Inviting Saint Wizard

Izumi told the same thing when they told Fairy Tail members. Of course he told yajima in private location as izumi didn't want other people knows. Izumi also told that he need strong helper, so izumi thought of Lord Warrod as Saint Wizard which is easy to get along. Izumi thought yajima didn't know the location of Warrod residence since it seem never happen in anime. but surprisingly yajima knows.

Izumi and kakashi bid farewell to Yajima as he told them the residence of Warrod.

Warrod Sequen is known as powerful mage with his green magic. his utility using magic is also top notch which can even use forestation in a desert. The result of his rank as fourth Saint Wizard is because his ability to change nature. But, even he is already strong and respectable figure, he keep being humble, also having unexpected sense of humor.

The sun already set, so they will go find Warrod next day.

Time flies.

On a remote hill, there's small wooden cottage which covered by tree that seem growing from the inside. Inside the wooden cottage, there's a person resembles a slightly gnarled tree trunk, whilst his hair resembles a leafy treetop. His appereance look old, his attire consist of a high collared yellow colored coat, white inner shirt, tied with a belt, loose trouser and pair of boots.

The old man relaxing while drinking tea right now. Just as he about refills the tea, he heard footsteps from outside. The door is knocked, so the old man stood up to open the door.

One is a guy with black hair tied with little ponytail. his appereance still look young. Another one has spiky white hair, his left eye covered by headband and his face covered by mask. Both of them are Izumi and kakashi.

Izumi said politely "excuse me. are you lord Warrod?" although izumi know who he is, he still asking. kakashi also looking at the old man appearance which look like a tree which is surprise him for a bit.

Old man replied "No, I'm not." suddenly silence, then old man added "that was a joke, haha" while he laugh.

Izumi knew how eccentric this old man is, but he still twitch his mouth after heard his joke.

Meanwhile kakashi dumbfounded as he don't know how to react that joke.

"Haha, how do you do young man? I'm Warrod you are looking for." said Warrod.

"Ah excuse me Lord Warrod, My name is Izume, the person beside me named kakashi. i come here because i have vital information which involve fiore." Said izumi with serious tone.

Warrod also become serious and he say "alright, let's go inside. we can talk about that."

After pouring the tea, Warrod sit down together with izumi and kakashi.

"As you can see, we are not from here. But we actually got information about Alvarez Empire who invaded fiore long ago. they want to attack in the near future." said izumi.

"Are you serious?" said Warrod.

"Yes, but right now, they still busy to unite the Empire."

"It seem we need to prepare the worst. sigh"

"I can give Lord Warrod the detail of Alvarez Empire. The detail i mentioned is the most dangerous one. but i hope Lord Warrod can join our group."

"Hmm, Group? What do you mean?" Warrod lit his eyes as he wonder what group did izumi mean.

"Well, it's like a guild, but little bit different as this group can give you something to make you stronger." said izumi calmly.

Warrod thought for a while. He wondered if this two kids said the truth.

"If only Makarov still alive" said Warrod with sigh.

"They still alive you know."

Warrod taken aback. he didn't know if izumi start to play a joke. But then izumi show him the short video of Tenrou revival.

"This magic" Warrod shocked as he saw the magic sphere covering Tenroujima island.

"Do Lord Warrod accept our invitation? We don't have that much rules. And if Lord Warrod really join our group, we may help you resist Alvarez Empire." Said izumi

"Why do you said as if i refuse, you kid won't help?"

"Sorry, because if you refuse, it means our mission failed and we may won't be able to come here again."

"I see. you said i can increase my strength if i join your group. how do you prove it?" said Warrod with smile as he tested if izumi said was true.

Izumi thinking for a while, he stood up and then walking into the wall. his feet like glue which sticking on the wall. after that he go back in front of Warrod. Then he say to the old man "That was ninja skill i learned Lord Warrod, and also, I was ordinary person a week ago."

Just as Warrod about to say something, Magic circle pattern came out below izumi feet. Izumi teleported in 4 different places before he stood in front of Warrod again. He say "That was my magic. I just learned magic about 2 days ago. This is because i got something from the group which is allow me to become ninja and mage."

"That's amazing, um what's your name again?"

"It's izumi Lord. he is kakashi." replied izumi while pointed at kakashi.

"Alright izumi kid, then let me join you"

"Ah, you accept?"

"Of course.... That was a joke. ahaha" replied Warrod while laughing. then he add. "That joke was a joke, wahaha"

"What the heck old man."

"Lord Warrod is interesting person."

Both izumi and kakashi said with annoyance.

Izumi pick up his phone, he opened the Chat Group then claimed the device for Warrod to use. A smartphone appears out of thin air. Then izumi giving it to Warrod.

"This is the device that use to communicate with us. with you we have 6 members. The strongest one before we invite you is the person beside me as his ability is equal to S class mage." explained izumi. Then he add "Both of us are not people on this world. In my world, there's no magic nor something like ninja. All people in my world are just ordinary people. As for kakashi's world, it's ninja world. That world is really dangerous as there are some people have power match Acnologia."

Warrod dumbfounded heard what izumi said.