Oh My God, I'm Reincarnated

"Holy crap, how can I become Miyamura Izumi?"

As the youngster woke up in unfamiliar room, he look at the mirror and somehow shocked beyond believe that he reincarnated into popular manga character.

His skin is white, slightly long black hair for normal average boy, and both of his ear has pierced marks.

Originally, he is just average office worker in some company. but because of his original body is too weak, so he can't just work tirelessly. Unfortunately , because he got additional work from main office or headquarter which make him working overtime and died because his body can't handle.

"from my look, im still in middle school student" miyamura izumi look at the mirror. he still look like 14 or 15 years old.

Suddenly pain struck his head, he grit his teeth to endure the sudden pain which make his head dizzy.

The pain disappear about 5 minutes and he breath relieve. his body feel weak and drop to the ground.

"izumi, what happened?" his mother iori checking in izumi room after she heard noise from izumi room. she look his son almost fainted in the floor.

"are you alright izumi, if you don't feel well, you should skip school today. tomorrow will be your graduation, so you can rest for a whole day" iori said with concern

"it's okay mom, i just somehow feel dizzy, it's alright now" izumi replied as he look at the memories flow in his mind. that is the memory before regaining his past life memories.

'i guess this body is really mine, i reincarnated and become miyamura izumi but somehow i just regaining my previous life memories just now' izumi said in his mind.

"alright, you should rest, i'll tell the teacher for your absence" said iori while she let izumi back to his bed.

"i understand" replied izumi.

After seeing his mother out of his room, he wake up from his bed while murmuring

"it's so fortunate of me i reincarnated in modern world, not in supernatural modern world or super power world"

And then izumi look on his phone which is still year 2010. He browse from Boogle to look at recent news or worldly affair. He is shocked that it seem this world is alternate world with different anime packed together. he is sure about that because there seem tootsuki, or shiratorizawa, there might be more.

But the weird thing is, the football here is look like in his previous life which is Manchester United, Real Madrid, Barcelona, or Bayern Munich so popular.

'I feel like still living in my previous life in addition of anime characters. This looks fun.' izumi thinking of himself.

He feel glad that he reincarnated in this body which is look handsome. but still, even he look handsome, his body is too skinny.

'i dont know if i can increase my weight in this life, the difference of my pas life and this life is only my face which is so handsome. i feel like having more confident to flirt a girl' he smirk while thinking if he can flirt more easily with his handsome face.

Despite having more handsome face, his height and his weight is the same as his past life, which is 169 cm and 48 kg which is too skinny for a boy.

And another problem is, he is lonewolf. He only have 1 friend named Shindou Kouichi, but he repeat class because of his bad score.


the door of his room opened as his mother enter with breakfast.

"izumi, here breakfast and get well soon" iori said.

"okay, even though im alright now" izumi replied

"don't be like that, just rest today. look how you are, so skinny" iori said with teasing tone.

"I'm thin since long ago" said izumi in annoyance.

"alright, alright. i feel like you are different today. you are not so gloomy as before" said iori with smile after looking annoyed izumi.

Izumi shocked but didn't shown in his face, and said "I just wanna change, I'm almost in high school but still only have 1 friend" his face looking down as he said.

Iori just smile and said "alright, just call me if you need something" Then she went out of the room.

"I hope my high school in this life won't be so bad as my previous life. I don't have otaku friend when I'm in high school which somehow so lonely" he murmur as he eat his breakfast.

But in a while, he also thinking that when he read horimiya manga, there's seems no otaku guy in his high school.

He also consider, if there some people which accept him as otaku. Because when he read horimiya manga, high school students in japan despise otaku which is i don't like. They are so racist because a guy of culture reading manga and novel.

Might as well to consider transfer school if doesn't look so well.

A time passed as the day of high school opening ceremony begin.

Miyamura izumi was accepted in Katagiri High School with average score. well it's just same as his past life in high school, as most of the time, his score is just not bad.

"mother, I'm going" said izumi while put his shoes, then go out from the house.

"be careful" said iori.

Izumi walking around slowly. his house not that far from the school, so he's not in hurry.

On his way, he look at the people which their hair looks colorful. Well, he doesn't realize before gained his pas life memories. He's already get used to it now.

His appereance now like geeky, with almost shoulder length straight hair and glasses.

He thought it's interesting when he look like geeky at school and looks badass outside school. he might get impression of hori kyouko like in anime.

After sometime, finally opening ceremony begin.

Izumi look at the podium and the Principal start blabber something that makes him feel drowsy. after that he look at first year representative he expecting which is hori kyouko. Even though her body is so so, she still beauty. He got interested in her the first time he look at her beauty.


*bzzzt* *bzzzt*

Look like his phone vibrating.