I Got a Call

After school is over, izumi immediately went back home. He is going to make something for his adventure tomorrow. If he could, he also want to make for the others too.

What he will make is something like a machine that can fly. And it's already has a camera too even though it use to be a camera lens. Of course it's a Drone. What else could it be?

There's a 5 parts of the drone he made.

First is Framework, this framework is part of the drone that provides durability to the drone, moreover izumi add mini machine gun too inside the framework. There's a provided bullet in the Shop which he could buy with Shop Coin, so izumi made mini machine gun installed inside the framework.

Second is Engine, this engine will provides flight speed and acceleration. So he need good Motors, Electronic speed controller, and suitable propeller as it each components should be compatible with each other.

Third is Navigator, which is provides navigation for the drone and determines the altitude and range.

Fourth is Energy Core, this energy core is obviously provides energy to the drone. In short, a Battery.

The last one is Chip, which is the brain of the drone so the drone could be auto pilot, and could be controlled from distance. Izumi also set the chip with system command so he could use it with Voice command.

What it lack is only battery or energy core. He is planning to make battery which use magic power as supply.

'Hmm. Maybe I should make a core-like battery which use ultraviolet energy and sell it? That will be good for business' thought izumi.

He open the Shop in Chat Group application. Looking at Fairy Tail tab, there's bunches of sub-tab available. But what he need is lacrima, so he opened Lacrima sub-tab. Several types of lacrima are on the list. There are, communication, dragon lacrima, explosive, surveillance, fuel, etc. But what izumi need is Charged lacrima. izumi could fill it to make a battery for his drone. The price is 2k SC which is more expensive than fuel lacrima. Fuel lacrima could also be use for energy source. But once the energy runs out, it couldn't be refilled.

'Well, my SC is 10k right now, after the mission I will have extra 24k SC which i can use it to buy the Sword Art or Dagger Art at gold rank from Shop.' said izumi in his mind.

Izumi could also save more Shop Coins to learn Jade rank. But the jade rank is too bizarre that he didn't know how to master it. According to the description, the Jade rank Martial Arts already touch the threshold of Law if Heaven and Earth. Such as Heavenly Surging Sword which could be use once you mastering Space Law, one of the law element needed to use Heavenly Surging Sword. That's why there are Jianghu Internal Skill too. By mastering each 3 ranks of Internal Skill consist Silver, Gold, and Jade rank and also Five Mental Elements. You would be able to learn The Law of heaven and earth. Of course the user shouldn't blindly choose Internal Skill. Because each Internal Skill is also correspondence to the type of Martial Art. One of Internal Skill corresponding to two of Martial Art, one could be Fist and Dagger Art, or it might be Sword and Twin Dagger Art. So the user should choose carefully what Martial Art they use, and which Internal Skill is suitable for that art.

After izumi bought 2 Charged Lacrima and was about to fill it, Izumi got a call. Picked up the phone, izumi asked.

"Hello, who is this?"

[Um, are you really miyamura?]

"How did you know? Could it be, you are Hori-san?"

[Yeah, it's me..... Um.....] Kyouko sound nervous when she talked.

"What is it? It's surprising I got a call from girl you know." izumi chuckled.

[IT'S NOT ME, SOUTA WANT YOU TO COME HERE! Anyway, just come to play, alright.] Then she hung up the phone.

"Sigh, this girl....well nevermind. I just need to come. Might as well bring this since I might not be able to do tomorrow" Murmur izumi as he look at his drone. He still need to refill this charged lacrima and the drone still need more tuning too. Another one charged lacrima is for backup, so he just throw into his storage space. After izumi packing his stuff, he go out of his room.

Izumi enter the Cake shop. His mother is currently serving customers at the shop, then izumi say. "Mother, I'm gonna take this" said izumi while he packed the cake.

"Eh, how come you suddenly ask for cake? Are you perhaps want to give for your girlfriend? Well, well well, huhuhu" Iori grinned and she look at izumi amusingly.

"Nai, nai, nai. not yet. we barely know each other." izumi wave of his hand as he denied for what his mother said.

"Not yet, huh? So she is your target? huhuhu. just introduce her to me, alright!" teased iori.

"Well, maybe later. bye, I'm going!" said izumi then he went out.

After some time.

Izumi rang the bell and waited. He is in front of kyouko's house right now. The door opened by kyouko and she greet "welcome."

"Here hori-san, I brought you a cake." said izumi with smile.

"Thank you, come in." then kyouko let him in with bringing the cake which given by izumi.

Souta ran from inside and said "Big brother, you came."

"Hey souta." izumi reach out his hand and pat souta's head. Then he add "I brought something interesting, you wanna see?"

"I want to see!"

"Then I'll prepare the drinks." said kyouko as she goes to the kitchen.

Izumi sat down and take out all the things from his bag.

"Big brother, what is this?" asked souta curiously.

"Hehe, this is something like mini helicopter i made. It's not done yet though." replied izumi. He then take out drone parts.

Souta was surprised. "Wow, it's so cool."

Izumi just smiled and begin to assemble the drone parts. Almost all assembled, the only one left is energy core as he need to refill energy with his magic. Izumi just hold charged lacrima and fill it with magic power. Souta just look at him puzzlingly as he don't understand what izumi do right now. Just when souta want to ask, kyouko interupt him.

"Miyamura, what is that?" asked kyouko.

"This? It's drone, I customize by myself. Nice isn't it?"

"What so special about it?" asked kyouko curiously.

"You want to know?" asked izumi.



"Just tell me already" said kyouko with annoyance.

"Alright, alright. I'll tell you. It's....S-E-C-R-E-T! Ufufufu." Teased izumi with giggle.

Kyouko speechless. then she pulling izumi ear furiously.

"Ouch ouch ouch, it hurts hori-san."

"It's your fault, humph." Then kyouko release izumi ear.

"Sorry sorry, I couldn't help it, you looks cute when you're angry."


"Wh-wha-wha-what are you saying, stupid." kyouko face is red from embarrassment.

"Ouch, your face is red hori-san."

"Whose fault it is?" Kyouko pouting. then she ignore izumi and murmuring.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid..."

Meanwhile, souta just look at her sister and say.

"Sister won't stop saying stupid." then he eat the cake.

'Uh, even though I said the truth. Well, at least she looks cute when angry. my pain compensated. hehehe' said izumi in his mind.

Then he continue to fill the lacrima in his hand silently while they converse each other.