
Runaway 2

Saturday, Marcello's apartment.

Tyler is still wearing the 'TIGERS' imprinted sweatshirt Marcello offered him earlier. He's walking around the apartment space, not exactly going through Marcello's stuff but keeping himself occupied. He glances at the door as he hears the sound of a key twisting and shifting the locks. The knob turns downward, the door opens and Marcello walks in.

TYLER: Hey, you're back, didn't see you when I woke up.

MARCELLO: I left very early so I made sure to be quiet in order not to wake you.

TYLER: What did you go out to do?

MARCELLO: I went to clean, wash cars and mow lawns. (Falling on the couch exhausted)

TYLER: Why do you have to do all that?

MARCELLO: To survive. (He gives Tyler a look then scoffs, deciding to say more). That's what I do to feed, and to pay for this place. The rent will be due soon and I need some bucks for that too. Besides, I just completed the payment of my fees for the semester which I've been owing. I get broke pretty fast so I gotta work harder to have spare change in my wallet.

TYLER: But why do you have to overwork yourself? Don't your parents... oh, my... my bad.

MARCELLO: It's alright. I've got parents but I live like an orphan. My dad doesn't give a shit about my existence. And my mom, I only see her like thrice a month, that was before she ended up at Grey Petals.

TYLER: Are your parents together?


TYLER: Divorced?

MARCELLO: Haha, they were never married. (Fiddling with the TV remote control)

TYLER: So technically, you're a... bastard? No offense.

MARCELLO: None taken. A bastard I am. (He and Tyler share a laugh)

TYLER: You've got a lot going on in your life, I shouldn't bother you further with my questions.

MARCELLO: Glad you realized.

TYLER: So how much did you earn today from all that work?

MARCELLO: So much for not bothering me with further questions, huh? (Tyler chuckles). 65 bucks. (Standing up and walking to the door)

TYLER: Nice! That's some cool cash, you know... where are you going?

MARCELLO: Just remembered I had to fix the doorbell, I mistakenly broke it with my helmet while rushing to school yesterday morning.

TYLER: Helmet for?

MARCELLO: My motorcycle.

TYLER: You own a motorcycle? Cool! I'm down for a test drive!

MARCELLO: Have you ridden a motorcycle before?

TYLER: Nope. But you'll teach me, right? (Smiling)

MARCELLO: So you have no experience, and you wanna learn with my motorcycle? What if you crash? I'll be the one to blame... no way.

TYLER: Come on...

MARCELLO: You still haven't told me the reason why you showed up at my place at midnight.

TYLER: Oh, about that... (he exhales). Well, it all began when I got myself into some mess that led to...

He narrates to Marcello from the genesis, all that has been going on.

MARCELLO: That explains the bruise on your face, that's messed up. But dude... You know I could get into trouble, right? Your folks are probably worried sick and searching for you right now and here you are, hiding at my place. Like you observed, I've got a lotta shit I'm dealing with, I don't need you to add to it. I'm sorry, man but you gotta leave.

TYLER: Just spare me a few days, please. I don't get to live a normal life at home. Despite being suspended, my dad still had me grounded. I can't go to school, I can't go out, I can't do nothing! That sucks, man. So I'm pleading with you... just a few days here. I'm willing to help out with your work, all the profit would still be yours.

MARCELLO: Shut up, man. I'll never subject you to free manual labour.

TYLER: Well, that's my only bargaining chip.

MARCELLO: You should be grateful that you've got parents who care about you, unlike mine. Anyway, you can stay.

TYLER: Thanks, man!

MARCELLO: I'd stop by the pitch in the neighborhood to play football a little, wanna tag along? (Returning the screwdriver and other tools which he used to fix the doorbell)

TYLER: Sure thing. I'm a basketball player though, but I don't mind.

MARCELLO: Cool. I've got a match next week so I need to practise some more. My team's gotta trash 'em.

TYLER: You're the Captain?

MARCELLO: Obvious, huh? (He raises a brow)

TYLER: You seem like a leader.

MARCELLO: Thanks. (He smirks, getting his kits ready)

TYLER: So who's your team going up against?

MARCELLO: Whales High, from Oklahoma.