
Clash Of Emotions

An hour after recess, Evans High.

Anderson walks into the school clinic and he's greeted by Bonnie's unwavering glare.

BONNIE: What are you doing here?

He pauses, looking down to avoid eye contact with her, searching for the right words.

ANDERSON: Bee... I know you mad and I get it. I'm deeply sorry for hurting your brother. I was so full of rage when I found out that he was involved in something shady against us. I just wanted to hit him once but I found myself making him bleed. I'm sorry.

Bonnie says nothing, and a few seconds of silence go by.

ANDERSON: Tyler... you were tryna explain something to me while I was... (coughs) ...you know... you mind telling me?

BONNIE: Are you blind or what? You can see he's in pain, haven't you hurt him enough? I don't even know why you're still here. Aren't you supposed to be mopping toilet floors or doing whatever punishment there is that's suitable for assholes like you?

LAURA: Bitch... trust me, you don't look good when you're mad. (She then turns to Anderson) I'll be honest with you, dude... you fucked up, real bad. But I hope y'all work things out.

TYLER: I only wantzzed to tell you vvhat is was Mazilvza who took those pictures and sent me to dvvrop the envelope on your table.

ANDERSON: It was who?

TYLER: Matzidlda.

ANDERSON: What? Ma—Matilda? What does she want from me? Her childish attitude is becoming unbecoming.

BONNIE: Funny... sinner judging sinner, in the saint's voice.

Anderson sighs remorsefully, trying to hold eye contact with her this time around but she looks away. He turns back to Tyler.

ANDERSON: But...I... I don't understand, why were you working for her?

TYLER: She helpved me with my hissshory test... illegally though, so working for her was my own pvart of the deal. Besides, she vvwas paying me so I fvelt it vvwas a win win for me. I had no idea that I vvwas working against my sizzzter the whole time.

ANDERSON: She and I gotta have a real talk. Matilda... Matildaaaaa! (He grunts, dashing out of the clinic angrily)

LAURA: Boy's got anger issues.

BONNIE: He sure does. (She pauses) but when he's happy he gets so cute and playful that you'd mistake him for an angel. I'm still trying to understand him.

Shortly... In front of the senior hangout where studious students cool off, lazy students slack off, couples make out and where the rebels cut classes.

ANDERSON: Matilda! Matilda! (He fumes, looking around) Matilda!!!

MATILDA: Who the fuck is yelling my name like a mad dog?!

ANDERSON: Matilda!! (Breathing hard)

MATILDA: Oh, it's you baby. What's up?

ANDERSON: Wanna tell me what your problem is? Why have you decided to be a thorn in my flesh? What department of hell are you from? (He goes off, creating a scene)

MATILDA: Take it easy, sugar burger. What are you talking about?

ANDERSON: Don't play dumb with me, and don't you dare call me 'sugar burger'. The shit we had between us ended last session, okay?!

MATILDA: Anderson! I know I dumped you... I mean (she coughs) I sidelined you and hurt your feelings, but I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was doing, I just want you back, we can still fix this.

ANDERSON: I ain't give no rat's ass if you knew what you was doing or not. I was hurt and now I've gotten over you so don't try to fix nothing. It's all bygones. Leave Bonnie and I alone! Please!

MATILDA: Bonnie, huh? That's the brat you picked over me? I can't leave you, you belong to me! I still love you Ander...

ANDERSON: But I don't!


"Damn it, that's brutal"

Different mocking commentaries ensue from the crowd of students watching.

ANDERSON: I don't love you, Matilda! So grow the fuck up and stay away from Bonnie and I. (He storms off).

MATILDA: You talk about growing up but you're the one dating a kid. You're almost eighteen and she's just fifteen. Date your mate! Date someone like ME!

BELLA: Matilda, you're embarrassing yourself.

MATILDA: I don't care!... (she pauses, looking at the numerous pairs of eyes around her) What? What y'all looking at? Get outta here! Show's over! (She curses the students watching she and Anderson's heated argument)

The students disperse just as soon as she curses them out. Prudencia places a palm on her shoulder to ease her nerves.

MATILDA: Did you guys see the way he treated me?

PRUDENCIA: We all witnessed it, Matilda.

