The Defeated Smoker

"Damn, these marines are endless. At this rate they will wear us out." the blonde man complained with the marines who comes at him.

"Why luffy, izumi and zoro aren't here yet, sanji?"

"Don't ask me. We should think how to deal with them."

Both of them are sanji and usopp. They are waiting luffy and the others because if they are late, they won't be able to get out from loguetown. When they think hiw to get out of the difficult situation, suddenly...

"Gomu gomu no gatling gun."

"Santoryuu: Onigiri."

Both luffy and zoro wipe out the encirclement which trapping sanji and usopp.

"Luffy, zoro, sanji, usopp. Hurry up to the ship." Nami shouted at them.

"Let's go."

"Ah." zoro nodded at luffy.

"Wait, where is izumi? He hasn't come yet." asked usopp.

"Leave him be, he has a way. Just believe him." said sanji.

"Gomu gomu no---"

Zoro, sanji, and usopp turn around and look at what luffy want to do.


"Could it be..."

"This guy is mad."

"--Rocket." Luffy blast them away with his move. They were thrown and fortunately landed on the sail of the ship. They want to beat up luffy right now, but their situation isn't good. So they decided to leave it for a time being.



"Since straw hat leaving this town, then I need to take care my other business. Goodbye. Kid, let me know your name." Said dragon after he saw straw hat ship went away.

"Izumi, that's my name."

"Dragon, why do you want straw hat go?" Smoker asked in doubt when he heard that he want to go after straw hat getting away.

"Alright, I'll remember that. Good luck." Then dragon disappear from their view as he ignored smoker.

"Damn dragon." smoker grit his teeth as he saw dragon disappearing figure. Then he look at izumi and ask.

"Hey kid, your name is izumi?"

"That's right captain smoker. Also, since straw hat got 30 million bounty, you should give me bounty too. Hmm, let see.... Maybe three times of that straw hat bounty would be good, right?" izumi said playfully.

"That would be impossible." smoker deny him.

"Why?" izumi tilt his head.

"Because you're about to get arrested." suddenly the smoke surround izumi at fast speed. Izumi perform hand seals when he saw smoker about to do something. A lump of smoke binding izumi. Then...


Izumi's body dispersed into a smoke, then he appears in different place.

Smoker was dumbfounded with his eyes popped up.

"How did he??"

"Captain smoker, do you know why I did save straw hat?"

Smoker raises his brows and ask. "Why?"

"You should know the lightning strike which just happened at town square. That means, even the this world was on his side to let him live."

Smoker was speechless as he heard izumi words.

Izumi perform Ram hand seal when smoker look distracted. "Suiton: Dai Bakusui Shouha"

Izumi spews out a massive amount of water, covering an entire area with crushing waves. Then turn into gigantic water prison. Smoker trapped in the middle of the technique, and as devil fruit user, he lost his strength instantly. He used Kawarimi no Jutsu and told him something to distract smoker train of thought, so izumi could perform gigantic water prison without too much trouble.


The other marines and Tashigi were near the battlefield of smoker and izumi. So, when izumi released Dai Bakusui Shouha, several marines get caught by gigantic water prison.



"What is that?"

"That's from direction where captain smoker has been fighting."

Several people talked each other as sudden phenomenon.

Tashigi look at gigantic water prison for a while. Then she instantly realized something bad happened to her captain, smoker. She know smoker, as logia user is impossible to make this unless smoker want to die. She start to run toward the direction of the battle.


Izumi who has been in the water in 5 minutes look at unconscious smoker. In the water, izumi could hold his breath more or less 10 minutes.

Izumi doesn't want to kill him, but he is troublesome. His personality to disgust the world government is it why izumi want to keep him alive. So izumi thought of slightly injuring him.

'Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu' Izumi performed hand seals and form powerful water torrent toward smoker.

After izumi feel smoker won't be able to fight back even he regain his consciousness, izumi dispersed the gigantic water prison into waves. Little by little, the water is gone and izumi stood silently in front of unconscious smoker.

Suddenly he heard someone step, and it seem Tashigi come alone. Tashigi raise her sword after she saw izumi stood in front of smoker.

Izumi just chuckle at her when he saw her so wary about him.

"What's so funny?" Tashigi asked furiously.

"Calm down girl. Smoker isn't dead yet."

"G-g-girl!?? Are you just want to mocking at me?"

Izumi move his index finger to left and right side repeatedly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You're wrong. I just asked smoker to give me a bounty price with thrice of straw hat wanted bounty. But he didn't grant my request and instead want to arrest me. So I just beat him. He won't listen a pirate like me anyway." Izumi shrugged his shoulders.

"Pirate??" Tashigi dumbfounded, she couldn't believe unknown pirate capable taking down logia devil fruit user. Moreover in east blue, not grand line.

"Well then, tell smoker to give me bounty price. May we meet again" then izumi performing seal of confrontation which look like half tiger/ram hand seal.

"Hiraishin no Jutsu"

After that, Izumi figures was nowhere to be seen.

Tashigi waiting for a minute the she sigh in relief. She could feel the guy who was here was so strong that could take her down instantly. Also, what did he had performed made her shudder, as he just like a guy who can come and go as he please. She wondered if that person also devil fruit user.


"Hufft." Izumi teleported next to luffy since he marked luffy's back with Hiraishin formula when he save him.

"Izumi." Luffy and the others surprised as he suddenly appears next to luffy. They began to surround him. And asked him couple of questions.

"Wait wait wait... I'll tell you everything okay. First we need to get out of this storm first" said izumi as he look at the surrounding.


Within loguetown marine headquarter.

"Cough, cough." smoker regains his consciousness after the help of several doctors.

"Captain smoker." a woman with glasses asked him worriedly.

"Tashigi, huh? How about the pirates?" asked smoker.

"I'm sorry captain. When the huge water dome dispersed, it produces a wave which let Buggy Pirate escape." said tashigi.

Smoker get out from the bed.

"We need to report the headquarter. There's an unknown pirate which powerful enough to take down any devil fruit user. Did you saw him tashigi?" Smoker wondered if that guy lost his strength after performed such powerful technique.

"Yes captain, he seem waiting for me to give you message from him. After that, he disappear." remembering what happened before made her chill.

"Disappear? What do you mean? Also what message?" Smoker look at her fiercely. Tashigi could feel that her captain is furious right now.

"He said "give me a bounty price, may we meet again" like that. Also I don't know what happened, but before he disappear, I saw his hand moves like this." then tashigi imitated the seal of confrontation performed by izumi.

Smoker begin to think deeply. Then his eyes lit up.

"That is a ninja's hand seal. He must be someone from Wano Country. But, that water dome technique. I never heard someone from Wano country able to do that. Since he want a bounty price so badly, I'll give him.

Tashigi, contact headquarter right now. Also, we're going to chase him and straw hat pirate. I feel that ninja are straw hat crew."

"Yes, captain." Tashigi went out instantly.

"This damn ninja kid, he even disdain to kill me. I swear I'm going to catch him." said smoker.