

Next day, the police station, Sheriff's office.

ETHAN: For real?

GORDON: Yeah, she confessed. I knew all along that she was hiding something, David was right. We saw the tattoo on her back, it's a serpent wrapped around an upside down crucifix, just exactly as the kid said. It's an agreement symbol between her and the demon. But it didn't posses her, she acted on her own accord.

ETHAN: You mean to say that... she gruesomely murdered a high-school kid without being compelled? I don't even know what to say right now, I'm so angry!

GORDON: I am too. According to the deal, once your wish is granted and you don't fulfill your part, a great plague will befall you. You won't die, you'd just be alive to witness terrible things that would make you wish for death.

ETHAN: Hmmm... she told you all these? (The sheriff nods)

GORDON: She's in a cell right now. If you wanna hear from the horse's mouth I could take you to her.

ETHAN: Yeah. I got questions to ask.

GORDON: Let's go then. (He gets up)


ETHAN: Hold on, I didn't quite get that... What did you say your reason was for getting into such agreement?... or deal... whatever.

LISA: My younger brother was...

ETHAN: Hold on again, sorry. (He takes out a jotter and pen from his pocket) Alright, go on.

LISA: My younger brother lost an arm in an accident some years ago. We've tried all means to make his arm grow back, seen so many doctors but no way.

ETHAN: You ever seen someone grow an arm back?

LISA: If people do come back from the dead, then anything is possible. (Ethan and Gordon share a look)

ETHAN: Did you consult Doctor Connors?

LISA: Who's Doctor Connors?

ETHAN: A.k.a. Lizard man in the movie 'The Amazing Spider-Man'. He was able to use lizard DNA to grow his arm back.

GORDON: Stop the sarcasm, detective. (He chuckles) Go on, Lisa.

LISA: No Doctor had a remedy. October last year, I came across someone who had made such deals...

ETHAN: A fellow heart-ripper.

GORDON: Detective... (Ethan nods in apology)

LISA: She told me how to go about it. I decided to carry it out during Halloween.

ETHAN: I guess you thought that was a smart idea because it would be like hiding in plain sight. (He pauses, piercing her with his eyes) What is the deal called?

LISA: Jue-tanje.

ETHAN: I didn't get that.

LISA: Jue-tanje... she said it means 'heart desire'. Your desire would be granted and then you pay with heart.

ETHAN: A heart? Like literally? Like a real heart? Human heart?

GORDON: Nope, Kevin-Heart. (Lisa tries to suppress a chuckle)

ETHAN: I don't wanna believe what she's saying.

GORDON: You familiar with the organ that pumps your blood and makes you fall in love? Yeah, that's the stuff she's talking about.

ETHAN: I don't even know what to say. (He drops his pen, disgusted) That's some shitty deal.

GORDON: More shitty than the word 'shit'.

ETHAN: So did you pay with a heart?... wait a minute! That's why you murdered that teenager?! To get your stupid brother an arm.

LISA: My brother ain't stupid!

ETHAN: Oh, yes he is! And you too! (He goes close to her, vexed, she starts crying) There we go again with the drama.

LISA: My brother...

GORDON: Travis Jonas, right? (Looking through her case file)

LISA: Yeah... he used to work in a factory where building structures are produced. While working one day, a machine malfunctioned, lost control and fell on him. It hit him on his left shoulder and dislocated his arm instantly. He was hospitalized for almost three months. I quit my previous job because I had to be there for him full time.

ETHAN: I'm sorry about your brother, Lisa. I'm sure the government provided some sort of compensation...

LISA: What fucking compensation?! My brother lost a fucking arm!

ETHAN: And you fucking murdered a high-school kid! He was someone's brother too! You had no fucking right to do that!

GORDON: Okay, you two fucking stop! (He bangs on the wall)

"Whoa... things are getting tensed" murmurs outside the cell from other cops.

ETHAN: Let's get the hell outta here. (He takes one last look at Lisa who's still crying).

The cop guarding the cell makes way for them to leave then locks it after they've left.

Back in the Sheriff's office.

