Elemental Nature Transformation Training

Izumi want to train with Kage Bunshin no Jutsu or Shadow Clone Technique like naruto. But, this ninjutsu not suitable for chunin rank or below. Depending on how much chakra the user has and how many clones they make, this rapid depletion of their chakra reserves can be dangerous.

Izumi chakra reserve just barely reach special jonin level. and even his rank is just around special jonin. so using shadow clone can be done with but one clone to be safe.

What izumi somehow understood about nature transformation kekkei genkai. Those with the ability to combine the elemental nature transformations possess an affinity for the chakra natures they must simultaneously use.

And what izumi wanna do is trying to combine elements with his clone. right now izumi don't have ability to combine his element nature transformation by himself, so he try to do with his clone to combine the element.

Izumi condense his water element in his palm, while his clone condense wind element in his palm. When both izumi and his clone condense their element nature to it's peak, they immediately reach each other hand and merging the water and wind element then release it in another direction at the same time.

Izumi didn't success. but there still a chilly air lingering around them. This indicated their elemental nature combination reach the first step, even though they're failed.

The clone dispersed into a smoke and clone's experiences about their training in combine elements and remaining chakra are transferred back to izumi. Although izumi understand a little bit, it doesn't mean he is able to do it immediately.

So what he need to do is familiarize with his water and wind elemental nature. For combining lightning with water or lightning with wind elemental nature can be done next time after he manage to fully control his water and wind elemental nature.

If somehow izumi chakra reserve at least between jonin and kage level. he can use 2 clones to train simultaneously for a long time since his chakra reserve would be enough after dividing his to the 2 clones.

In naruto anime, uzumaki naruto could use 100 clones because the nine tail fox provide chakra, also being uzumaki bloodline also has advantage in huge chakra reserve. so uzumaki naruto could use Kage Bunshin no Jutsu without worry even that jutsu is considered as forbidden jutsu. Unlike the basic Bunshin no Jutsu, Kage Bunshin or Shadow Clone are physically real. They possess the same clothing, damage, and transformations as the user at the time of their creation. Most tools and weaponry are copied when the shadow clones are created, but complicated technology is exception. Shadow clone can disperse itself or be dispersed by its user. Once dispersed, the user got clone's experiences and remaining chakra. The shared experiences make shadow clone useful for intelligence gathering and accelerate the user training.

Seeing at how useful it is, izumi always use it when training. so he got double experience everytime he done his training.

His recent training is just ordinary physical exercise, and chakra nature control. His physical training seems not that effective anymore. What he think right now is, to improve his physical strength, he need to break the limitation of ordinary human strength. Also he thought about something like gravity room, gravity device, or gravity machine. But he doesn't know how to make it.

Recently, he made a weird auto machine which could brew coffee itself. It was nice invention, but too crude, since it takes too much time brewing a coffee. so he disassembled that machine. Well izumi himself doesn't have an experience in machinery. His invention he made is purely coincidence when he bored.

Izumi want to buy sci-fi knowledge from infinite stratos world. But, he decided to skip it since he want to learn martial art first. There is some martial arts with gold rank or above which is very suitable for him right now. but izumi still need to save more since he only have 9k SC.

Good thing he has Nano brain chip which able to instantly memorizing what he have seen, otherwise it would be hard to collect advanced sci-fi knowledge next time he travel to another world. Izumi bought advanced technology knowledge from shop and spent around 900 Shop Coins. Even though it lack in many things, it still considered as good enough since he can pass through security system without being found out. And since izumi doesn't want to be a criminal, he will only use the hacking only when he deemed necessary.

After thinking for a while, Izumi decided to forget those things for a time being. What he can do right now is training his chakra element nature transformation. After recovering his chakra, he begin to train again.

Izumi made Clone hand seal "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" Then, a clone appeared next to him. He train with his clone to the limit of his chakra reserve could hold on. Recovering chakra - Train using shadow clone - chakra almost depleted - rest - recovering chakra again. The activity is repeated over and over. Not only train his chakra, he also train his magic too. Izumi train everyday like that to breakthrough his chakra limit and magic container limit. What he understood is training and depleting chakra or magic, his chakra reserve and magic container would be increased. And as long as his chakra still remains, he won't be in danger.

Time pass by.

Right now his nature transformation training only manage a third from Kekkei genkai nature transformation. For his magic, he manage to increase his magic container too. As the magic container increased, his magic power also improved. His current magic power is equal to A rank Mage in fairy tail world. His magic which is Rules of the Area manage to cover 200 meters in diameter. For ordinary world, his strength is top notch, but in another world, his strength is just so so. Not mention there are world like One Punch Man, Toriko, and Dragon Ball. His existence is just puny little ant in those worlds. Izumi know how powerful that world is, but it doesn't mean he don't want something from that world. Especially in Dragon Ball world, there is something like Special Infinite Power Core, the special core from Android 17 or Android 18 which make you have unlimited energy. Android 17 and 18 was made based on human, having no drawbacks and infinite energy and stamina, can increase their power and get stronger if they train, and still retain their organic reproductive systems, also they are basically immortal which never aging. They are the Infinite Energy Model Androids. In short, Android with Infinite Energy Model is what izumi wanted. He even wished that he could get Special Infinite Power Core for himself.