Who is Going?

Kuroneko : Hey, don't you think Miyamura plot is like protagonist novel?

Kazuma : right, you like protagonist unlike me which is accompany by useless goddess

Kakashi : hey guys, can you tell me what is manga and anime?

Kuroneko : manga is like novel, but use drawing. as for anime, umm i think I can't explain well because your world is too backward, sorry. I'll check this new internet first, it seem interesting. you cain wait miyamura for a while for explanation kakashi-san

Tabane-chan : hey hey, i think this device is interesting, I'm gonna research for a bit

After Izumi research for about 15 minutes, finally he open the chat group again and type.

Miyamura Izumi : hey guys, before i share, can i ask something first, for kuroneko, which grade are you now? for tabane-chan which grade your little sister now? for kazuma how long you've been revived by goddess? and kakashi-san, which grade naruto and sasuke right now? chunin?

Kazuma : It's been 1 day I'm in different world

Kuroneko : Just started high school entrance ceremony now

Kakashi : not yet, i think its 2 month before their graduation

Tabane-chan : Houki-chan is 3 months away from entering high school

After Izumi read those chat, he then share guide to use phone or Dimensional Chat Group while walking into his class. something like downloading application or using application to someone like tabane-chan and kakashi which is first time using smartphone. then sharing novel reader website, manga reader website, anime streaming website, also animelist website with explain what website is that and how to find the exact novel, manga, or anime with screenshot guiding it. Next, he share the group member list with novel, manga, or anime from each member on new channel he just created

Miyamura Izumi > Horimiya (manga/anime)

Goko Ruri > My little sister can't be this cute (novel/anime)

Shinonono Tabane > Infinite Stratos (novel/anime)

Satou Kazuma > Konosuba : god blessing on this wonderful world (novel/anime)

Kakashi > Naruto (manga/anime)

Miyamura Izumi : i already sent information that you guys need on some channels. *picture sent*

Kuroneko : Nice!

Kazuma : I'll check

Tabane-chan : thank you izumi-chan

Kakashi : okay, i will learn for a bit

Miyamura Izumi : as for next quest you can find anime named Fairy Tail and watch for a while for information. that world is bit dangerous, unless you have some strength for insurance, don't try to go. i guess i need kakashi-san help for this quest since i have complete information, and kakashi-san have suitable strength in that world, you guys dont mind right?

Tabane-chan : I don't mind

Kuroneko : Okay, I'll let this cheeky protagonist take the lead and the strongest for next quest

Kazuma : go then, i don't have ability right now

Miyamura Izumi : ruri-chan, tabane-chan is the strongest here, she's genius too. but kakashi-san ability is suitable for next quest. i guess u haven't watch her anime so u don't know

Kuroneko : don't call my name so casually, we're not that close

Miyamura Izumi : Don't be angry, or maybe you could send me your picture while pouting. I'll treasure it and make your picture as wallpaper

Kuroneko : you wont get a chance.

Kazuma : hey don't flirt here dammit

Kuroneko : I'm not flirting

Miyamura Izumi : Tch, i got rejected

Tabane-chan : hihihi, you guys so funny

Kakashi : i have to go, see you later

Kuroneko : Okay, i have class

Miyamura Izumi : i have class too, look like we're soulmate, hehe

Kuroneko : shut up

Kazuma : tsk, flirting again. im going for job, bye

Tabane-chan : bye bye

Closing the application, izumi looking around in his class. little did he realize that he is now same class as hori kyouko and her best friend yoshikawa yuki.

'well, now it's not the time yet. i need to focus on this first quest first. i don't know what time in the fairy tail. it could be before, current, or after tenrou incident. if this quest after the tenrou incident, then it would be really bad, because, they already too strong.' Izumi analyze in his mind.

Even though the quest is easy, but he can't be sure 100% if he and kakashi meet the hard wall. he wish that they both teleport near the resident of good strong wizard.

Teacher come to izumi class and introduce himself as homeroom teacher, then the students start to introduce themself. some of them even introduce themselves interestingly, like the person he or she like, bunch of stupid hobby. well izumi also feel that introducing himself like that is fun.

Then as time passed, finally izumi turn to introduce himself

"Name, Miyamura Izumi. Hobby sleeping, and many more that i can't count. The thing i like is when interesting happen, thank you" then some students start to giggle, and one of them mumbling "what the heck, sleeping become hobby"

Next is choosing the class representative, which is boring for izumi, so he began to check his phone again and open the Dimensional Chat Group. Izumi check the inbox and looking at the first time reward. he guess that the reward is the same as the other members, because the reward is not the chest, but item.

[You receive first time reward.

-5000 Shop Coin

-*4 Internal Body Cleanser

claim/claim all


'i guess i should tell the others' Izumi said in his mine while begin to type in the chat

Miyamura Izumi : hello guys, i want to tell you, if you want to use Internal Body Cleanser from your inbox reward, better use in the bath.

Izumi know very well something like internal cleanser will remove impurity in the body. the stronger that item is, the more impurity go out of your body.

Kuroneko : got it, I'm still in the school anyway

Kazuma : oh, got it

Tabane-chan : why don't you tell me that early. my body let out something black and stink now. huhuhu

Kakashi : Okay, i plan to use that later.

Miyamura Izumi : hahaha, you should check item info, as there should be little "?" symbol when you check the item in inbox.

Izumi explained how to check the item info, even though he don't even need to check as he understand the use of item. then he close the phone as he sleep in the class because it seem there's no lesson today.