that's when she wakes up still in the darkness it was all a dream that a monster put her under she starts crying not knowing if i was real or not it was a perfect life landon and Josie were dating i was dating her it was i based on things she thought might happen she heard a rumor that josie liked the person she liked so she thought they meant Landon what she didn't know was they knew how she felt about me and since I kissed her back she was thinking i liked her back which i did she stood up and just walked around tears streaming down her cheeks meanwhile I was in the school looking at a phone I found next to where the malivore pit was i start putting passcodes in just messing around i put my birthday in and it opened and I saw nothing except for a message that was being sent to someone called crush/bestfriend saying i love you and sorry other then that nothing i put the phone on my night side table then I go to dr saltzman to tell him that someone jumped in the malivore pit "what how do you know" dr saltzman says "I found their phone next to the pit" I say "now that you mention it I remember burning some stuff not sure what though go check the call receipts see if they called me" dr saltzman says I nod and go check the phone to see they wiped their call receipts I take the phone to dr saltzman "wiped completely except for this one text to crush saying 'I love you and I'm so sorry' that never sent" I say "ok I'm going to set it back up with service and everything see who gets the text" dr saltzman says I nod and go with him to the store 2 hours later he set it back up we hop in the car and the message sends my phone vibrates I pick it up and see i got the text "I have the text" I say "great what's the name of the contact" dr saltzman says "it says crush/bestfriend" I say throwing my head back "damn it check if you ever said their name" dr saltzman says "10 years of text not once did I say her name" I say "damn it we lost someone and we don't even now their name" dr saltzman says driving away from the store and back to the school 3 months pass dr saltzman got transferred for child endangerment i was named the strongest supernatural in existence once me being the first tribrid was out I was just hanging out In my room when Josie came in "I can't believe you didn't tell me that you were a tribrid I'm your bestfriend" Josie says standing in front of me, me and her were good friends before everyone forgot hope now we were bestfriends "yeah yeah I know but you would have told your sister and that would have been a big thing" I say she slaps my arm "hey what was that for" I say grabbing my arm "that was for assuming that I would tell my sister you asshole" Josie says jumping on me wrestling me i flip her pinning her to the bed we stare in each other's eyes for a minute then I get off of her I had started developing a crush on her a couple months ago she had a crush on me for years "umm so how are you we haven't talked in a while" I say try to change the subject "umm good yeah how about you" Josie says blushing "I've been go-" I get interpreted by Josie kissing me I'm surprised by that josie takes it as me not liking it so she jumps away from the kiss "I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me" Josie says trying to run out of the room I vamp over and push her against the wall kissing her she moans in to the kiss i pull away "you like it rough huh the innocent sweet shy gentle loving Josie likes it rough huh" I whisper in her ear she nods I pick her up by her ass she wraps her legs around me "maybe we shouldn't do this intill we learn about who jumped into the malivore pit it might have been a boyfriend or girlfriend of one of us" Josie says I nod putting her down "I'm just going to go" Josie says walking out I get in bed to sleep the next day I go to the park I sit on a bench going through my gallery on my phone i see a picture of a girl kissing my cheek then I see one of my carrying her on my back I zoom in on her face I stand up to go tell dr saltzman but I can't walk into that school so I decided to just wait I look around seeing a girl laying on the floor behind her a pit of mud I figure it's better safe then sorry so I cut myself and drip blood into it the pit disappears again I turn around and look at the girl I turn her over I see her face it was the girl from the pictures I pick her up and vimp to the school I put her in a wolf transitioning cell and lock the door then I sit on the ground against a wall I sit there for 10 minutes intill she wakes up I give her a glass of water and a sandwich I made before sitting down "here you must have been in there for months must be thirsty and hungry" I say sliping the glass and food through the cage the girl looks up at me only see shadows "tha-thank you" the girl says "so to get to the important questions is this you in this picture" I say showing her the picture "yes it is" she says looking at the phone and drinking water "ok so how do you know me" I say walking out of the shadows "y-y/n" hope says stuttering "answer the question" I say she starts crying I feel like I have to help her my body just moved I opened the