ETHAN: Don't gimme that look, Mr Garcia. It's because of people like her that my daughter is in this present state so don't blame me if I took it a little personal...

GORDON: I'm not blaming you.

ETHAN: She took someone's life to replace an arm... AN ARM! Who does that? Couldn't she have used an animal at least.

GORDON: Detective... You were too angry to let her finish so I'll have to explain to you. The payment of a heart has three options. Your own heart, the heart of a random person you know, then the third option is killing a teenager or a kid. You'd perform the killing and heart-ripping yourself.

ETHAN: One question... why didn't she offer her own heart? Sacrificing herself for her brother to grow his arm back, that would have been such a noble thing to do. But she wanted to have her cake and eat it.

GORDON: I know... selfish and unforgivable. But we gotta try as much as possible to suppress our anger when working on a case, I know you don't need me to teach you that. I'm not perfect, I've also got a bit of a temper so this is a note to self.

ETHAN: Point taken. (He pauses, staring blankly at nothing) So... her brother, the reason for this... (He glances at his jotter) ...Jue-tanje. Where's he now?

GORDON: She said she told him to go far away from Ashland City. I bet right now he's in another city... or state... or country, perhaps.

ETHAN: Or planet.

GORDON: Perhaps. (He chuckles)

ETHAN: Does he know what she did?


ETHAN: Dude probably woke up one morning with two complete arms, waving them in the air like "Whoa! What a miracle!" Meanwhile a kid died for his sake.

GORDON: It's terrible, I know. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.

ETHAN: Jue-tanje... heart desire... Hmm. (Leaning back on the chair and fiddling with his coat collar, exhausted due to the whole thing going on)

GORDON: Wanna know how the agreement is made?

ETHAN: I'm all ears. (He watches as the sheriff gets up, heading to the door) Where are you going?

GORDON: Back to her cell, she'll explain better.

ETHAN: I'm already pissed with all I've heard, I can't promise I'll be on my best behavior if I get back in that cell with her. We'll continue this later. (He gets up from the chair)

GORDON: Leaving already?

ETHAN: Yeah. I'll be back tomorrow. Good day, Mr Garcia.

GORDON: Why can't you just call me Gordon? God damn it. (He watches as Ethan chuckles, closing the door behind him)

After school hours, Evans High. In the hallway leading to the main entrance.

LOUIS: Of course I took the van to the automobile workshop yesterday to have it pimped. The guy gave my phone a ring half an hour ago telling me it's ready. We're heading there right now.

ANDERSON: Dude, you've been the manager of this band barely 48 hours and there's already a lot you've done. Thanks for...

LOUIS: Knock it off, man. What's with the thanks here and there? Do I need to be applauded for doing my job? Let's roll.

ANDERSON: Still... thanks, man. Appreciate you. (Louis smiles). So which of the cars did you come with today?

LOUIS: The pick-up truck.

ANDERSON: The slow Chevrolet?

LOUIS: Hahaha, hell no! After it messed us up last week, I'm never laying my hands on them wheels again.

ANDERSON: We spent more than an hour for a 20 minutes drive.

LOUIS: And we arrived late for the show. Damn, that car teaches you patience. Too bad I ain't got time for none of that. I came with the black Toyota Hilux today.

ANDERSON: I thought it's only on Fridays you bring it to school.

LOUIS: Apparently, it's gone from my special TGIF ride to my everyday four-wheeler. Dad seized the key to my main car. He said it's "Too flashy" for school. (He makes a face while making air quotes)

ANDERSON: Bruce just ruined our lives. Did he say when he'd be giving it back?

LOUIS: Nope. I know I'm gonna get it back but it doesn't seem like it's happening soon. It's locked in his personal garage and he just left for Wisconsin this morning.


LOUIS: "Business" (He makes air quotes again and a pissed off face)

ANDERSON: Don't tell me he took the key along.

LOUIS: Your instincts are correct.

ANDERSON: I'm gonna miss that car.

LOUIS: I'm gonna miss driving at 250km/h

ANDERSON: Now I see why he seized the car. (He and Louis share a laugh)