
The Upcoming Challenge

Friday, Cleave Hills indoor gym/basketball court.

"TGIF, motherfuckers!"

"Hey, coach"

"Morning, coach"

COACH TOLLEY: Guess what?

"What, coach?"


COACH TOLLEY: Y'all haven't heard about the challenge?

"What challenge?"

COACH TOLLEY: Captain, did you hear about it?

"I did but some say it's just a rumor, I haven't verified the information"

COACH TOLLEY: Oh, it's no rumor, trust me. Go on, tell the boys.

"Come on, Jack! Cat got your tongue?"

JACK: I heard that our principal challenged the principal of Evans High to a match on any sport.

"For real?, what the hell's wrong with our principal?"

COACH TOLLEY: Nothing's wrong with him. Life's all about challenges, you know?

JACK: Is the challenge between both principals or both schools? That's where I'm confused.

COACH TOLLEY: What do you think?

MAXX: The two schools obviously. And since it's a challenge of any sport, I'm guessing Evans principal chose basketball.

COACH TOLLEY: You're absolutely right. And since it's our principal who called out the challenge, it means we'd be hosting the game.

JACK: When?

COACH TOLLEY: Two months from now.

JACK: We've got more than enough time to train, they shouldn't be so hard to beat. (He bounces the basketball a few times)

MAXX: Chill out, cap. Why do you think their principal chose basketball? It's obviously their strong point.

COACH TOLLEY: Maxwell's right again. Heard severally that their team is cutthroat. Regardless, we shouldn't feel threatened, we can face them.

JACK: That's what I was trying to say.

"Pssss! ...Psssss!" And followed by this is a whisper calling out to Maxx. He glances at the person calling, it's David standing by the exit door of the gym. He starts walking to him.

COACH TOLLEY: Going where, Maxx? Practices starts in five.

MAXX: I'll be back in four. (Getting to the door)

DAVID: Hey, Maxx.

MAXX: Sup, dude? What you doing here?

DAVID: Uhm... I was thinking... perhaps I could, you know...

JACK: ...try out for the team? (Interrupting)

DAVID: Haha, someone read my mind. (He pauses briefly) I'd love to join the Cleavers.

JACK: Unfortunately, we don't take transfers. You can only be a part of the team if you started here as a freshman.

DAVID: That doesn't make any sense, everyone deserves a chance.

JACK: Coach's rules, not mine. You can talk to our coach to get an official 'No'. (Walking away).

MAXX: What's your problem, Jack?

Jack stops, bounces the ball a couple times before swinging it at Maxx. David blocks Maxx just in time to take the hit.

DAVID: Ow! (Holding his head)

MAXX: Shit! David!

JACK: Ask me again what my problem is. (He eyes Maxx before walking away, going to sit on the bleachers)

MAXX: Thanks, David. But you shouldn't have, are you okay?

DAVID: I'll be.

MAXX: How did you know he was gonna do that?

DAVID: I dunno. I just got the vibe that he was gonna turn around and attack you with the ball, and it happened.

MAXX: What a jerk. (He says, irritated. The expression wears off in seconds and he looks at David) So you're the mind reader guy whom my boys Elvis and Eric keep telling me about.

DAVID: The stories you hear are overrated, I'm just a regular guy.

MAXX: Humble much?

COACH TOLLEY: Gather round, motherfuckers!

MAXX: Gotta go.

DAVID: Of course. Go join your fellow motherfuckers.

MAXX: Shut up, man. (He chuckles) Sorry you couldn't try out for the team.

DAVID: No stress. But how did your captain know that I'm a transferred student?

MAXX: I dunno. He probably must have seen you in the admissions office or something. He hates transfers.


MAXX: Dunno! Later, dude. (He jogs to meet the rest of the team)

DAVID: Train hard.

Few minutes past noon, Evans High.

LAURA: Bitch. Seen this?

BONNIE: Seen what?

LAURA: it was posted yesterday on EHS blog. (She shows Bonnie her phone).


