
Strange Happenings

Sunday evening, 07:48pm. The Mance's place.

ETHAN: Wake up already! (Yelling at his kids as he walks into the living room and pours a glass of cold water on each of them)

ELENA: Dad, do you have to be so grumpy? (Yawning and rolling off the couch, hitting her head) Oh my geez! Ow!

ETHAN: Grumpy, huh? I'm supposed to ground y'all for coming home so late at night with a stench of alcohol and sleeping for over 13 hours. That's too much for a hangover! For Christ sake, y'all are minors!

ERIC: Did you say 13 hours? Damn! What does the time say? Don't tell me I missed my favorite show on SYFY. (He jerks up, rubbing his eyes)

ETHAN: Shut your mouth, Eric.

ELVIS: Bloody hell, stop... yelling. (Yawing, still sleepy) Ugh... where am I?

ETHAN: Take a look around, idiot. (Pouring another glass on him, Elena laughs, Sheen wags its tail)

ETHAN: Anyway, I've started working on Peggy's case.

ERIC: Finally.

ELENA: Really? Tell us about it, dad. (Getting up from the floor)

ETHAN: I'd tell you guys... after you take these filthy costumes off and take a proper shower because y'all stink right now! (Dragging Elvis and Eric off the couch and pushing them to the stairs)

SHEEN: Woof!

ETHAN: I know, buddy. You agree with me that they stink, huh? (He laughs)

ELVIS: Stop exaggerating, dad. It's not that bad... (Trying to smell his armpit) ...okay I see your point. (Climbing the stairs with his siblings)

ETHAN: Having kids is so much fun till they become teenagers. (He exhales) Come here, Sheen. Let's have a little chitchat while they go freshen up. (Carrying the dog and relaxing on the couch opposite the TV). Em would kill me if she knew I let the kids party all night. Good thing she isn't home.


ELENA: Wow, dad. That's a great step (both eyebrows raised)

ETHAN: Yeah, we also found some rusty old shovels inside the inner chamber of the equipment room. One of the shovels had dried blood stains on it so we took it to the lab for examination.

ERIC: The forensic laboratory, right?

ETHAN: Looks like someone's been doing some reading lately. (He shares a smirk with Eric)

ELVIS: Eric's always doing some reading.

ETHAN: Yeah, if only you were like him, your grades would have been up by now. Perhaps I shouldn't have let you go for that party.

ELENA: You just had to run your mouth, boy.

ETHAN: Well, the shovels would help provide evidences, most especially the finger print of the murderer.

ERIC: But there'd be a bit of trouble because many people would have touched that shovel so it would be difficult to detect a particular finger print.

ETHAN: Difficult, not impossible.

ERIC: True.

ETHAN: And since you know so much, why don't you work for the FBI, huh?

ELVIS: If he's a federal agent, there'd be zero chances of me escaping if I commit a crime.

ETHAN: Why would you even think of that? Are you a criminal?

ELVIS: Never said so.

ETHAN: Are you sure? (Taking out a pair of handcuffs from his pant pockets)

ELVIS: What the hell, dad? I was joking! (Edging away from Ethan, his siblings laugh)

ERIC: By the way, dad, where's mom? Haven't seen her all day.

ETHAN: She dropped by at the hospital to see your aunt, she just had a baby.

ELENA: Oh my geez! I'm so happy for Claire. I hope it's a baby girl, she'd be pretty just like me.

Elvis feigns a cough.

ELENA: Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Are you saying I ain't pretty?

ELVIS: I didn't even say a word. (Laughing)

ETHAN: Don't let him bother you, he's just jealous. (Whispering)

ELVIS: I heard that.

The following morning, Evans High.

Bonnie and Tyler are walking to class to settle down before the first period commences. They meet Laura and Carl standing by the door, talking about the Halloween party. Apparently, it's the same thing everyone else is talking about. They exchange their usual greetings.

LAURA: You didn't even care to text or call me yesterday, Tyler. Not nice.

Bonnie looks at her, a bit surprised.

TYLER: I'm so sorry, I slept almost throughout the day. We'd talk later, okay? (He gives her a quick kiss then walks to his seat to greet his fellow back benchers and other guys in the class)

BONNIE: Is it just me or did anyone else see what I just saw?

CARL: I saw it too. Tyler just kissed Laura... on the lips!

Laura smiles sheepishly.

BONNIE: Bitch, is there something you ain't telling me? (Giving Laura a funny look)

LAURA: Why do you sound just like me?

BONNIE: Bitch, answer me.

LAURA: Okay okay... your brother and I are kinda... you know, together. (Smiling, covering her face)

BONNIE: Wow. Tyler! Get back here! You're going out with my best friend and you couldn't even tell me?

TYLER: Relax, grandma. We just started going out. Besides, I recall you calling me an annoying psychopath weeks ago, saying that no girl will fall for me... NEWS FLASH!!! You've just been proven wrong!


BONNIE: Hey Carl, ready for the inter school math quiz? (Meeting up with him after Chemistry class)

CARL: I was born ready. (He grins)

BONNIE: Trust you.

CARL: Have you seen Tavio? He and I are meant to represent the freshmen in this quiz, but I haven't seen him since yesterday.

BONNIE: True, haven't seen Octavio as well. I don't think he's in school.

CARL: That's not possible.

BONNIE: I dunno... he's been absent from all the classes we had this morning.

CARL: I noticed that too. But he's aware that we're having a quiz today so why would he...

LAURA: Guys! You gotta see this! (She hurries towards them)

CARL & BONNIE: See what?

LAURA: There's a crowd in front of the equipment room. Word on the street is that there's a pool of blood in there.

BONNIE: What?! (Her mouth is hung open)

CARL: Strange!

The three of them rush down to the equipment room to see what's happening.

"Jesus! Who's that? His face is covered in blood"

"Is that Peter Parker? Shit, Spider-Man's dead?"

Different comments from everyone. Carl arrives with Bonnie and Laura at the mention of 'Spider-Man'.

CARL: Hey! What do you mean Spider-Man is dead?

"Can't you see the dead guy over there dressed as Spider-Man hanging upside down?"

LAURA: Why does the face look... familiar? (Squinting a little)

CARL: Familiar? Lemme take a look. It better not be who I'm thinking. It better not be! (Pushing through the crowd, going closer to the dangling body dripping blood)

There's a brief silence.

CARL: What the...?! Is this a prank or something? (Wiping the blood off the face with a handkerchief)

BONNIE: Carl... Carl?... Who's that?

Carl let's out a scream.

CARL: Noooo! (Pausing to look at the body again in disbelief) Noooooooo!!! Who did this to you?

LAURA: Carl, who's that? (Her heart pounding)

CARL: It's... it's... (Breaking into tears) ...it's Octavio.