Fighting in Arlong Park

Since luffy paid off his debt by defeating Don Krieg, he decided to continue his adventure with his crew and zoro condition also getting better after treatment. And the next destination is arlong park. In order to freed nami's village, he need to defeat arlong, or kill him would be better. Sanji who heard luffy want to save cocoyasi village, nami's hometown from arlong cruelty can't stand aside.

"I'm going too, take me with you." said sanji. Everyone look at him.

"I might as well sail with you on your quest to become king of the pirates. We both have foolish dreams, so I'll chase mine, too." After sanji heard what zeff said to luffy, he decided to follow luffy in order to see any of chef in the world dreams, which is All Blue. The place where all fish gathered from the sea of east, south, west, and north.

Sanji know very well that each of sea are separated by grand line and red line. Normally it's impossible to have a place where all 4 seas connected to each other. But there's belief that All Blue is real.

Luffy and his crew are still speechless while izumi just smile at him.

"You got yourself a cook. Okay? Not okay?" added sanji.

"Okay!!! Horray!!!!" Then luffy shout happily after sanji offered himself to become his crew.

Sometimes later.

Everything is ready, Izumi, luffy, and the others already on the ship, waiting new member to come. Sanji walked toward Merry go. Then he suddenly turn around and kneel.

"Chef Zeff!!!! All of these years I lived under your crap roof, I owe you my life!!! I will never forget you!!" Sanji said with loud voice and sobbing as he bid farewell to all people from Baratie restaurant.

"Alright everyone. Let's go!!!" And the ship went away with Izumi, luffy, and straw hat crew.

2 days had passed.

"So this is arlong park?" Said luffy

"Yes, be careful luffy, they are strong." nami said with worries.

"How about I'm greeting him?"

"Yeah, greeting is just fine. hihihi."

Seems like both Izumi and zoro have mutual opinion. Izumi take out his daggers and use Vacuum blade ninjutsu while zoro use his three style sword technique to blast the wall which make commotion.

"Everyone, let's fight. Nami, you should hide first." said izumi.

"Oooooooo" Luffy seem enthusiastic

"Eh, me too? No no no, no way!!" Meanwhile usopp was surprised when he included in the fight. But izumi, luffy, zoro, and sanji ignore usopp as the went inside arlong park. When they got inside, several fishman with arlong greet them.

"Zoro, are your body alright?" asked izumi.

"Heh, I'm the one who should said that." zoro rebuked with smile.

"Who are you bastard? How dare you to make ru---" *bang*

One of fishman got punched by izumi and flew toward building. Luffy, without asking anything directly attacks arlong. While izumi, zoro, and sanji clearing all low level subordinates.

"This fucking lowly humans. Kuroobi, Hatchan, Chew. Take care of them." arlong was enraged and begin to counter attack as he ordered his officers to attack izumi, zoro, and sanji.

"Usopp, help sanji to deal with that thick lips, zoro you take care the octopus, I'll deal the last one!" Izumi shout at usopp who hid behind the wall. although he is the weakest guy in the crew, his sniping still top notch. Chew, the blue skinned guy with thick lips is very good at sniping, so usopp should be help in long range attack while sanji deal in close range. Hatchan has 6 arms and good with swordsmanship, so izumi let zoro to take care of him. Izumi didn't know much about Kuroobi except he's good with martial art named fishman karate.

When izumi fighting against Kuroobi, he also keep an eye to the others especially luffy as he want to prevent them fall down to the water. Izumi can't let the fishman get into the water too. If those fishman dives deep down into the water, his lightning ninjutsu might not be able to reach them.

Izumi takes few steps back and stand on the water surface. The fishman were dumbfounded by that as they didn't expect any human could stand on the water.

'This Kuroobi's body is a bit tough. Let's try my new technique.' Fire ninjutsu might be best against those fish on the land, but it will drain more chakra because his chakra nature is not fire.

Suddenly izumi palm let out a bright light.

"Ha" izumi shout and the light on his palm shot towards Kuroobi which penetrate his stomach. Kuroobi who was only defended with his body bounced back and crashed into the building with blood on his stomach. He growling in pain while holding his stomach.

What izumi just performed was Ki Blast he recently learned. He still couldn't control the output power and made him lose half of his energy. The others stop their fighting and looking at izumi in shock.

"Why are you guys stop?" said izumi. Izumi teleport in front of kuroobi as he take out his daggers and stab his head and heart at the same time.

Arlong look at his officer who was killed by izumi, he enraged and attacks luffy furiously. Izumi feel that arlong want to throw luffy to the water so he teleport right away. And as he was expected, luffy kicked straight to izumi who stand on the water. Izumi couldn't let luffy fell into the water so he kicked luffy back to the ground.

"Luffy, don't let him throw you into the water" shouted izumi.

"Thanks." Since luffy's body was rubber, ordinary physical strength won't affect him, so luffy didn't feel pain from izumi kick.

'Damn, that guy is so smart. He won't let anyone fall or dive into the water.' Those fishman thought inwardly.

"Hatchan, Chew. Finish them off and take care that black haired guy!" Arlong shout to his remaining officers. Then Hatchan and Chew furiously attacks zoro, sanji, and usopp.

'Should I help them?' Izumi thought but then reject that idea. They need to know there are lot of powerful people out there. And this is the chance for them to increase their fighting prowess.

Arlong who had became serious use his weapon now. That weapon look like a saw with huge teeth. Luffy has immunity towards physical attack and blunt, but he could hurt if it's sharp attack or sharp weapon. Also, since his body was rubber, he might has weakness with fire.

Zoro, sanji, and usopp who fought against hatchan and chew also on the losing side. Zoro still couldn't handle six sword style right now since his ability still in growth period. Meanwhile sanji kicks still not that strong enough to bring down chew, and usopp ability still limited. Izumi thought that usopp should be more creative in using his slingshot, like shooting poison ball or something with more deadly attack.

All of luffy crew have more potential, but they doesn't even try to think about it right now. Well, it's understandable because they thought it was fun adventuring the grand line.

'How to get a bounty 80 million berry?' Izumi thought about the quest. It's very hard to get that much bounty unless you were considered as dangerous being to world government. Izumi might powerful, but he still couldn't take down any of logia devil fruit user.

'Hmmm, was devil fruit user weak if he was drown in the ordinary water, or need sea water?' Izumi didn't know what happened if devil fruit user drown in river or the sea has similar effect. If it's similar, then he might be able to take down any logia user except the one who has Haki, since Haki user could just avoid the technique.

'Might try that water ninjutsu to luffy later.' Thought izumi in his mind. Then he look at the battle which about to end.