
Settling In 4

Days later. Cleave Hills High, the cafeteria.

ERIC: Yeah, she's been acting all weird with me lately. I met her at the grocery store on Saturday, said hi and...

ELVIS: She snubbed?

ERIC: Nah, she responded but you know, it wasn't so friendly.

ELVIS: You think it's because you turned down her offer? Or plea as you called it.

ERIC: Could be, but honestly, I don't wanna join her band.

ELVIS: Coz you're hating on her hot boyfriend.

ERIC: Elvis, not now.

ELVIS: You should talk to her.

ERIC: Talk?

ELVIS: To clear the air. Perhaps, you could also bake her those cookies.

ERIC: You think?

ELVIS: Duuuuuude! I dunno how you do it, but those cookies are awesome.

ERIC: I know, but no.

ELVIS: What?

ERIC: I'm not baking any cookies.

ELVIS: Yes you are. This Saturday would be good.

ERIC: I said I'm not baking any...



GWEN: Am I interrupting?

ELVIS: Interrupting what? I was just about leaving. (Getting up, Gwen holds him back)

GWEN: Why?

ELVIS: ...

ERIC: ...

GWEN: I get it. You're trying to avoid an awkward moment between you, me and your brother.

ELVIS: I just don't wanna ruin anything between you two, already did once.

ERIC: You're not ruining anything.

GWEN: Eric is right. We're good, trust me. Tell you what... Gustavo and I had lunch yesterday at Tim Hortons.

ERIC & ELVIS: You did?

GWEN: Bumped into him, he was a little embarrassed and tried to avoid me but I made it difficult. I ordered something for both of us, we sat and talked... Well, it was less of a conversation and more of me calling him names.

ERIC: Whoa.

GWEN: He'd be like "I'm really sorry" and I'd be like "You said that already, stupid!"

ELVIS: So you bought him lunch but made sure he lost the appetite to eat it.

GWEN: Got tired at a point and then it got awkward... but at least we settled everything and we're in good terms now. So trust me, Elvis, we're good.

ELVIS: Uhm... that's great. Thanks. (He takes a sip from his soda can)

ERIC: You look tired. (Placing his palm on hers)

GWEN: I am.

ERIC: What's up?

GWEN: Cheerleading.

ERIC: Thought you said it was fun.

GWEN: Yeah, abso-exhausting-lutely fun.

ELVIS: I know how you feel. Football practices are also abso— Err what did you call it?

GWEN: Doesn't matter. (She scoffs)

ELVIS: Lemme get you a smoothie while you two catch up.

ERIC: We catch up everyday.

ELVIS: I'll be right back. (He leaves the table)

GWEN: Is he... shy?

ERIC: Shy? (He scoffs). I've never seen him shy.

GWEN: What's up though? Wanna stay here? Or should we go somewhere else to have our alone time? (Looking into his eyes)

ERIC: Well, I'm down. But Elvis just went to get you a smoothie: wouldn't be nice if you...

GWEN: Screw the smoothie.

ERIC: Whoa, okay. I guess we should...

"Sup" A guy saunters over, taking a sit.

ERIC: Hey, David. (Gwen makes a disappointed face)


DAVID: Gwendolyn. (He reaches out for a handshake then pats Eric on the shoulder)

ERIC: What's good, man?

DAVID: I'm great. Just came to chill with you and Elvis, I thought he'd be here.

ERIC: He is, he left to get some...

ELVIS: Smoothie.

ERIC: Speak of the devil.

ELVIS: Here. (Handing the cup to Gwen and greeting David by scattering his hair)

GWEN: Thanks, you still remember my favorite.

ELVIS: Everyone loves mixed fruit flavor.

DAVID: Not everyone.

ELVIS: Congratulations, you lack taste.

GWEN: David, I heard you're now on the basketball team, that's great.

DAVID: Uhm... thanks. It's great, yeah.

ERIC: Sure?

ELVIS: That didn't sound convincing.

ERIC: Last time we heard from you was a week ago when you came to our place. What's up?

DAVID: Nothing much. I'm... you know... fine, haha. Why shouldn't I be?

ELVIS: The more you talk, the less convincing you sound.

ERIC: Yeah.

GWEN: Guys, he said he's fine. Stop breathing down his neck.

ERIC: We're only looking out for him, nothing more.

GWEN: I know, but he's not a kid.

DAVID: Err... (He clears his throat) How's cheerleading? Stressful routines?

GWEN: 'Stressful' is an understatement. I've got practices again today after school.

ELVIS: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

"Not always true" Another boy saunters over their table.

ERIC: My man.

MAXX: Gwen, Elvis, David, Eric... This is a gathering of great minds.

He goes around the table, greeting each of them before dipping his hand into Eric's bowl of chips.

MAXX: Mmmm... these are better than that of... mmm... the previous week. (He munches)

ELVIS: Really? Lemme taste (Stretching his hand and reaching into Eric's bowl)

ERIC: Hey! (Slapping his hand away) Go get yours.

ELVIS: Cruel being. (He eyes Eric before glancing at Maxx) What's good, buddy?

MAXX: I'm chill, my usual self.

GWEN: I should go.


