
Maxx’s Visions

15th January, after school hours. Cleave Hills High School, the gym.

"Good sidelines, Gwen! Your tumbling could use a little work though... What's going on, Ann? You seem to be getting tired easily. I worked so hard to come up with this routine and I don't need no biach ruining it for me. You dehydrated? Get out and gulp some water, you've got thirty seconds to do that!"

Karen O'Neil, pretty senior year rich kid and head cheerleader for the Wild Cats, blessed with amazing facial features, dentition, physique and height - talk about 6 feet tall, and emphasis on the 'pretty'.

KAREN: And you... (She paces) ...could you grant me the displeasure of knowing your name?

"I'm Johan—"

KAREN: I don't care! Don't you think your skirt is a little too short? And you've got no spankies on. Are you here to practice or to give the boys a free show of your ass?

"Haha, oh my!"

KAREN: Wanna tell me what's funny, Aiden?

AIDEN: Uh... nothing! But I'm quite interested in the free show. Let's be honest, Johanna's got cakes, girl's thick!

KAREN: Twenty push-ups. Now!

AIDEN: Huh? What for?

KAREN: Sexualizing a member of the squad.

AIDEN: What?! That's bullshit. Last semester you asked the boys to practise their routines shirtless because you wanted us to "bring on the heat". (He makes air quotes with his fingers). That's what I call sexualizing! You have no right to punish me, I was only giving Johanna a compliment...

KAREN: Alright. Make it twenty five push-ups and don't argue with me! Or there'll be consequences.

AIDEN: I know you just wanna stare at my biceps while I work my arms up and down. Don't worry, I'll give you a show, perv. (He chuckles and some girls join him laughing)

KAREN: Shut up, dickhead. Can't deal with your narcissism right now. I'll be back, guys. Need to speak to our advisor. (She leaves)

An hour and a half later.

KAREN: Great work, guys! Great improvement. We've come to the end of this week's rehearsals. We assemble here again on Monday, same time. Anyone who shows up after me is late and will be punished. Have I made myself clear? (There's a slight murmur from the squad) I'm glad we're on the same page. You're dismissed! T-G-I-F!

She waves a pompom in the air while the cheerleaders file out to the bathroom to clean up after sweating it out.

KAREN: Has anyone seen Beverly?

GWEN: I guess.

KAREN: You've either seen her or not, don't give me stupid answers.

GWEN: I was in the gallery shortly before practice, I saw her there.

KAREN: Doing what?

GWEN: Uhm... I...

KAREN: Cat got your tongue?

GWEN: She was... sleeping.

KAREN: Sleeping during practices? I love Beverly but she shouldn't get on my bad side.

GWEN: Something must be wrong, she's never missed practices.

KAREN: You're here five minutes and suddenly you think you know Beverly more than I do? She's missed practices to see a movie or go on a date or do some stupid stuff.

GWEN: But movies and dates aren't stupid...

KAREN: You wanna counter everything I say or you wanna remain a member of this squad? (She goes close to Gwen)

GWEN: I'm... I'm sorry.

KAREN: She's gotta be serious this semester or I'll be forced to take some drastic measures that we might both regret. Gallery, you say? I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind. Skipping practices without even letting me know, that reeks of nonchalance and indiscipline and it's gotta stop.

GWEN: I feel you should take it easy on...

KAREN: What did I say about you talking back at me, Freshman?!

GWEN: My bad!

KAREN: Hold this! (She throws her school bag at Gwen and storms off)

Gwen is confused, not sure if she should stay in the gym and wait or to follow her. After a few seconds of deliberation, she goes after Karen.

Minutes later...

KAREN: Damn, girl. Your skin's burning.

GWEN: And her eyes are pale.

KAREN: Hey, I'm talking.

GWEN: Sorry. (She buries her head in fear and Karen bursts out laughing making her wonder what could be so amusing)

KAREN: You don't need to be scared of me, freshman. I don't bite... or do I? (Showing her teeth while doing a quiet growl, Gwen steps back)

BEVERLY: Really, Karen? I'm not in the mood to hear you growl. (Talking slowly)

KAREN: Isn't that what we do when we're bored? Mimicking different animalistic sounds.

BEVERLY: We? Ignore her, Gwen. I've no idea what she's talking about.

KAREN: You fucking liar. (She chuckles, observing a brief silence). Forgive me, Bev. For yelling at you earlier. I didn't know you were feeling unwell.

BEVERLY: I didn't know too.

KAREN: Period cramps?

BEVERLY: Haha, I wish I could sleep like this during my cramps.

KAREN: Tell me about it! Had my period last week. Three days straight and it kept hurting like I was about to have a baby the next minute.

GWEN: So aside being pretty and smart, you're also blessed with periods that last just three days?

KAREN: Don't butter me up, girl. How dare you use such a smooth line on me? (The three of them share a laugh till her gaze eventually rests on Beverly) So what's wrong with you?

