Taka no Me no Mihawk

After spend the night at uninhabited island, they have to continue their journey, so they bid farewell to fizzy old man. Moreover, izumi had gotten a devil fruit even though he didn't know it's ability. Izumi requested luffy about going to Baratie restaurant, and he added that they might get a new crew.

If they went to arlong park first, they might not be able to meet sanji. It's hard to get a cook for straw hat pirate. Izumi doesn't know who will be a cook if they miss sanji.

The ship sailing about few hours. When they finally saw Baratie restaurant, a marine ship passing by next to their ship because that ship was faster than merry go.

The marine who wore gauntlet saw the pirate's flag, so he ordered his subordinate to fire a cannon at the pirate ship. Luffy reacted to stop the cannon, but only make a cannon ball change it's direction.


"Hahahaha." Izumi laughing at what luffy has done.

"This idiot made a ruckus once more."

"I won't give my gold to compensate him."

"What should we do?"

Zoro, nami, and usopp covering their face while sighing.

Luffy immediately jumping at the crashed location. while the other decided to eat the meal at the restaurant.

When they enter, they saw sanji beating the marine with gauntlet on his hand and throw him out from the restaurant.

Izumi and the other sit down on the empty seat. Izumi call sanji to order something. Sanji look toward the group, he immediately mesmerized by nami then run toward her with flower in his hand which appears out of nowhere.

They spent sometime in the restaurant while waiting luffy. Then, someone slam the door open. It's a man with full body armor, by the look of his face, he is starving and feel like he losing his strength. That man begged for food, but it seem no one want to serve him since he was known as ruthless pirate, Don Krieg. The head chef, Zeff, offered the food and made him go.

Not only Don Krieg said thanks, but he even want to take over Baratie after don krieg and his crew ate the food given by head chef. Izumi, luffy, nami, zoro, usopp, and sanji were ready to fight them as they standing side by side.

But before they could do that...

*slash* *boom*

Krieg pirate ship was split into two by sword slash.

All of people who saw it were dumbfounded.

"So powerful." luffy was surprised.

"That was incredible sword slash. Is that man is your target, zoro?" said izumi.

"That's right, Taka no me no Mihawk. The strongest swordsman in this world." zoro saod with raising his eyebrows.

"Dracule Mihawk, one of Seven Lords of The Sea. His level is beyond monster. I don't know how many hundreds million of berry if he has a bounty. Or he might has more than a billion." explained izumi calmly.

"Bi-bi-billions?" Nami was so scared when she heard if Mihawk has bounty.

"Ho-how could such powerful man coming here?" ask usopp with trembling.

After Mihawk took care of Don Krieg crew, Zoro jump toward Mihawk place and says. "Taka no Me, I want to challenge you!" then zoro pointing his sword forward.

"Zoro." Luffy, nami, and usopp were surprised.

"This is the fight between swordsman. so don't interfere." said izumi.

Mihawk look at zoro who use three sword, then ask. "Do you the difference between us?"

"I know." replied zoro.

Then Mihawk pull out cross pendant, then sheath it. It seem the pendant was a knife. He calmly face zoro with that tiny knife.

"What do you mean by using that knife?" zoro said with annoyance.

"Isn't it clear, you are not my level, so using this knife is enough."

"You dare to look down on me. haaaah." then zoro move forward in flash. He slash with his three swords. But.


Those three sword stopped by little knife woth ease. Zoro step back and rush once again using third sword style technique. But now, Mihawk also make a move.


Blood spurted from zoro's body and he fell on the knee. He try to stand up and rush to Mihawk once again, but this time he fell down.

"Give up, or you will die." said Mihawk.

"I'm not going to give up." said zoro, and he stood up with difficulty.

"Why are you trying so hard?" asked Mihawk curiously.

"Because of my promise. To be number one swordsman in the world. In order to do that, I need to defeat you."

"Admirable willpower. Then let me ask your name."

"Roronoa Zoro"

Both of them are ready, then they make a move at the same time.


Blood spurted and zoro fell down with his blood flow out from his body. Suddenly izumi appeared beside zoro then teleport together.

"Nami, I leave him to you." then izumi disappear in flash and appear in front of Mihawk.

"Sir Mihawk. I need your guidance." Said izumi as he took out twin daggers from his storage space.

All of people around know how powerful Mihawk is. But even after zoro defeat, there still someone dare to challenge Mihawk once more. Even luffy and his crew were shocked.

"What do you want from me kid?" asked Mihawk.

"Haki." Izumi replied shortly.

"Hooo, You want to learn haki? Why?"

"This world is full of powerful people, if I can't get stronger, I wont be able to protect my friends, my family, and my dear one." said izumi seriously.

"Then let me see your determination."

Mihawk move made izumi felt the danger so he teleported and stood up on the water surface. All of them even Mihawk dumbfounded except luffy, and nami.

"He can standing on the water?"

"How did he do that?"

"That's amazing technique."

"What technique is that?"

All people who watch the fight talking each other.

"You have mysterious ability, kid." said Mihawk.

"Lightning Chakra Mode." Izumi immediately gather his chakra all over to his body. then his body covered by electric sparks. Mihawk lit up his eyebrows as he never seen this kind of technique.

Izumi teleported behind Mihawk and slash his daggers which imbued by wind element. Added with Lightning Chakra Mode, his speed, attack, and defense become double.


Surprisingly Mihawk could react. Izumi step back few meters away from him. Izumi frown.

"Kenbunshoku Haki?" asked izumi.

"Oh, it seem you understand about the haki, kid." Mihawk was surprised by izumi which seems to know about haki.

"From what I know, you can use Busoshoku Haki to enhance your weapon. Didn't expect you can use another Haki." From what izumi observation, his reaction speed must be Kenbunshoku Haki, Which allow him to sense izumi teleportation.

"Interesting, it seem I need to increase my power a little bit." said Mihawk.

"Raiton: Hebi ikazuchi" Izumi form hand seal and lightning snake manifested then attacking Mihawk. But Mihawk just slash it without difficulty. Izumi click his tongue. Suddenly Mihawk already in front of him and stab his knife toward izumi heart. Izumi could barely dodge but still scratch his left hand. Izumi teleported again.

"Fuuton: Shinkuujin." Izumi infused wind chakra to his daggers.

"Kujaku senpuu" When izumi almost release Peacock Whirlwind technique, he teleport in front of Mihawk. Mihawk parry izumi's attack.

"Kaze no Yaiba." izumi add another attack but Mihawk just slash his knife down. It's too late for izumi to react as the blood spurted from his body. He staggered back while holding his wound.

'Too strong. My attack can't get through. What should I do now?' thought izumi while looking at his wound. izumi take a deep breath, then attacking Mihawk once again. He teleport around Mihawk for few times then stab him. Mihawk thrust his knife toward his face, his heart beating faster and he move his head subconsciously. Izumi's left hand slash at Mihawk shoulder which got parried. Mihawk stab him to izumi stomach and chest several times, he step back to avoid but it seem Mihawk was faster. The stab was not too deep but still hurt so much. Izumi's head become dizzy and fall on the wrecked deck. It looks like he lost a lot of blood.