GWEN: This conversation is ten seconds away from turning into boy stuff and I'll be lost all through, so... bye. (She gets up)

ERIC: Gwen wait.

GWEN: Talk later, sweetheart. Thanks again for the smoothie, Elvis! (Walking away)

ELVIS: You're welcome.

MAXX: So are you guys getting pumped fro the match against Whales High?

ERIC: Football talk already? Boy stuff. She was right, exactly ten seconds.

DAVID: You were counting?

ERIC: I glanced at the wall clock as soon as she said 'seconds'.

ELVIS: My brother calculates the most irrelevant things. Anyway, our match is in two weeks.

MAXX: Ours, seven weeks.

ELVIS: I just realized we've got two cleavers in our midst. (David's countenance changes)

MAXX: Who's the second cleaver aside me?

ELVIS: David of course.

MAXX: He's not on the team, he wasn't allowed.

DAVID: Come on, man...

MAXX: You didn't tell them?

ERIC: Tell us what?

DAVID: ...

ERIC & ELVIS: David? (Their eyes fixed on him)

DAVID: Okay okay... I lied, guys. (He buries his head, staring blankly at his plate of chicken nachos)

ELVIS: You aren't part of the team, for real?

DAVID: For real.

ELVIS: Why did you lie to us?

ERIC: Because we can't read your mind?

DAVID: It's not like...

ELVIS: That's why you've been avoiding us?

DAVID: No, guys. I...

ERIC: So we won't ask questions?

MAXX: Chill out, people. I'm sorry, I didn't know he hadn't told you guys, I wouldn't have brought it up.

DAVID: It's good. I guess it's the best time to talk about it.

ELVIS: All ears. (Pulling off his hood)

DAVID: I did try out for basketball...

ERIC: But?

DAVID: Transfers aren't allowed on the team. Coach's rules.

ELVIS: Okay, I've actually heard that before. What sort of rule is that? Mr Molly's so dumb.

MAXX: It's 'Tolley' and careful how you talk about my coach.

ELVIS: Ease up, bro. (He chuckles, then glances back at David) So what happens next?

DAVID: I left... and kept it to myself.

ERIC: Why?

DAVID: You guys are always getting yourselves worked up over me, trying to look out for me. Come on, you've got your own lives, I don't wanna be a bother to you.

ERIC: You've never been a bother, brother.

MAXX: I see what you did there.

ELVIS: Actually, you've been a bother to us.

ERIC: Huh? (They all turn to Elvis)

ELVIS: Yeah, he's been a bother to us... just like we've been to him. Helping me with math home-works, joining us to clean and clear trash, helping us get groceries sometime, taking care of Sheen when we aren't home.

DAVID: ...

ELVIS: See? We bother you, you bother us, that's what friendship's about, no man is an island, we need each other.

MAXX: Word.

The bell rings.

ERIC: We've got a class now. Talk later, man. (Patting David on the shoulder, Elvis does same, and so does Maxx, the three of them stroll out of the cafeteria, leaving him alone at the table with a pale smile)

Tuesday, Evans High.

Lecture just ended, students are filing out of the physics laboratory. There's a funny sound.

BONNIE: Was that your tommy?

LAURA: I won't deny, I'm hungry again.

BONNIE: You had lunch just before physics class.

LAURA: Quick metabolism.

BONNIE: You mean 'Quick gluttonism'?

LAURA: That's not even a word.

BONNIE: Speaking of words... word on the street is that you're getting fat. (Halting, taking a good look at her)

LAURA: How dare you call me fa...

BONNIE: Tyler is a bad influence.

LAURA: What has he got to do with this?

BONNIE: Everything! You've been having tons of chocolates and junk since you two started going out, you need to slow down.

LAURA: It's not... (She pauses, scanning herself) Am I actually getting fat?

BONNIE: Not that obvious, but I can feel your extra flesh. (Touching Laura's arm) If you continue this way, you're gonna be Barney in no time.

"I could help out with the purple costume" A guy intercepts them at the staircase.

LAURA: I hate you, Louis. (They share a laugh)

BONNIE: Where are you two coming from?

ANDERSON: The gym. Good thing we found you. We got talk.

LAURA: What's up?

ANDERSON: Band stuff.

LOUIS: We'd be catching a flight soon.


LAURA: A flight?

BONNIE: Where to?

LAURA: How soon?

ANDERSON: Slow down with the questions, you two are worse than the press.

LOUIS: We're going to Oklahoma, my mom's eatery is gonna be two years old. She wants us to play for her as a band on the night of the anniversary.

LAURA: Big ups!

BONNIE: When is it?

LOUIS: Valentine's Day.

BONNIE: Sweet! Our first gig.

LAURA: Hashtag Oklahoma. (She takes out her phone and taps on the camera). Y'all joining in or not?

LOUIS: Hashtag Flemyng Eats. (He sticks his head into the video).

ANDERSON: Hashtag first gig.

LAURA: Hashtag lit weekend.

"Hashtag detention... if I hear one more hashtag. I believe y'all have classes to get to"

They all turn to see who it is.

LOUIS: Shit, principal Hammond.

"No swear words, run along!"