
Tragedy In Evans High

Last period, Evans High school.

All classes were cancelled and the whole day was used to mourn the unfortunate passing of the freshman that was found dead this morning. Series of events have occurred just within the duration of the school hours. The town's sheriff and some deputies have been patrolling the premises since the death was reported. Some parents have been coming to withdraw their kids from the school, you can't blame them for acting so drastic. Generally, the atmosphere has been gloomy, even the weather, it seems like the sun deliberately refused to shine. Some classmates and friends gather around Carl and Bonnie just as they're spotted getting off the school bus which just drove into the parking lot. They're both wearing a gold medal with '1st place' positions imprinted on each but they sure don't look too excited. They hand a copy of the trophy to the admin to be kept in the school's academic hall of fame while both of them head straight to the garden to have a breath of fresh air while holding their individual trophies.

LAURA: Welcome back, bitch. Big ups, Carl! You both crushed it! (She gestures with her fist, trying to lighten the mood)

BONNIE: Thanks, girlie.

Carl manages to smile. His face is totally red, resulting from much crying.

TYLER: You did great, man. We're proud of you.

CARL: Thanks. (He glances at Bonnie) Thanks for your support, Bonnie.

BONNIE: It's the least I could do. I initially didn't wanna take part in the quiz but since Octavio... you know... (she pauses) ...I decided to join you.

CARL: I was ready to forfeit the quiz, I had already made up my mind to tell our principal that I wasn't going anymore, until you came and lifted my spirit.

BONNIE: I didn't take part in the quiz for the school, I did it for him. Octavio was my friend... even if it was for a short while.

Three and a half hours earlier...

Bonnie spots Carl in front of the principal's office as he's about the grab the door knob and go in.

BONNIE: Carl! Wait! (He glances at her and pauses). Searched everywhere for you till someone mentioned that you might be here. What's going on?

CARL: I'm forfeiting the quiz. I just wanna let our principal know so that my behavior wouldn't come off as irresponsible.

BONNIE: Now why the hell would you do that?

CARL: Uhm... I dunno! Maybe because my best friend died? Do you think there's a reason why I'd wanna give up on the quiz?

BONNIE: I understand your pain, Carl...

CARL: Do you?

BONNIE: Okay, honestly? Nope. I've no idea how you feel but I'm sure as hell that you don't feel great and this whole situation is eating you up.

CARL: You darn right!

BONNIE: What would Octavio want you to do? Quit?

CARL: I'm not quitting, I'm honoring his memory. This quiz was our thing, I can't go ahead and do it alone now that he's dead.

BONNIE: Who said you're alone?

CARL: What are you talking about?

BONNIE: I met with the principal earlier, he too was also considering canceling the quiz just like he cancelled all the classes but I convinced him otherwise.

CARL: What did you do?

BONNIE: I told him I wanted to take Octavio's place.

CARL: What?!

BONNIE: You wanna honor your best friend's memory? Let's do it... together (she comes close and holds his hands) but not by quitting... but by doing what he would have loved. You both have won two academic competitions together this semester. Do you think he'll be happy that you forfeited because of him?

CARL: You have a point. The Octavio I know... I mean... knew (he pauses, a tear drop rolls down his eyes) ...he'll want me to kick their asses.

BONNIE: Then that's what we should do. Kick... their... asses.

CARL: Yeah. (He rubs off the tear with his palm, feeling motivated) let's do this!

BONNIE: Good! Now let's get outta here, our school bus is waiting for us.


LAURA: Please stop crying, Carl. I can't tell you to be strong because I know this is devastating. But crying won't bring him back... I don't mean to sound insensitive.

CARL: He didn't deserve to die.

LAURA: No he didn't. (She looks at him briefly then sits beside him, sandwiching him in between she and Bonnie, resting his head on her shoulder) I'm surprised you still took part in the quiz, given your state of mind.

CARL: I didn't do it alone, Bonnie was my strength.

LAURA: And we're all here for you... extra strength.

TYLER: The killer may be out there on the loose but he can't hide for too long. Whoever did this to Octavio, we're gonna take him down. I promise you, man.

Couple minutes later...

ANDERSON: Hey Bee, Hey guys... we heard what happened. (Showing up at the garden with Adrian and Louis)

ADRIAN: We're sorry for...

CARL: Hey! If you're here to offer your condolences, please leave. That's the last thing I need right now.

Adrian feels bad for being snapped at by Carl. Louis looks at him then pats him on the shoulder, noticing his reaction.

LOUIS: It's normal to react this way (Taking a step closer to Carl) You're hurt, deeply. But we're not the enemy, we're just here to help.

ANDERSON: We'll do all we can to find Octavio's murderer, if that would make you feel better.

CARL: That's not gonna make me feel better. But yeah, I wanna find the murderer, I wanna find the bastard that killed my best friend!

ADRIAN: That's the spirit. Now stop crying and...

CARL: Don't tell me to stop crying!

ADRIAN: I meant... Let's focus on how we can help, starting by you telling us a few things. Who was the last person with Octavio before he died? (Taking out a pocket sized jotter)

CARL: How am I supposed to know that, Detective Adrian?

ADRIAN: Uhm... you know... if you're not comfortable with my presence here, you could just say so instead of snapping at me. I'm not trying to bother you.

