

04:15pm, the Holmes' place.

Hanging out in the living room is a not-so-tall but older version of Chris Hemsworth with a wrinkled forehead and slightly greying brown hair instead of blonde. He is Brady... Brady Holmes. It is his day off so he's home, sorting through the shelves for a particular music track he's been searching for when his son walks through the front door.

BRADY: Where are you coming from?

TYLER: I just went to play b-ball in the neighborhood, dad.

BRADY: What part of 'You are grounded' don't you understand? You're to leave this house only with my permission and under my supervision.

TYLER: But dad...

BRADY: Have I made myself clear? (Raising his voice)

Tyler drops his ball and slumps on the couch, feeling gloomy and saying nothing. Bonnie can hear her dad's voice from her room but all she can do is feel sorry for her brother.

"What's going on?"

A lady walks in, coming from the kitchen, leaving the pancake she's making. She's a woman in her early forties with clear skin, a nice physique and an average height. Her striking facial features are her blushed cheeks, scanty brows and dark brown hair which apparently runs in the family. She is Vivian. Tyler and Bonnie's mom and Brady's wife.

BRADY: Tyler's becoming a nuisance.

VIVIAN: Don't say that. What has he done?

BRADY: The question should be 'What hasn't he done?'. He came home on Tuesday looking bruised, he fed us some crappy story about being attacked by bullies but he could have been lying, he probably got into a fight in school...

TYLER: I didn't get into a fight, dad.

BRADY: ...as if that's not enough, yesterday he got suspended for turning the principal's office upside down. What the hell? What gave you the balls to do that?

TYLER: Why can't you believe me, dad? I didn't do it! Someone's framing me up...

BRADY: Shut your mouth before I shut it for you with a punch!

VIVIAN: Lay a finger on our son and I'll file our divorce papers! (She eyes him sternly, he exhales)

BRADY: He's not even ashamed of being suspended from school nor worried about missing classes. All he cares about is frolicking around and playing basketball. Henceforth, no more basketball! You understand me?!

TYLER: Great. I can't go to school, I can't go out to 'frolic around' (he makes air quotes) and now I'm not allowed to play basketball too? You know what? Why don't you have me handcuffed and put behind bars because that's what's left. This place sucks! (Dashing out of the house angrily)

VIVIAN: Don't say that, son. Tyler! Come back here! (Going after him)

BRADY: Tyler!!! (Also running after him but he doesn't catch up)

Ethan who just drives past his neighbor's house, driving into his. He spots Brady and his wife running and panting. He parks his car in his garage, alights and walks up to them to know what's going on.

ETHAN: Vivian, Brady, is everything okay? You both look distressed.

VIVIAN: Tyler just ran away from home. (Feeling uneasy)

BRADY: He'll come back.

VIVIAN: And if he doesn't?

ETHAN: Why would be run away?

Brady glances at his wife who is already making a face at him, he exhales.

BRADY: I scolded him.

ETHAN: I guess you must have been too hard on the poor kid.

BRADY: Too hard? Man! The 'poor kid' was suspended from school and I was just trying to discipline him.

Ethan inquires more about Tyler's suspension and Brady tells him. They go on talking for minutes.

ETHAN: Don't worry Vivian, I know this is easier said than done but you need to calm down, he'll come back, he has to. I bet he's just around the block, he wouldn't have gone far. (Trying to put her at ease) I gotta go, if you need my help with anything just call me.

BRADY: Of course. Sorry for bothering you with our problems. (Shaking hands with Ethan)

ETHAN: Bothering me? Are you kidding? Tyler's like my son too.

08:28pm, still the Holmes' place.

There's a feeling of uneasiness in the air. Everyone's been in the living room for a while and no one seems to have moved an inch.

BONNIE: Dad, Tyler's still not back.

BRADY: He shouldn't have gone too far, but I'm gonna inform the cops about this, just in case.

VIVIAN: I'll go with you.

BRADY: No, Veev. Bonnie would be home all alone, you should stay with her.

BONNIE: I can take care of myself, dad. I'm not a kid.

BRADY: You're still a kid, kid. (Buttoning up his shirt) But you're right, you're all grown and you can take care of yourself. Let's go, Veev.

Shortly, the police station.

Brady and Vivian are seated on leather arm chairs in front of a large table facing the sheriff. The office has three flags positioned right behind the sheriff's chair. The United States flag, the sheriff's department flag and Ashland city's flag. It also has framed pictures of Barrack Obama and the governor of Michigan hanging on the wall.

The sheriff is a grey haired man of almost fifty having an almost square face with strong jawlines, cheekbones, full brows and salt-and-pepper beards. He is Gordon Garcia.

GORDON: So... Mr Holmes, your son should definitely return since you said he left on his own. And because he left on his own accord, we'll have to wait at least 48 hours before he's declared missing. By then you can come back and make a statement.

VIVIAN: No way, sheriff! What if something bad happens to him? What if he gets hurt? He's only fifteen! We shouldn't waste much time.

GORDON: Easy, ma'am. We're only doing our jobs, that's the procedure. If you don't hear from him after 48 hours, report here immediately. I and my men would begin our search. I promise you that.