

Previously... on TEENAGERS

Happening within the four walls of Evans High, Ashland City. Matilda uses Tyler as a pawn to frame up the 'Lil brat' going after her man. As a result of this, he unknowingly gets entangled in a messy situation against his twin sister.

With the help of Adrian, Anderson comes to the knowledge of this, he gets livid and beats up Tyler the following day at school. There, he finds out that Tyler is his girlfriend's twin. Anyone in his shoes right now would consider this as one of his biggest screw ups. Ashamed of what he just did, he apologizes to Bonnie but she's too angry to listen to him, this creates a gap between them.

Back at the Mance's place, Elena and her brothers eventually discover that Peggy has been a ghost the whole time. Creepy, huh?

David Agusiy is excited to bring to you...


Wednesday, Evans High school.

Homeroom free time.

LOUIS: How was the detention yesterday?

ANDERSON: You run out of conversation starters or what?

LOUIS: Just a question, man. Chill out.

ANDERSON: Detention was... the way every detention has been, y'all know the drill.

ADRIAN: I don't, never gotten detention.

ANDERSON: Dude, is there any street cred left in you?

ADRIAN: Uhm, hell yeah! Have you ever broken your own record twice? I mean right after breaking your predecessor's record?

LOUIS: What record is that?

ADRIAN: Solving the longest equations in the shortest time.

Louis and Anderson share a bored look.

ADRIAN: Show me a single soul in this school who can do what I've done. If that ain't credibility then I dunno what y'all talking about. (He dusts his shoulders and gestures his hands, pretending to drop a mic)

LOUIS: We were talking about street cred, not school cred but yeah, man... you've got big credibility... big, big cred. (He chuckles)

ADRIAN: Thank you! (Smiling)

ANDERSON: Well, I've got detention today also.

LOUIS: Two days detention?

ANDERSON: Plus mopping toilet floors.

ADRIAN: That's what you get for beating up a freshman. (Giving Anderson a disappointed look)

ANDERSON: It's not like I wanted to...

ADRIAN: Had I known you'd react that way, I wouldn't have told you. Actually, it's my fault. I should have known you'd react that way...

ANDERSON: What's that s'pposed to mean? You judging me now?

ADRIAN: I'm not. But knowing your present state, when you're happy, it's extreme, when you're sad, you look like a depressed horse, and when you're angry... carnage! Man, you've got heightened emotions.

ANDERSON: They're kinda hard to control at times.

LOUIS: Then you should stop using.



ANDERSON: It's the only thing that helps me forget my past.

LOUIS: Since you started hanging out with Bonnie, you've hardly touched them pills, so why are you doing it again?

ANDERSON: Bonnie's been avoiding me because of what happened yesterday. The more I think of everything, the sadder I get. So... I've got no choice but to fall back on pills. It keeps me sane.

ADRIAN: It's taking a toll on your studies. Soon, it's gonna affect your health, if it hasn't already started. You're better than this, man!

ANDERSON: Stop parenting me.

LOUIS: Seriously, bro. Book an appointment with a therapist, I'll pay for your sessions.

ADRIAN: Exactly. You need to get help, not get high.

ANDERSON: Therapy is for white people!... (He pauses, glancing at his two friends) ...Uhm, no offense.

ADRIAN: That's racist.

LOUIS: And I'm definitely offended.

ANDERSON: I'm sorry, didn't mean to...

LOUIS: I've got an idea though.

ANDERSON: Okay... (He focuses he gaze on Louis, more attentive)

LOUIS: The three of us would see Bonnie tomorrow...

ANDERSON: Hold it right there.

LOUIS: During recess, at the cafeteria...

ANDERSON: I said hold it right there. (He gives Louis a look)

LOUIS: What?

ANDERSON: What do you mean 'what'? I just messed up her brother's face real bad, you think she's gonna be excited to see me?

ADRIAN: Man's got a point. She probably says Anderson's name every night amongst the names of her other enemies just like Arya Stark does.

LOUIS: We gotta make her understand and forgive you. She's got every right to be mad at you, but avoiding you?... that doesn't solve the problem. Two wrongs, last time I checked, was never a right.

ADRIAN: What are you saying? Anderson almost beat the poor guy to coma and here you stand, talking about rights and wrongs.

LOUIS: Did Anderson screw up? Hell yeah, big time. But all I'm saying is... we need to talk to her. You feel me?

ADRIAN: Not exactly, but yeah, whatever you say.

LOUIS: Cool... (he shares a look with his friends before resting his gaze on Adrian) ...So I've been wanting to ask... what does a depressed horse look like?

After school, the old dark and creepy library basement of Evans High.

"You're gonna stay here till dawn, your guardians have been notified" Says the admin, a snobbish looking man in his early thirties, dressed in a cheap looking suit.

ANDERSON: Did you say till dawn? Not again! I can't stay here.