MATILDA: The best replacement for me is a little freshman? Such a pedophile!

PRUDENCIA: Did you just call him a pedophile? (She gives Matilda a funny stare) Seriously? They're both minors under the law and there's nothing wrong...

MATILDA: Don't lawyer me! Whose side are you on?!

PRUDENCIA: I'm not taking sides, alright? I'm just saying you shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house.

MATILDA: Meaning?

PRUDENCIA: You dated a college guy in your sophomore year, remember? You just turned sixteen while he was nineteen.

MATILDA: Uhm... well...

PRUDENCIA: Now that's a pedophile and the age gap could be taken as statutory rape, but you didn't seem to have a problem with it.

MATILDA: Stop attacking me, okay?! Didn't I tell you not to lawyer me?! Ughr! (She pauses, staring blankly at nothing like she's trying to recollect some thoughts). That wasn't even a relationship. The jerk didn't love me, he only wanted to get into my panties...

PRUDENCIA: And you let him.

MATILDA: Of course I did, he was hot!... But Anderson is different, he's special... and if I don't have him then no one else will.

BELLA: Are you not tired of fighting a lost battle?

MATILDA: Shut the fuck up, air head! You talk crap all the time, I'm sick of you already. You should be helping me to come up with new ideas on how to destroy that brat rather than spewing garbage.

PRUDENCIA: You need to take a break, Matilda.

MATILDA: Don't you tell me what to do! This bitch is fond of saying stupid shit all the time.

BELLA: Stupid shit, yeah? You know what? I'm also sick of you.

PRUDENCIA: Don't do this, Bella. (Trying to hold her)

BELLA: Don't touch me! (Pushing Prudencia's hand away). I'm sick of putting up with your disgusting high-and-mighty attitude. To hell with you, Matilda! You suck! (Walking out on them)

MATILDA: Whatever! To hell with you too, blockheaded barf face!

After school hours.

Tyler meets up with Matilda and Prudencia at the lockers.

MATILDA: Hey, sixty nine. What's up? Please tell me you stole the phone I asked you to, I need some good news after the terrible day I just had.

Tyler stays mute, trying to arrange his words.

MATILDA: Oh my! What happened to you? (She notices his limps and swollen mouth as he comes closer)

TYLER: I just... came to tell you that I'm done.

MATILDA: Done?... (she looks at Prudencia, confused, then looks back at Tyler) Done with what?

TYLER: If you vvvhink I'm...gonna... let you control me like a puppet... I'm sorry to vvhisappoint you. As for the cheat you gave to me for my... (he coughs)... for my test... thanks, I aced it... but like I said... I'm done! Here's the cash you paid me that day. Looks like I wouldn't be needing it. Stay away from me. (He limps off)

MATILDA: Sixty nine! Come back here! Tyler! Tyler if you walk away you'll regret this... Tylerrrr!!!

She yells at the top of her voice, getting frustrated by the act of people walking out on her, being the third time in one day.

MATILDA: Did you see the way he talked to me? After what I did for him, he has the guts to leave me high and dry... Tyler! You'll regret this. Watch your back, boy. Watch your back. (She slams her locker).

PRUDENCIA: It's okay.

MATILDA: Promise me you won't leave like the rest.

PRUDENCIA: You know I won't.

MATILDA: Promise me!

PRUDENCIA: I promise.

Matilda smiles, stares at her momentarily before kissing her on the lips.

PRUDENCIA: Okay... what... was that? (She asks, shocked, taking a step back)

MATILDA: I'm sorry! I... I... I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. You're the only person who's been by my side so I...

PRUDENCIA: I understand. (She smirks, placing her hands on Matilda's shoulders) I totally understand you... You just wanna feel loved.

MATILDA: Shut up! I don't need to be loved, I'm not that pathetic! Don't you ever...

Prudencia pulls her close and kisses her, shutting her up instantly.

MATILDA: Alright, now what was that?

PRUDENCIA: I know this means nothing to you but if it makes you feel better then I'm here for you.

MATILDA: Hmmm...

PRUDENCIA: Hey, for the record, I'm straight. But like I said, I'm here for you if you ever wanna escape your thoughts.

MATILDA: In that case... (She touches Prudencia's lips) ...I think we have lots of escaping to do.