Asher Hammond, principal of Cleave Hills High challenges Evans Highschool's principal Daniel Gaisford to an inter school match on any sport chosen by the EHS principal. Gaisford accepts the challenge, choosing basketball.

Teams: Cleavers Vs Ball Evans

Hosting school: Cleave Hills High

Date: 29th March

Time: 11:00am

Venue: CHHS large basketball court

BONNIE: First time I'm seeing such, a principal challenging another.

LAURA: We're totally gonna wipe the floor with them.

BONNIE: Tyler's gonna be psyched.

LAURA: Was just about to say that. (A notification pops up on her screen) Anderson just texted me. "Sup Laura, is Bee wit u? She ok? She ain't picking my calls or returning my texts" (She reads the message) Bitch, check your goddamn phone.

BONNIE: My bad, I think I left it on silent... in my bag... in class. I'll be right back, lemme get it.

LAURA: Chill, he probably wants you to meet him, call him with my phone.


LAURA: Here. (Dialing the number and handing the phone to Bonnie)

BONNIE: And now he's not picking up. (Rolling her eyes)

LAURA: Then call again.

BONNIE: I know. (Redialing, it rings briefly before he picks up)

ANDERSON: Hey Laura, how you...

BONNIE: Dude, it's me.

ANDERSON: Bee? Called you a thousand times, did you bury your phone?

BONNIE: I'm sorry, I left it in class, and I'm not in class.

ANDERSON: Okay, meet us at the parking lot a-s-a-p.

BONNIE: Now? And who's us?... Hello?... and he hung up.

LAURA: Well, meet up with him then. Go go! (Pushing her)

BONNIE: Laura!


Outside, the parking lot.

ANDERSON: Here she comes.

BONNIE: Hey babe, hey Louis.

LOUIS: Hey, beautiful.

BONNIE: Stop. (She blushes, then turns to Anderson) So... what's so important that you wanted to... (She notices the two buses behind him) Oh... my... God.

ANDERSON: Thought as much. (He smirks)

BONNIE: Whoa! These... these vehicles are ours?

ANDERSON: Can't you see 'Faded Flames' written all over?

BONNIE: Wow, I thought it was just one.

ANDERSON: Yeah, initially. But Louis spoke with his dad on Wednesday and told him about the new band he's managing...

LOUIS: And guess what my dad said to me.

BONNIE: He was proud of you?

LOUIS: Apparently, he is. But he was like "Finally, you're doing something mature and interesting with your life".


LOUIS: He indirectly called me a boring kid, can you believe that?

ANDERSON: Ain't you? (Bonnie laughs)

LOUIS: You're so dead.

He chases Anderson round the buses a couple of times and stops, both laughing.

LOUIS: Well, long story short, he called me back that night telling me to go pick up an old bus in my late uncle's garage to be used for the band. I wanted to tell him that mom already gave me hers but... it wouldn't hurt to have two, right?

BONNIE: The more, the merrier.

ANDERSON: You never mentioned that your uncle's late. So we gonna be driving a dead man's car?

BONNIE: You're making it sound bad, it's not that big of a deal.

LOUIS: My uncle used to sing, so trust me, he'd be proud of us in his grave. Anyway, I had the new bus pimped yesterday. And here we go... two buses. The smaller one is the passenger carrier, we'd all ride in it, while the big one would be for conveying our instruments and all that.

BONNIE: Cargo carrier.

LOUIS: Bingo.

ANDERSON: Speaking of instruments, we're good to go... microphones, speakers, drum sets, a keyboard, and two electronic guitars. We raised the cash and Dylan made the purchase, he's got an eye for good instruments.

LOUIS: Speak of the devil.

ANDERSON: Where's he? (Looking around)

LOUIS: I meant he just texted me. "Merchandise ready!"

BONNIE: What merchandise?

LOUIS: Customized T-shirts.

ANDERSON: Can't wait for our band tees to be sold out.

BONNIE: Everything's happening so fast. That reminds me, I saw our posters in some parts of the locker room and one on the notice board in front of the music room.

ANDERSON: That's Adrian making moves for us, I bet there are more posters out there. Faded Flames is gradually going viral!