CARL: I'm sorry (He looks down) I've got too much aggression bottled up inside me and I just needed someone to pour it on.

ADRIAN: I understand.

ANDERSON: Now let's take that again, shall we? (He beckons on Adrian)

ADRIAN: Yeah... Uhm... lemme put the question this way... when last did you see Octavio?

CARL: At the party.

LOUIS: Alright. Did he at any point leave your sight?

CARL: Nope, I was the one who left his sight... We were together all through but I needed to get some steak for us to eat so I left him with a lady who had come to hang out with us.

LAURA: What lady?

CARL: A pretty young lady, probably in her thirties.

Adrian, Louis and Anderson share a look.

ADRIAN: What could a lady of that age be doing at a high school party? I'd have given an excuse that she's a staff or something. But Mr Grim was the only staff present here because he was instructed to act as a chaperone due to the fact that the venue of the party was right beside the school.

ANDERSON: That's right.

ADRIAN: So I really wanna know... what was she doing at our party?

CARL: She said she was in charge of the drink supplies.

LOUIS: What the actual fuck? I supplied the god damn drinks!

BONNIE: Something doesn't add up.

LOUIS: Definitely doesn't!

TYLER: First, she's way too old to attend high school parties. Secondly, she's neither a teacher nor a staff. Thirdly, she lied about the drinks. If you ask me, I think we have a suspect. (Leaving Carl with a puzzled look)

ANDERSON: Tyler is right. Why would she lie? Did she say her name? Was she putting on any costume?

CARL: She mentioned her name... I'm trying to remember it.

ADRIAN: It could just be an alias.

CARL: Her name is uhm... Lisa! Yeah. That's it. And she was casually dressed, no costume.

LOUIS: So what exactly was she putting on?

CARL: How does that help?

ADRIAN: Come on, Carllll... we need to know exactly what she looked like in case a street cam might have caught a glimpse of someone that matches the description. Don't you wanna find your friend's murderer?

CARL: She was putting on a black and ash vertically striped long sleeved shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

Tyler and Bonnie share a look.

ANDERSON: Bee? Tyler? Something wrong?

BONNIE: The shirt... that's exactly what Bar attendants wear in Ashland Blues.

TYLER: Our mom works there.


BONNIE: What's the 'Hmm' supposed to mean?

ANDERSON: Relax, Bee.

LAURA: So guys, we've been able to level the ground a bit. The summary of it all is that a bar attendant that works in Ashland Blues showed up here and murdered Octavio.

LOUIS: Allegedly. Don't jump into conclusions yet, we've got no solid evidence against her. So for now she remains a suspect.

ADRIAN: The sheriff's been going in and out of the principal's office since the incident was reported, I bet investigations are already going on. Why don't we help the cops in the little way we can? Let's meet at the police station this evening to make a statement. If everyone's okay with that idea, of course. (Putting his jotter back into his chest pocket)

ANDERSON: Just a moment, guys. I'll be right back. (Hurrying off)

Bonnie glances at Carl pitifully, pulling him closer to her and resting his head on her shoulder, trying to make him feel better. Tyler flashes a naughty smile, seeing the biggest nerd of the class enjoying the company of two beautiful girls.

Shortly... Anderson returns with Dylan.

DYLAN: Hey, guys... I uhm... heard the sad news. (Going close and patting Carl on the knee) Your friend was a good guy, even though I didn't really know him. Y'all stay strong.

ANDERSON: Straight to the point, man.

CARL: Whats the drawing board for?

DYLAN: Anderson told me, while we were coming, that we've got a suspect. What I need you to do now is to describe to me, exactly what she looks like...

CARL: I think I'm tired of describing.

BONNIE: Carl, just do what he's asking, please. (Rubbing his hair gently)

CARL: Okay.

DYLAN: I'm gonna make a quick sketch so I'll need a detailed description as best as you can recall. (Sharpening his pencil)

TYLER: You draw? Nice.

Dylan smiles, taking out a paper from his bag and positioning it on the board.


CARL: Don't Forget her cheekbones and thin lips. Take note, she's got wavy long hair and her eyes are kinda...

He goes on describing while Dylan keeps working his pencil on the board.

DYLAN: aaaand... Done! (He flip-tosses his pencil) Tell me if my sketch matches the lady in question.

CARL: Wow. This...is... the lady! (Stunned by the artistic perfection)

ADRIAN: Nice work. (Giving him a fist bump) Let's not waste much time then. I'm duplicating this sketch and sending copies to the cops.

BONNIE: Good idea.

ANDERSON: So, guys... we'll catch up with y'all later. Adrian, Louis and I got some stuff to do. (Giving Bonnie a forehead kiss)

LOUIS: Fuck! The submission deadline for Mr Audrey's assignment is today after school, and I'm not done.

ANDERSON: Wait, what assignment?

Louis and Adrian share a look before bursting out laughing.

LOUIS: Someone's about to fail a class if he ain't careful.

ADRIAN: I wonder who that is. (He and Louis share a laugh again, leaving the scene)

ANDERSON: Oh, so you two got jokes, huh? Hey, wait for me! (He glances back at Carl and the rest) Later, guys!