on it.

TYLER: Okay, first of all, there are two other freshmen on the team. Secondly, yeah! My life actually depends on it, practice makes perfect, and perfect makes me get noticed by college scouts... And thirdly... shut the fuck up, dork! Last time I checked, we were talking about your secret lover so don't even try to change the topic.

BONNIE: I still don't get why you're so interested in knowing. You're so nosy.

TYLER: Alright, no problem. When I start going out with some girl, you'd be the last person to know.

BONNIE: Like I care. I feel sorry for whoever's gonna get involved with an annoying psychopath like you. (Laughing)

TYLER: You didn't just call me a psychopath.

BONNIE: What you gonna do about it? Punch a wall? (Still laughing)

Minutes later.

BONNIE: I'm still hungry. (She licks her spoon, staring at her empty ice-cream plate) You know what? I'll have some slices of that bread. And could you pass me the egg sauce?

TYLER: This egg sauce? Of course. (He smiles sinisterly, carrying the plate to where she's seated)

BONNIE: Hey, you forgot the bread.

TYLER: You wouldn't be needing it after this. (He pours the egg sauce on her head) That's what you get for calling me a psychopath.

BONNIE: Damn you! (Screaming) You just ruined my hair... and my T-shirt, this is my favorite T-shirt, you piece of shit! Ouch! My eyes... my eyes hurt (rushing to the sink and turning on the tap) I'm gonna kill you Tyler, I promise you that!

TYLER: Oh my, I need a pic of this.