Fight Against Buggy Pirate

Buggy and his crew surround luffy, izumi, zoro and nami. but nami is just ordinary girl. if she get caught into a fight, then it will be troublesome. so izumi teleport her to safe place. the other were dumbfounded by izumi action.

"Oi, you, did you the one injured my crew?" buggy pointing at izumi.

"I didn't expect, one of the crew from most admirable Pirate King become degenerate like this. what a disappointment." Said izumi with shaking his head.

Buggy just greet his teeth in anger, then circus guys starting to attack izumi.

*clank* zoro intervene.

"If with sword sword, then your opponent is me." said zoro calmly. Then, they distance away from izumi and luffy. Izumi say to luffy.

"Let's take care of them together, luffy. Then you take care of the boss last." Luffy just nodded with grin.

"Gomu gomu no gatling gun."

luffy hand become like 100 hundred shadow punching together and blew away the crew of buggy pirate. While izumi gather the lightning chakra to his fingers. With the flick of fingers, countless lightning spark fired to the other pirate crew.

But suddenly a lion palm coming toward izumi.


Izumi reacted with defensive posture. Izumi made ten steps back. His arm numbed, he didn't expect the lion would be that strong too. He know his body already strong enough, but still not worthy enough in this world full of monster. He can do few tricks to overwhelm the enemy, but what he truly wanted was fighting experience. Know where to attack, how to react, and know his surrounding. And by fighting with the enemy over and over, he would be able to use hand seal with fast pace, or reacting fast speed enemy using his magic, or even mastering his martial art after meet strong opponent. If there's a chance, he also want to learn haki too.

Izumi move in flash and arrive next to lion guy and his pet. Izumi punch him on the face, and he crashing at the building. The pet seem angry and it's claw extended, but izumi avoid by only few inches of his face.

Meanwhile luffy who fought buggy seem to be in losing side.

"Straw hat, you will regret to ever oppose me." buggy said with haughty attitude.

"Why did you hate shanks so much?" asked luffy which seem in pain.

"Shut up, you don't neet to know." then buggy's body split and attacking luffy.

Back at izumi fight.

Izumi look at lion guy and lion pet, without using ninjutsu, magic or weapon. At first, their fight is evenly matches, but after fighting for sometime, izumi gaining upper hand. izumi throw punch at lion guy face, then he move in flash to kick lion pet's eye. Moving toward lion pet's back, izumi gathering his power in his right hand and punch at the back of the lion.


The lion fell down. He move aside to avoid the lion guy attack, then izumi punch his stomach. The lion guy staggered back and kneel down while holding his stomach after got punch by izumi.

"It should be your honor lion guy, you will be my first kill in my lifetime. Thanks to become my sparring partner, hehehe." Izumi talk and laugh at him like a villain usually do.

Izumi took out his twin dagger and imbued with wind chakra nature. He slash down at the lion guy neck who was look scared.

"Aaaaaaaaaa...." his scream getting weak, then faint. Then silent.

Izumi try to hold on his trembling hand because it was his first time to kill. Even wind infused chakra on his daggers couldn't keep up. He move toward lion pet and begin to circulate his chakra once again. Then izumi stab it down at the back of It's neck which made the lion roaring not too long before it die. Izumi hand and legs were trembling as he sat down because he couldn't keep standing. Well, it was his first time to kill, so his mental state somewhat shook. He try to calm down by adjusting his breath. Then nami come out of nowhere, it seem she's bit mad. Izumi guessing that she was from buggy base to steal the gold, but only found the treasure had been emptied.

"Hey, I told you, you don't need to worry about treasure." said izumi calmly after he adjusted his breath.

"Did you rob them all?" asked nami.

"It's not important now, let's help luffy first." izumi stood up, he pick the lion corpse and store it in his storage space as it will be help for the mesl. Then he went to luffy and buggy fighting location.

Nami just dumbfounded at how he made huge lion disappear. While she look around, she was scared looking at headless guy on the ground. Then she running to follow izumi from behind.

Meanwhile in another side. Zoro still fighting with circus guy. Because of previous injury, he can't use his full strength to fight. Suddenly, his movement changed. In his mind, he remembered his childhood friend and his promise to become number one swordmaster.

"Santoryuu : Onigiri." his sword in both of his hand and his mouth dance as those three sword slash toward circus guy. his consciousness is fading and he fainted.

In another side, izumi look at luffy who seem cornered. Izumi shout at him.

"Luffy, if you can't defeat that red nose clown. then forget about grand blue. that place is not for the weakling to stay."

"Ehh, Is that so?" Luffy said lightly as he doesn't care about that.

"What did you say kid? Did you mean I'm weakling?" Buggy was annoyed by what izumi said which mean he is just at straw hat level.

"You are pretty much a weakling. You were still far behind shanks level as he already learned haki. Moreover, shanks is the same generation as you while luffy is generation below you." Said izumi seriously.

Buggy grit his teeth in anger. He never accept that someone like him is lower than shanks. But his eyes lit up when he saw nami approaching izumi. He immediately split his both hand to attack nami.

Izumi raised his brow and said "Don't you dare shitty clown!" Izumi immediately disappear with his magic and teleport behind buggy with concentrate lightning around his right hand with chirping sound of many birds. And izumi thrust it to buggy.

*bang* *bang*

Loud crashing sound was heard as buggy thrown into the building. Buggy couldn't react when he use his devil fruit ability to stab nami. This displayed how strong izumi Rules of the Area space magic it is, to be able teleport at will as long as he within the area of his magic.

Luffy look at him with his shining eyes, then he say "Amaziiing"

But then izumi say to him. "Go take care of buggy, he is not dead yet. I'm gonna find something useful at his base."

"Got it." Then luffy went to buggy was thrown into.

"Do you want to come?" izumi asked nami.

"Alright, the treasure was robbed by you, wasn't it?" Asked nami.

"But don't flirt with me okay. I have someone I like."

"WHO WANT TO FLIRT WITH BASTARD LIKE YOU!!" nami shouted in annoyance

"Tch, not fun. a young lady like you will get wrinkles in early age because always angry." Then izumi went away ignoring nami while nami angrily grit her teeth.

"This guy, I swear I will beat him if I have a chance!!" nami murmured