gate and hugged her "hey hey it's ok" I say "you real I thought my mind just made you up" hope says crying into my neck "yeah yeah I'm real now can you do me a some favor" I say pulling away from the hug looking in her eyes she nods "I need to know who you are and how I know you" I say she nods cleaning her eyes "I'm hope andrea mikaelson I'm a tribrid the world's first actually I'm hayley marshall and Klaus mikaelson's kid I came to this school when I was 7 that's when I met you we hit it off we were bestfriends we became roommates in the 6th grade that's when I started to develop a crush on you I didn't act on it because you were always dating someone else so I thought you must not feel the same so I started dating others to distract myself from you but it didn't work well especially when you started working out since when we watched movies it was in our pajamas and you would wear some sweet pants with no shirt and I would always cuddle up to you with my head and hands on your chest and you would always rub my back and my hair that made getting over you very hard but I never acted on it I guess I was scared that you wouldn't like me back intill the malivore pit where I kissed you then jumped in and here we are" hope says "I knew there was another tribrid" I say "well not quite I'm a semi vampire I have the super healing I can control when I turn into my wolf I just never died or need blood" hope says "so I'm still alone" I say turning my back on her "what do you mean" hope says I turn around facing her i turn into a wolf "I'm a tribrid I have perfect control over my powers I can make things out of my blood i can control the fog crows other vampires it's weird" I say turning back my clothes not having ripped "no no I didn't want you to be a vampire can you bring me dr saltzman" hope says I nod taking off grabbing him from his office at his school and bringing him to the cells "here he is" I say "why did you bring me here and who is this" dr saltzman says "I told you to get rid of any evidence of me why does he have that picture" hope says "you to-your the one who jumped in the malivore pit i wouldn't know since I don't remember doing it" dr saltzman says "what do we do with her" I say "let me out let inroll back in the school so I can figure away for everyone to remember" hope says I open the door "what are you doing" dr saltzman "she said to let her out" I say "your sired of course this is happening you turned him now he doesn't have to turn" dr saltzman says "I turn all the time" I say "but you liked her before you turned" dr saltzman says "does anyone have my phone" hope says "yeah here" I say pulling it out of my pocket "there's nothing on it except for a message to me" I say she looks up at me "why did you go through my phone and how did you unlock it" hope says "I want to know who's it was and you have the same birthday as me" I say 'he thinks I have the same birthday as him' hope thinks "ok take me to our room" hope says I start walking out dr saltzman grabs hope's hand "you know we have to fix him right" dr saltzman says "yeah I know and I know how to do it but he's a tribrid how do we contain him" hope says dr saltzman just nods once me and hope get to our room "we only have one bed what are we going to do" hope says "i'l-" I get interpreted by hope pushing me on the bed "i guess we'll just sleep on the same bed I sleep naked just so you know" hope says leaning forward to me "I'm sorry hope I just don't feel the same way maybe before I forgot I did but not anymore I guess I'm sorry" I say looking in her eyes she looks like she's going to cry then josie walks in with her sister lizzie Josie tries to use dark magic on hope but lizzie jumps in the way getting hit i vamp to catch her "lizzie are you ok" I say "yeah yeah I'm fine" lizzie says "Josie what the fuck" I scream "you were cheating on me i try to hit that whore then she jumped in the way" Josie screams back hope's eyes widen "don't call her that and we aren't dating you put that to a stop" I say walking passed her towards the nursery i put her on a bed she had fallen asleep on the way after answering some questions I walk towards my room again hope was sleeping i lay down on the couch trying to fall asleep I couldn't then I walked over to the bed and lay down she had fallen asleep on her side so I still had my side the minute I lay down i pass out I wake up to see hope cuddling on me I had my arm wrapped around her she was crying so I didn't move intill she woke up she wiped her dry tears off "I'm sorry about Josie" I say "no no I'm sorry for hitting on you I didn't know you two were dating" hope says "we're not she just... protective" I say hope lays back down on my chest "I'm happy someone took up the job to protect you, you were always the one protecting me" hope says lizzie runs in and stops "this is a familiar sight hope andrea mikaelson" lizzie says hope and me shoot in to sitting position "you remember" hope says "yeah everything but does he" lizzie says as I stand "no i don't remember only stories" I say as I put a shirt on "so how did you remember" hope says "I think it was the dark magic" lizzie says