BEVERLY: It started this morning in Geography class. I went to the clinic during recess and the nurse told me I've got a flu.

KAREN: Did she give you anything?

BEVERLY: Yeah, but I still gotta go to the hospital.

KAREN: Of course, you should. Whatever it takes for you to be back to your regular self. I don't wanna see you this way. I need slick Beverly not sick Beverly. Do I take you home now or would you like to grab a pizza first?

GWEN: Pizza? I thought you talked about us maintaining a strict vegetable diet for the next week.

BEVERLY: Really, Karen? Are we gonna be having herbal smoothies this time?

KAREN: Shut up. (She turns to Gwen). And you, freshman. The rules don't apply to me, I make them and I break them. Comprenez vous?

GWEN: Uhm... what?

BEVERLY: She means "do you understand?"

KAREN: Don't you take French class? Damn it, you're too slow for my liking, how the hell did let you in my squad?

Gwen is trying to find her words when Beverly intervenes.

BEVERLY: Gwen, I know what's running through your mind. FYI, Karen's the nicest girl I know. She's just a cute psycho. So relax, she doesn't hate you, if that's what you're thinking.

KAREN: Oh, no. I hate her.

BEVERLY: See? She loves you. (Gwen smirks) Thanks for the offer, Karen. But right now I just wanna go home.

KAREN: Why couldn't you just meet us at the gym and take permission from me. Is that so difficult?

BEVERLY: Honestly, yes. I don't think I can move from here, I feel really weak.

KAREN: Oh, it's that serious, huh? Do I need to get one of the boys to lift you up? I'm sure Aiden would be happy to carry you.

BEVERLY: Nah, not necessary. I'm just weak, not paralyzed. I can walk, but I'll need some support.

KAREN: Alright, gimme your hand, lemme help you up. (She looks at Gwen) Grab beverly's stuff, would you?

GWEN: Okay.

KAREN: Hey! Hold my school bag properly! My makeup pallet is in there and you don't wanna know what I'll do to you if you ruin it.

Gwen has an exhausted look on her face. Struggling with three school bags: Karen's, Beverly's and hers.

KAREN: Let's get this sack of sickness to her crib.

BEVERLY: I hope you ain't referring to me.

KAREN: Is there another sick person among us?

BEVERLY: You're so mean.

KAREN: Says the girl who called me a psycho.

BEVERLY: I said 'cute psycho'.

KAREN: Alright. Let's get this cute sack of sickness to her crib. Sounds better?

BEVERLY: I hate you.

KAREN: See, Gwen? She loves me. (They share a laugh as they leave the gallery)

Shortly, the school parking lot.

Beverly is sitting on the sidewalk, resting while Karen opens the door of her car.

GWEN: This is your car?

KAREN: Obviously.

GWEN: I thought I saw you with a red Jaguar on Wednesday.

KAREN: Oh, you keeping tabs on me now, huh? Well, that's my other car.

GWEN: Whoa.

BEVERLY: When you're done showing off, could we get going?

KAREN: Shut up, girl. Hey, Gwen! Can you drive?

GWEN: Kinda.

KAREN: That's a yes or no question.

GWEN: I'm not perfect at it.

KAREN: Ughr... Beverly is too weak to drive. I'll take her home in my car but I'll need someone else to drive hers. I guess I'll just text one of the boys to do it. (She taps on her phone screen)

Gwen reconsiders, hoping that by kissing Karen's ass a little, she'd be in her good books. Who doesn't love being friends with the powerful and popular peeps?

GWEN: No need for that. I'll drive.

KAREN: Sure about that? (Gwen nods). Can you start the engine?

GWEN: Of course.

KAREN: Can you rotate and switch gears?

GWEN: Uhm... yeah.

KAREN: Can you accelerate and pull the brakes?

GWEN: I can.

KAREN: Can you handle the steering wheel?

GWEN: That's like the easiest thing to do.

KAREN: So what is it that's so difficult?

GWEN: I'm still working on my reversing, and I can't parallel park.

KAREN: Girl, not everybody can! (She tosses Beverly's car key at her). The dark blue Mitsubishi over there, let's get rolling.

BEVERLY: You better not crash my baby.

KAREN: If she crashes it, I'll give you my Jaguar.

BEVERLY: Really?

KAREN: No. (She laughs)

BEVERLY: I hate you.

KAREN: Love you too, sweetheart.

Karen assists Beverly into the black Ford Explorer SUV, helps her fasten her seatbelt, closes the door then goes to the driver seat to start the engine. As soon as she drives out of the parking lot, Gwen follows suite immediately, driving directly behind them.

Saturday noon, the Mance's place.

Tyler is with the Mance twins in the living room, he came to show off his latest video game.

TYLER: Guess who just acquired the new FIFA?