"It wasn't a request" (He eyes him briefly before locking him in and walking away with the keys)

Two hours go by, Anderson tries to escape the excruciating boredom by thinking about stuff, talking to himself, doing push-ups at intervals, taking little strolls around the library and then taking a nap whenever he gets weary of the routine.

He's seated on the floor with his back against the wall, unable to sleep again after napping twice. He has run out of ideas on things to do to keep himself busy. The one thing he hates about detention is being away from his phone, he has never missed social media so much like he does now. He can't even pick any of the books from the dust coated shelves to read because of the limited illumination, the power in the library was recently cut and the school maintenance is working on it. To top it all, the admin decided to play a cruel joke on him by leaving him with his camera. Who takes pics in a totally dark place? Some people do, no doubt, but Anderson's brain isn't really in a state of creativity at the moment.

"I'm coming home... I'm coming home... Tell the world that I'm coming..."

ANDERSON: Who there?! (Slightly startled, hearing a male voice singing)

"Thought you were alone in here, huh?"

ANDERSON: Yeah. It's severe detention, wasn't expecting anyone else here.

"Bold of you to assume you're the only bad boy in school"

ANDERSON: Please, feel free to hang your portrait in the bad boys hall of fame, I ain't competing.

"Can't you take a joke? You must be fun at parties"

ANDERSON: I'm actually not. (He and the voice share a laugh) But you must be so cruel to have left me in silence all by myself.

"Your soliloquies, the huffing and panting sounds you made while doing your push-ups, they were entertaining and I really didn't want that to end" He laughs.

ANDERSON: You're crazy.

"I know. So you're my SDP, huh?"

ANDERSON: I'm your what now?

"Severe Detention Partner"

ANDERSON: There's no such thing as detention partner.

"A partner is simply an associate in any activity of common interest" (He belches loudly)

ANDERSON: You sound like the depressed horse my buddy was talking about a while back.

"For the first time, someone describes me perfectly" (He and Anderson share a laugh again)

ANDERSON: So what brought you here?

"I ran into the principal's car mistakenly while trying to park mine, now I've got one week detention"

ANDERSON: One week? Sucks to be you... But I don't get it, principal Gaisford has a parking space exclusively for him, so what business did you have going close to his car?

"Did I say mistakenly? You probably shouldn't believe everything I say"

ANDERSON: I'm guessing your parents have already been notified.

"Yeah, dad's already raging, but I don't care. How about you? What brought you here?"

ANDERSON: I beat up a freshman.

"Oh, you're the Anderson almost everyone's talking about"

ANDERSON: You already know my name? I don't need physics to tell me that information travels faster than light.

The voice belches awkwardly, louder than the previous time.

ANDERSON: The fuck, man!

"Sorry, I've a stomach upset, and that's like the funniest thing you've said since you got here"

ANDERSON: Too much energy drinks, huh?

"Red Bull and rockstar, running through my veins right now"

ANDERSON: Easy on the caffeine, man. So what's your name?

"Dylan. Sophomore"

ANDERSON: So you sing, huh?

DYLAN: Obviously. But I'm not so great at it. You?

ANDERSON: Yeah, I'm a singer. I play the guitar too.

DYLAN: We got some things in common.

ANDERSON: Wanna edge away from wherever you are?

DYLAN: You're still not gonna be able see my face.

ANDERSON: I'll use my camera flash. (He picks up his camera, fiddling with it) wait a minute, I should have used the flash to read a novel. I just spent two hours of my life drowning in boredom.

DYLAN: At least your head is still above water. (He comes out of where he's been hiding)

Anderson uses the camera light on the masculine figure standing in front of him.

ANDERSON: What happened to you? (Looking at his face and seeing the scar on his neck)

DYLAN: Oh, I had it when I was eleven, back when I was living in the slums. Got into a fight in the neighborhood and I got scratched with a penknife.

ANDERSON: Call that a scratch? Seems like the dude was tryna slit your throat.

DYLAN: As long as it didn't kill me, it's a scratch.

ANDERSON: The terrible life of the slums.

DYLAN: Only the strong survive. (He pauses) Please I'll like not to talk about this anymore.

ANDERSON: Of course, sorry. We can talk about music.

DYLAN: Cool. What aspect? Artistes? Labels? Charts?


DYLAN: Bands? Okay. (He takes a spot on the floor close to Anderson, but maintains some personal space)

ANDERSON: Would you like to join a band?

DYLAN: Just to be clear, a marching band or music band?

ANDERSON: Music band of course.

DYLAN: Which? 21 pilots? My chemical romance? One direction?...

ANDERSON: Hahaha. It's my band. It ain't yet a band though, I'm just trying to...

DYLAN: ...recruit new members? Not a bad idea. I'd love to be a part of it. Set it up and let me know. Did I mention that I'm also a bad ass drummer?