i look at her "I have the perfect spell I just need a little dark magic and I have the perfect thing" I say hope snaps her head at me but I was already gone "no he can't do this" hope says "why can't he" lizzie says "dr saltzman never told anyone this the only reason I know this is because I looked into him but he's mom's family are all pure witchs they're less resistant to it it also why they put them in this school he doesn't know though" hope says they run out of the room but it was too late the blast went across the world already they run into the room where I was they see me on the ground flashing to dark me too not I look up "run run before it takes over" I say slowly losing control as my switch starts flipping "my switch is turning off get everyone out of here" I scream lizzie runs out of the room hope runs to me "I'm not going to leave you y/n" hope says "fine I'll leave" I say vamping out of the room running as far as possible before it flips once I get out of the state it flips and black magic explodes out of me killing everything in a mile radius I do a spell to hide my black veins i keep going know hope was the one thing that could flip my switch back so I put a spell so that they can't track me and run to a airport I get a ticket to Spain and I go on a killing running go all around Europe then Asia back at the school dr saltzman was the headmaster again he had called caroline to look for me I learned how to control the dark magic I ran into an original he compelled me to leave far away from here so I left to Antarctica I had been killing people non stop intill some one came it was caroline "hi y/n" caroline says "hello what Brings you here" I say "it's hope she's been in wolf form since you left and she hasn't ate in almost 3 weeks" caroline says my switch flips and I do a spell to teleport to the school normally I wouldn't be able to do this but with dark magic I could do it so I appear in the forest I take my clothes off and turn into a wolf and start to search the school grounds I found her she was running the opposite way so I jump on her back turning back to human "hope please turn back or at least eat please I beg of you" I say she turns back to human "y-y/n is it really you" hope says I flip her on her back "yes it is me now can you stand" I say not sure since I could she her bones i stand up she shakes her head "do you have any clothes out here" I say "no i wasn't planning on turning back" hope says I nod pick her up and vamp her to our room I get her dressed all her clothes were huge on her I vamp back into the forest grab my clothes and back to the room I get dressed then I pick her up and walk her to the nursery not wanting to get her really nauseous so once I get there I put her on the bed "help help her" I scream the nurse comes running when she sees me she stops in her tracks "please help her" I say the nurse runs over she asks me to leave I nod and walk out I sit in a chair with my head down little kids are walking by intill one stops "are you ok mister" the kid says I look up "yeah I'm fine" I say he nods and keeps going I look back down then some kids my age start walking by then one stops and starts bothering me "stop it" I say "or what last I checked i was the alpha here" jed said i snapped i grab him by his throat and slam him against the wall "the only reason you are alpha is because I let you be alpha you got that" I scream he nods I drop him he runs away by the time hope woke up everyone knew I was back so they avoided this hallway they didn't know why I was there or why I was in front of the nursery intill someone went to try to find hope in the woods but couldn't that they ran to dr saltzman "we can't find hope" that person says "yeah I know y/n brought hope to the office a few hours ago" dr saltzman says they nod and it spreads that I turned hope back and that I was waiting for her to wake up it took 3 days into she was allowed to have visitors so I walk in "are you ok" I say "yeah I just feel stupid but they say I would be back to normal in a few days so that's good" hope says "good good" I say distancing myself from her "y/n get over here" hope says I walk over she hugs me "promise me you won't leave again please I wouldn't know what to do with myself" hope says "I promise now I have to go to dr saltzman about inrolling back in I'llbe back tomorrow" I say walking out a tear going down my cheek knowing that I couldn't keep that promise for long I go to dr saltzman "hey can I inroll back in" I say "no since your already inrolled" dr saltzman says 3 days later hope walks into the room while I was sleeping she was back to normal she looked the same as she did before she put on her pajamas she didn't have underwear on she then gets in bed she cuddles up against me I put my arm around her pulling her closer to me she passes out she then wakes up before me she gets on top of me and grinds on my dick touching my abs she then takes her shirt off I groan she gets back in cuddling position I wake up I look down at her "why are you shirtless" I say "I think it's unfair since I see you shirtless all the time you should be able to see me shirtless" hope