ELVIS: Wasn't this game launched just yesterday? How do you already have it?

TYLER: Pre-order, baby! I used up all my savings and I'm broke right now but the good news is that I'm gonna have so much fun playing it.

ELVIS: And I'm gonna have so much fun whooping your ass.

TYLER: Oh yeah? Wanna bet?

ERIC: What do you intend on betting with? You're broke, remember?

ELVIS: You could bet with the game. I beat you, it's mine. You beat me, you get to keep it.

TYLER: Very funny. (Elvis laughs) Why don't we take a rain check? By next weekend I'd have some cash to spare, let's see who's gonna whoop whose ass.

ELVIS: It's on. (There's a knock on the door)... Come in.

Maxx walks in holding four paper lunch bags with the sign 'Velvet Creamies' on them.

ELVIS: Whoa! (His eyes on the bags) Grab a seat!

ERIC: Tell me you brought food. (Looking like he's about to drool)

MAXX: I'm not captain obvious. (He drops the bags on the table and hi-fives each of them) Tyler! Been a while, man. Didn't know you'd be here.

TYLER: I come around often, good to see you, man.

MAXX: How about your pretty twin?

TYLER: Uhm... you've lost me.

MAXX: How?

TYLER: I've got a twin, yeah, but she's nothing like pretty so who you talking about?

ELVIS: That's just mean. I'm definitely snitching to Bonnie what you just said.

TYLER: Don't you dare! The last time she got mad at me, she dumped my favorite basketball jersey in the garbage. Who knows what she'll do this time.

ELVIS: Really? (He chuckles) More reason why I should snitch.

MAXX: Tell her I said hi though. (He smirks)

TYLER: Do that yourself. She's home. I could set up a meet for you, if you want.

MAXX: Oh... uhm... I ughh... (He looks around and sees that the three boys are looking at him, this makes him even more nervous) Some other time.

ELVIS: Grow some balls, man. She's just a girl.

ERIC: He said some other time, let him be.

ELVIS: Whatever, man.

MAXX: Hey, Tyler. Have my lunch bag instead. I only had Elena and the boys in mind, that's why I brought four bags, wasn't expecting you.

ELVIS: Your forehead is a bit red, must have hit your head on something.

MAXX: Oh yeah, I rolled off the bed this morning. One thousands ways to wake up.

ELVIS: I see, that explains your amnesia.

MAXX: I don't follow.

ERIC: Elena's in the hospital... in coma.

MAXX: Oh... forgive me, totally forgot! I didn't mean to ruin the mood, alright?

ELVIS: Nah, it's all good, bro. We're all positive that she'll wake soon.

MAXX: Yeah... (a brief silence)... A lunch bag for each of us then! (He tosses one to Tyler)

TYLER: Thanks, bro. (He catches the bag like he's receiving a ball pass from a teammate)

ERIC: Glazed donuts... (Opening his lunch bag)... fries...

TYLER: Did you just say 'fries'? (His eyes bulge as he rushes to open his own bag)

ERIC: ...and milkshake. Damn, man. Show me where you hide your wings.

ELVIS: You're right, dude's definitely an Angel. (They share a laugh)

MAXX: Haha, y'all must be really hungry because even Jesus didn't get this much appreciation after feeding five thousand. (They share a laugh again)

ELVIS: So what's up, man?

MAXX: I'm good. Just wanted to share a weird dream with you guys, and perhaps Eric could explain what it means to me.

ERIC: Dude, my name's Eric, not Joseph the dreamer but go on... what's the... (He takes a bite from the donut, munching) ...dream about?

MAXX: I saw two beast-like creatures tearing someone apart.

TYLER: Say what now?

MAXX: I guess it's a patient because it looked like a hospital.

ELVIS: Hold on, Maxx. You can see visions too?

MAXX: What? No, don't go there. It was a dream, I saw it in my sleep, not while awake like yours.

ELVIS: Dreams, visions... Po-tay-toe, Po-tah-toe. Eric doesn't need to explain anything. Obviously, someone's about to die... gruesomely.

ERIC: We need to inform the police about this... and the hospital too.

MAXX: And tell them what? "Hey, I had a dream that a beast killed one of your patients, please double your security".

ERIC: That's fucking insensitive of you to say. There's an actual beast on the loose and it almost killed my sister!

ELVIS: She's my sister too... chill out, man.

Eric exhales.

MAXX: I didn't mean it like that, man. I'm sorry.

ERIC: Nah, I'm sorry... I'm just worried. What if it's the same beast that took Elena the last time? What if it comes back for her? What if that's what you saw in your vision?

MAXX: Dream! And no, bro. No beast is coming after Elena. We won't let that happen.

TYLER: Uhm... I think I'm gonna go. (He gets up) this whole beast talk is beginning to freak me out. I'll catch up with you boys later. Thanks again for the snack, Maxx!