says "that's different" I say flustered "how do you say because of your gaint hard dick down here" hope says sliping her hand in my pants and underwear wrapping around my dick "well guess what I get soaking wet when I see you shirtless I get so so horny that I sometimes can't control myself and run into that bathroom and start fingerling myself so hard" hope says jacking me off I get even harder "hmm you like what I said huh" hope says I pull her hand out of my pants I then rip her pants off I lock the door with a spell and vamp to start a camera to film "what are you doing" hope says as I take my pants off her eyes widen at see the size 'that thing has been sleeping next to me for years I've layed in between he's legs how didn't I know' hope thinks "you don't think I'm going to be your bottom do you no you hope mikaelson the first tribrid is going to be the the biggest sub anyone has ever seen" I say grabbing her tits "o-ok but it's not a safe da-" I interpret hope "don't worry I've been planning this for years i know it's not a safe day don't worry" I say lining up with her pussy I start to move deeper inside her very slowly intill I hit her hymen "are you ready for your bestfriend to pop your cherry" I say she nods "yes yes I'm ready for my bestfriend to use me to take me" hope moans I push deeper into her she hisses in pain blood comes out of her pussy I start playing with her tits and I kiss her I use a spell to get the blood out of her once there was no more blood she starts moaning i start to move deeper intill I felt my thighs hit her's I pull away from the kiss "do you enjoy having your bestfriend all the way inside you do you like knowing that all 13 inches of your bestfriend's dick is inside your pussy do you like the fact you can see the out line of he's dick in your stomach" I say taking a picture of her naked body with the outline of my dick she nods "Haah yes yes I love it" hope moans I start pulling out intill only the head was inside her I then slam back into her I repeat the process going faster every repeat she starts to tighten "oh your about to cum huh you really like being used like a whore huh by your bestfriend to huh you submissive whore" I say grabbing her tits "Haah yes yes y/n i love this so much" she moans Cumming I start going faster and faster she in a constant stream I feel myself about to cum she wraps her legs around me locking me in place deep in her womb "Haah I-i want your cum your hot steamy cum gushing into my womb please" hope begs moaning "fine I'll cum inside you but I promise I'll punish you for being a disobedient whore" I say slapping her tit roughly she moans tightening more i do a spell that's like birth control i then fill her with my cum she moans her eyes looking so innocent so sweet so shy i then start pounding her pussy I was sensitive and she was so tight and she was just getting tighter then her innocent face she was making while moaning making me cum even faster after pounding away at her pussy for 4 hours we were already late for class so I pull out of her pussy cum leaking out of her "decide you take your punishment right now then I fuck you intill I decide to stop or we go to class then after class I punish you then fuck you" I say in that second she had already decided "now now have been a bad girl not obeying my daddy and he's giant cock tha-" I interpret hope "shut it you cock loving slut" I say she nods I grab one of her vibrators and stick it in her pussy shoving it deep in her she moans i give her a 100 page book "read it out loud if you mess up it goes a higher level if you get to the max level I fuck your ass dry don't cum or I don't fuck you ever again" I say flipping her on her stomach she nods I start the the vibrator she keeps messing up we were now at the last paragraph after 2 hours I was pounding her ass she hadn't came once she was holding it in very good I was also holding it in she finishes she looks back still holding it in I pull out and stick it in her pussy i push the vibrator in her ass she nearly cums i spank her ass "be a good girl for me and cum" I demand her cum starts bursting out of her pussy covering my dick on all sides she slams her head against the bed she starts spouting out moans "Haah I'm I a good slut please reward me for being good" hope moans out making me cum i fill her up I then pull out of her and cuddle her from the back intill she wakes up from her pleasure coma "wa-was I good" hope moans out "such a good girl we are going to stop for today and just cuddle maybe watch some movies is that ok with you" I say she nods I wrap my arms around her right under her tits after putting on a movie we both pass out tired from fucking I wake up in the same position as before I look at the time there was 2 hours before school starts I wait for her to wake up she wakes up 30 minutes later "hmm it feels so good to cuddle with him" hope says thinking I was asleep "good to know but do you always talk to yourself or what's up" I say grabbing her tits "i thought you were asleep" hope says flustered "we should take a shower we have class in an hour and a half" I say she nods we take a shower